Is it normal to think people can read your mind?

For some reason I am deathly afraid that people can read my mind. I feel like I have to monitor what I think about around certain people because I'm afraid they will be able to read my mind. I don't know why but it just scares my so much. Is it normal??

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50% Normal
Based on 34 votes (17 yes)
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Comments ( 20 )
  • Marshes

    I feel the exact same thing! Sometimes it feels like my thoughts are sort of projected into whatever room i'm in and I get freaked out even though I know it can't really be happening.

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  • mathewdavis133

    This happens to me too. It drives me insane to think that I think that other people can read my mind.

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  • Countess_Kittycat

    Nope, that's paranoid behavior. Musing about it is normal, but if you start to actually believe or intensely fear it even if you don't believe it (which seems to be the case), it becomes pathological. I believe you should look for a therapist and/or a psychiatrist.

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  • Normal as a fleeting thought, but as a paranoia no. If you show your emotions on your face a lot, then more intuitive people may be able to tell what you're thinking sometimes.

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  • Djed

    Completely normal. Everyone at some point in their life wonders if others can read their mind. But of course no one can invasively read your thoughts. I went through this when I was younger. Especially when I was a child I thought the kids at school and the teachers could read my mind and it was a conspiracy against me. I grew out of it. I learned to imagine others should be afraid because I can read their mind and projected that thought at them when I suspected they were reading my mind. Sounds silly but it worked for me. An old song captures the feeling quite well and in a slightly humorous way, it's called "Somebody's Watching Me" by Rockwell. Has a Michael Jackson-esque sound.

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  • neverundersdoot

    Some people do have the ability to read minds, some can even manipulate them. In fact, I know 1 who already cought my thought, and expirienced the manipulation in a nasty way.

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  • Smithers


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  • mia500

    People can read your expression and body mannerisms really easily, but can't think your thoughts. But because people can tell things by looking at you, you should keep your thoughts clear

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  • paramore93

    The fact that you are questioning it is a good thing .. if you 100% believed this, then you would not be questioning whether it was normal .. it's just paranoia, happens to more people than you'd think

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  • RoseIsabella

    It's not normal to believe that others can read your mind, but I do think it's normal that one might fear that one's facial expressions and body language might give away one's thoughts and feelings.

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  • Spyman

    One in every 500 people can read my mind. When they become aware of my thoughts, they shiver and stop listening real fast.

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  • Nickvey

    no one can read your mind, they can however predict almost anything about you . they always could

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    • People can't really predict things about me... trust me.

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  • drbre

    Are you convinced about it, or is it more of an obsessive thought?

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    • It like I'm afraid people can but I don't actually think people can.

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      • drbre

        Then it sounds like an paranoid obessive thought rather than a paranoid delusion - do you have other obessive thoughts or anxiety problems?

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        • Well, I similarly feel like there are cameras in my house and people are watching me.

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          • drbre

            If you don't belivie it, how do you feel it?

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            • It's like I no people can't but I'm afraid if they could.

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  • I often feel people reading my mind but I no longer care.

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