Is it normal to think religion is a load of crap??

I go to a Catholic girls school and I've been going there for 2 years. When I started, I considered the possibility of a god and Jesus and all that stuff, but I've decided, after learning more about Christianity and other religions, that all religion is a load of tosh and isn't at all plausible. Especially things like 'there is a man all around us all the time who created everything and knows everything you do even before you do it and he had a son who was born from a virgin who performed miracles and rose from the dead and then ascended into hevan and sits at the right hand of god' I just think its stupid. So, basiclly, is it normal to think things like this and every time someone starts going on about how god saved them or helped them win something I feel like slapping them and telling them its all crap and none of it is real???

Voting Results
83% Normal
Based on 131 votes (109 yes)
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Comments ( 37 )
  • Lynxikat

    Oh my GOD, really, ANOTHER "IIN that that I'm atheist/think religion is a piece of crap" post??

    These are beginning to get more common than the "IIN that I'm a virgin at [insert age here]" posts and the "IIN that I've never had a bf/gf at [insert age here]" posts.

    YES, it's NORMAL to think religion sucks. It's NORMAL to be an atheist. So can we PLEASE stop having all of these posts that ask the same flipping questions?

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  • Wüstenfuchs

    You've done the worst thing you could possibly do with religion: thought about it. Second worst thing you could do is read the bible. Gawh.

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    • Dad

      I agree.
      I also thumbed you up from -1
      Ironically religious people always get very emotional about these subjects.
      Keep your judgement in the church I say. Normal people are speaking now :D

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      • Wüstenfuchs

        You saved my rating! Hero. :D

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    • natdrum

      The only reason to read the bible is so you could see how fucking stupid it is

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  • kgirl89

    You obviously don't think religion is crap because Atheism is a religion.

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    • natdrum

      Nope. Theism means the abundance of religion whereas atheism means the lack of religion.

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    • Ellenna

      It's not you know, don't you have a dictionary?

      It means the exact opposite to having a religion, how could you not know that?

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  • anti-hero

    Tell it to the nuns sister.

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  • FocoUS

    Normal to be an atheist
    Not normal to slap a priest.

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    • nightmare28

      What if you find out the priest have been cheating on you with another boy?

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      • Short&2thepoint


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  • FreDraken

    It's a little odd at your age to feel that you're a such a towering intellect that you can logically invalidate the beliefs of so many gifted thinkers over the last two thousand years. The vast majority of them were not atheists.

    So if you were absolutely sure you could get away with it and you were alone out in the woods with someone you hated, would you kill them?

    If not, then why? And where did these feelings come from?

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    • Ellenna

      Oh so that old myth, that atheists have no morality and would kill if they could get away with it?

      Which great thinkers are you referring to who weren't atheists? There have been plenty of those who WERE atheists, in spite of the myths they all convert on their deathbeds and plenty still alive.

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  • Riddler

    I was raised Christian and I never understood how people think they were saved either. If there is a god I don't think there is a way for US to communicate with him/her if hes really as magnificent as they say. I also found the fact people say "Something good happened because god" annoying. Especially when great stuff happens to the most deserving people and they say it was gods will. If this is all gods will god must hate me since I have had the shittiest luck and I always try to be a good person since I was a little kid and still get fucked over.

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    • Ellenna

      You know what I hate? When some calamity happens to an individual or a group, religious people will say they're praying for them and ask others to do so as well.

      If god already knows what's going to happen what's the point of that? If prayer did any good except to make the person praying wrongly think they're improving the situation for others, how do they choose who to pray for?

      Why don't they just pray every day for everyone else in the world and be done with it, why choose who to pray for?

      If god exists, s/he/it would know in advance who his/her/its followers were going to pray for and would keep a tally to decide who to look after - how pointless is that?

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      • Riddler

        Well its clear you dont understand how prey is suppose to work. If you prey to god he might answer your preys but if you do not acknowledge he exists he wont help you. All you have to do is believe. This is how the belief works. So I hope this clears up any confusion you might have had. Being raised as a Christian I should at least know the basics.

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        • Ellenna

          I too was raised christian. What's the point if all you know is that h/she/it "might" answer your prayers? h/she/it NEVER answered ANY of my prayers when I did sincerely believe, which was one of the reasons I stopped believing.

          I don't have any confusion, but I think you do my friend

          Maybe you can explain to me why people pray for someone who's died? Surely if you believe in god, he/she/it has already made the decision about where the person's soul is to go after death, or does he/she/it wait to see how many people pray for the dead person and how often before deciding? I'm very confused about how anyone can believe that, especially as the christian god is supposed to know in advance what's going to happen, so why bother praying for the dead?

          If you believe in prayer I can sort of see the point of praying for the bereaved, but why pray for the deceased?

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          • Riddler

            This is not a confusion this is simply how religion presents its suppose to work. If you do not agree with it is another matter. A lot of times people pray to god asking him to take care of them, or prey hoping the message will get to the dead people who they believe are now with god. If you agree with does not change how religion works. People pray because they care. I know you probably lack the ability to understand caring for other people but some people do. When religious people do they often pray.

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            • Ellenna

              I can assure you that I don't lack the ability to understand caring for other people, I've been doing so all my adult life and it's very insulting of you to suggest otherwise, but I guess symptomatic of religious people that they think they have a monopoly on morality - I have news for you, you don't, it existed long before christianity was made up and still exists for people with no belief whatsoever in your imaginary friend in the sky.

              Most of your post doesn't actually make sense gramatically or logically: I'm so glad you've learned how to spell pray, possibly from reading my atheistic godless posts?

              I already know religious people pray, I just don't understand why they bother if god already knows everything that's going to happen anyway. If you're prepared to admit it's because it makes the person praying feel better, which is entirely selfish, I could see the point of it.

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  • KeddersPrincess

    Well, sounds to me like you're just atheist. Lot's of people are. Wouldn't call it abnormal.

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  • Dad

    I mean normal.
    Glad to hear the younger generation are getting to the truth.

    Now remember, according to 'them', you love this common dead man (jesus) more than your only family or any love ones in your life, including your own children one day!
    I say get out whilst you still can. These 'catholics' are known to be the worst.

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  • Ellenna

    How wonderful to see someone so young questioning the bs the church tries to brainwash people with!

    I only just noticed how old this thread is - I'm hoping you've got away from the church by now and are living a life according to your intellect and not the fear it's tried to control you with

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  • 1badassog&AA

    Religions are control devises and soon everyone will know this. Flags, borders, races, genders, Democrats, Rep, bla bla bla. Its all part of the same old divide and conquer game and it sucks that it still works on so many. We are all "One" Beautiful Love" because thats all there is! Love to you my little sister shine on.

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  • TheMightyOz

    A quick road to power is to high jack religion. You can kill people over disputes about what happens after death and fail to see the irony in that.

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  • Hussainthemvp

    You can beleive what you want but do respect in your language

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  • Is it normal, as in is it average, as in is it the most common? No. You are in the minority, most people in the world today believe in god/gods, spirits, afterlife, good/evil and things that would fit the broad definition of religion; also more people in world history. That's not to say there has never been atheists in world history, it is however a more novel moment over the theism.

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    • Ellenna

      It's becoming more and more common for people to not believe in imaginary friends in the sky, imaginary ghosts and so on, but it does not mean we don't believe in the concept of good and evil

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  • kyanviado

    Is it normal to think religion is full of crap? Yes
    Do you follow a religion?
    Yes- atheist

    Change schools or deal with it until you get out! Slapping people because of their beliefs is usually frowned upon and is usually called assault. The question which must be answered is how would you feel if people told you that your beliefs are full of shit. How would you feel being slapped because if you disbelief in the catholic or Christian belief system

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    • Ellenna

      Atheism is NOT A RELIGION, it's the exact opposite

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  • Anime7

    Some people's religious zeal can be very annoying.

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  • Wolfgang_Amadeus_Mozart

    Great stuff, you're starting to see the light! Religion is false and fiction. Science is knowledge and facts. This is in no way abnormal, as I also share the same views as you.

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  • prasatko

    Normal. If you want to see that you are not alone with these thoughts, I suggest reading for example:
    Richard Dawkins - God Delusion
    Christopher Hitchens - God Is Not Great
    Bertrand Russell - essay Why I Am Not a Christian, and his other essays on religion

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    • mightymouse

      There are also many eye opening documentaries:

      Excellent Documentaries:
      Selling God

      Documentaries with Richard Dawkins:
      Growing Up in the Universe (1991)
      Break the Science Barrier (1996)
      The Root of All Evil? (2006)
      The Enemies of Reason (2007)

      | mightymouse |

      ps: It is highly unlikely that an actual literal Hell exists.

      A place of torment for ALL humans who do not believe in Christ, where they will be in constant pain and suffering for ALL time.

      It would take an unreasonable, illogical, unloving, malevolent, vindictive, vengeful, sadistic, and evil God to allow for such a situation.

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      • Ellenna

        Thanks for the references, I couldn't think of them this early in the morning

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