Is it normal to think religion is a load of malarkey?
Sorry, but I just had to submit another post about religion being stupid. I fancied it up a bit. Instead of "...think religion is stupid, dumb, load of crap, etc., I used "malarkey" instead.
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Sorry, but I just had to submit another post about religion being stupid. I fancied it up a bit. Instead of "...think religion is stupid, dumb, load of crap, etc., I used "malarkey" instead.
Keyword, THINK....... Nobody gives two fucks about your ignorant conclusion
There are some truths in every religion. There are some truths among many people who are not religious. There are many falsehoods in every religion and there are many falsehoods among people who are not religious.
Well considering it's one of the biggest causes of war, who's the stupid one?
Except that it isn't.
The Encyclopedia of Wars lists a total of 123 wars which were fought for religious reasons. (Phillips, Charles and Alan Axelrod. Encyclopedia of Wars. New York: Facts on File, 2005.) Yet the list of wars fought totals 1,763. This means that only 6% of all wars have been fought for religious reasons. The other interesting thing to note is that over 1/2 of these "religous" wars were waged by Islamic nations. So by removing that single religion from the equation we have only 3 percent of the wars waged by all other religions combined! And even some of these are questionable as to whether the motive was really religious or secular. In the U.S. a country dominated by Christians, only 1% of all wars have been fought for religious reasons. Certainly, in light of the facts of history, religion can be held accountable for very few wars by percentage. In addition, religion is responsible for very few deaths when considered as a percentage.
So is there any truth to the claim that organized religion has caused more suffering, wars and violence than any other cause?
Short answer. No!
Which religion is responsible for the most suffering, violence and death? Actually, the ideology responsible for the most suffering, violence and deaths of innocents is that of atheism in the last Century. Some 40 million are attributed to Mao and another 20 million to Stalin (these are conservative estimates).
Wow you think religion is "malarkey"? Aren't you an edgy and enlightened person.
Knight Nigel Wellington XXI
Religion is a tool pointing to the source.Our faith and trust should not be in our religious tradition but in the God it points to. Religion should be honored and respected but not to be fought over. When Jesus said I came not to destroy the law and the prophets but to fulfill it. I believe he was saying I am not going to tear down your tradition,but I am going to show you where your tradition has been pointing to. "The God behind the tradition". I feel like let your tradion direct you to God don't let it become your God. Religion was developed by communities who had beleif in God and then developed their doctrine and tradition around their veiw or opinions. They have their inspiration and connection with God but they should not be valued the same as their faith in the God. God and tradition about God should be held at different standards. God should be considered God and religion should be considered tradition about God.
It's not cool anymore. Think about something else, otherwise your fancy word will be wasted on another pointless post.
Yup. Everyone with any sort of common sense pretty much feels the same way.