Is it normal to think religion and science are the same thing?

I honestly think that its ignorant for people to think that science differs from spirituality and vice-versa. Even though some of the most prominent scientists in history (including Charles Darwin himself) actually did believe in some form of higher power. While at the same time, religious followers can't admit the fact that science is actually trying to prove the things that they believe in so that we can all see the same "light" that they do.
Opinions on specific details might differ but how abnormal is the bigger picture, where science and spirituality are really the same thing?

They are the same thing 7
Religion is correct 5
Science is correct 22
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Comments ( 7 )
  • green_boogers

    Science is the only non-subjective truth.

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    • Stamex

      Depending on your philosophical standing on truth, Like being a realist or non-realist. Truth, scientifically, could be subjective.
      But yeah, big huzzah for science.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    religions bout askin why

    sciences bout askin how

    beware any jackass tryin to blur that simple difference

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  • Ellenna

    What gives you the idea science (which branch and which scientists??) is trying to prove religion? How stupid are you that you don't 'know the difference between rational investigation of facts and blind faith?

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  • thegypsysailor

    Religion is the opiate of the masses and the biggest sin of mankind. It has no basis in fact or reality and has no connection to intellectual and practical activity. It is brainwashing, pure and simple.
    Science is the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment. How is this similar in any way to a 'spiritual' experience?

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  • Couman

    I get what you're saying to some extent, they're both ways people attempt to seek the truth. But the approach is very different. Science is always challenging itself, and looking for new answers (ideally at least), where as religion usually comes up with one answer and than sticks with it for ages no matter how much evidence to the contrary presents itself.

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  • Dread-pool

    they sort of are. scientists worship charles darwin and put more faith in his unproven theories than any god.

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