Is it normal to think religion is ridiculous

Jesus was not son of god. He is the first and most famous cult celebrity. The apostles were the first and most famous cult followers. Jesus was a faith healer.

yes. superstition only 54
no. completely rational 14
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Comments ( 16 )
  • NeuroNeptunian

    Some ass jumped out of formation to yell at a female here for talking about Christianity with her friend and to tell her that he is offended by her proclamation of her religion, to her friend.

    Instead of applauding him, even the other atheists here believe that he is an ass and that it was a dick move.

    The moral of the story is: It's normal to find religion ridiculous. However, it's important to respect that others have the right to their beliefs, especially when they aren't even fucking talking to you.

    I fuckin' hate that guy.

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  • Dot123

    Jesus was actually an alien hybrid. Virgin Mary was impregnated with an alien baby therefore alien hybrid.

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  • Sog

    You can believe whatever you want to believe.

    I just kindly ask for you not to be an asshole about it in the face of someone who might believe differently.

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  • Holzman_67

    man talks to someone no one can see he is crazy, man prays to someone no one can see he is religious

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  • thegypsysailor

    Religion is the opiate of the masses.

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  • thesugarbitch

    I think Religion is something used to comfort oneself. Like if the person is going through a hard time they reach towards Religion/God to ease them through a difficult situation/ numb their reality.

    My personal opinion on people who can't shut the fuck up about sinning and going to heaven are just really scared of death or the reality of nothingness that awaits them after death.

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  • PatrickZ

    Even believing in what you wrote down here can be called a religion. A religion is something you believe without proof and it can be anything. Therefor religion itself can never be rediculous, everybody is religious in one or another way because everybody has thoughts on this subject.

    Wether Jesus was the son of God or not, it doesn't really matter. For some people he is, for others he isn't and as long as you accept that from each other there's nothing to worry about.

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  • KingRabbit

    no, calling it ridiculous invites criticism on something that should be personal. the behavior of people on this topic is ridiculous, but not religion itself.

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  • RomeoDeMontague

    Someone not religious who thinks Jesus might have existed. I find this surprising. Though some do not believe Jesus was the son of god. The Jews for example believe in him but not that he was "Son of god" as the Christians/Catholics believe.

    If we look at this in a non spiritual view we could say maybe Jesus was just a very caring man that took care of people. There for people believed him to be holy or himself thought he was holy. That his exploits were all very exaggerated and built on over time.

    However if god, Jesus or any of this is real or not it still has a reasonably good message for the most part. This is the kind of stuff we should know NOT to do and should not need a book telling us.

    Though really we should not have to tell people not to rape and murder and this is why we have a law system. Every religion has a basic set up morals in which they follow. All religions have a different belief system and a different set of moral codes. If they hurt no one though I would say just leave it alone.

    I cant say the person writing most of them was really not intelligent but knew people need a guide. since most are not intelligent enough to govern them peacefully among a community. Without being given an outline of what we SHOULD and SHOULD NOT DO.

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    • SuperBenzid

      I don't know Jesus in the bible steals a donkey at one point, kills someone's livestock of pigs, encourages people to take up swords to fight their own family and destroys someone's fig tree. If he really existed I wouldn't call him a particularly caring guy or say he had a good message.

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  • Whether or not there are endless facts supporting the fallacies of any religion, it is never going to make someone with faith agree with you, it will only cause more anger and fighting. Arguing is ultimately useless when it comes to different spiritual beliefs. The beauty is that people can believe in whatever they want, whether someone else believes it is ridiculous should not matter, as long you do not harm others with your beliefs.

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  • SuperBenzid

    While I am an atheist, I don't know every religion so I can't say if they are all ridiculous.

    I will say that of the religious holy books I have read, I have been in awe that someone could believe these were the words of a supreme being. Such gems as the stars being lower than the moon or that salt water won't mix with fresh water are included in one holy book I read.

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    • o_0

      which one you read?

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      • SuperBenzid

        That was the Quran I was thinking of.
        It repeatedly says things such as:
        He Who created the seven heavens, one above the other ...
        And We have adorned the lowest heaven with lamps ... (67:3,5)

        It says the moon is in the middle of these heavens (71:15-16) making the stars lower than the moon.

        It also says in that same passage that the moon is a source of light when the moon only reflects light. There was an Arabic word for reflect used at the time so there is no excuse to use light the way they did.

        It is a pretty stupid book but it must be said that almost all the religious texts I have read feature similar errors. So it does not stand alone.

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        • GoraIntoDesiGals

          It also claims the sun sets in a pond of murky water after asking permission from Allah.
          Dodgy astronomy if you ask me.

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          • SuperBenzid

            At one point it states that there is a wall that spans two mountains that keeps a horde of demons on the other side. It specifically describes the wall in the cave surah and says it will stand until the end of time, meaning it must still be there. I have asked Muslims to tell me the location of this wall but to no avail.

            Considering there are satellites mapping the entire globe it should be very easy to find such a wall. But nope. You think they would be scrambling to find such a provable claim of their religion yet they don't look for it because somewhere deep down they know there is no wall and if they thought about it too much they would know their religion to be false.

            It's not just Muslims of course, they are just what came to mind.

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