Is it normal to think simple phones are better than smartphones?

When it comes to doing what a phone should be doing, a feature phones simply has a smartphone beat out.

Smartphone users are always gushing about how the newest model has a twelve hour battery life or something, like that's impressive. Feature phones only need to be charged a little more than once a week, and that's with moderate use and without having to look up how to disable functions you're not using.

Smartphones break easily. Even the supposedly durable ones just can't take a fall. My "old" feature phone has shrugged off countless falls on various surfaces. It was even stepped on by a horse without anything to show for it but some marks. No way a smartphone could take anything near that level of punishment. It's also been dropped in water with no problems. Sure, it's a trend in every field that newer products are less durable than older ones, especially these days when demanding that an expensive product be held to some sort of quality standard is considered "whining", but that doesn't mean we have to accept it.

Touchscreens are so imprecise compared to a physical keyboard. With keyboards, you don't ever have the problem of it thinking you hit a letter other than the one you wanted it to. People who use touchscreen keyboards a lot haven't actually gotten much better at typing, they've just lost touch with how often they're hitting backspace. Not to mention how much easier it is to type numbers and punctuation with keyboards and the lack of smudges.

It seems all the arguments for smartphones are, at best, tangential. Better for browsing the Internet? That's what my laptop is for, and unlike your shitty smartphone it can actually handle web plugins gracefully. I can connect through my phone's Wi-Fi if need be. And no, carrying a laptop is not a hassle, and to say that shows incredible laziness. Better cameras? The best phone camera is still terrible, so that's not something you can argue on. Although it's possible that, much like how earbuds have ruined this generation's perception of audio quality and left them unable to tell the difference between high quality and low quality audio files, a growing number of people are becoming blind to differences in quality of images. Casual games? Phone games suck and are only of interest to people who don't actually play games. The best phone games are just ports of classic real games, which says something.

Plus, smartphones have been making unacceptable steps back, actually being incapable of things that older phones could do. It wasn't until the 4S that the iPhone could even do a task as simple as copy and paste. And to be clear, yes, keyboard phones were able to do that when the iPhone came out. Of course, there was no shortage of other basic features the iPhone was lacking when it hit the market, like recording video, voice dialing, and so on. When Apple adds features that people who didn't jump on the bandwagon considered standard, its users rejoice. So Apple creates a problem then gets recognition for solving it. Sounds like Stockholm syndrome. Smartphone companies and their customers are happy to spearhead regression.

I had an iPhone and went back to feature phones when my two-year contract expired because the iPhone is an irredeemable piece of shit. Face it. Smartphones suck and are only popular because of consumer sheep who will buy any shiny thing a commercial tells them to with no regard for quality.

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63% Normal
Based on 57 votes (36 yes)
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Comments ( 12 )
  • Shackleford96

    Oh! I like you. I like you a lot. Let me come back to this post when I get off the toilet and back to my laptop where I can put some real effort into it...

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    • Shackleford96

      Ok, I wasn't joking. I really was on the crapper when I found your post. Lol.

      Secondly, I use a smartphone. Wait! Before you judge let me qualify myself a bit first, because I haven't always used one and I'm not your typical 'smart phone user' either. I don't text often, I don't play mobile games, I I got my first cell phone when I was about 15 or 16 years old. It was a Motorolla Razr and I payed for the phone myself. I kept that phone for about 4 or 5 years and took great care of it. It served me well, and now my dad uses it. I decided to get a new phone for several reasons. One was because I hated my service provider I had. Another was because I needed a way to access the internet through my laptop. Another reason was because I wanted my phone to be able to store ALL of my music.

      I found a good deal on Ebay and bought my phone with a broke screen and repaired it myself. The phone is factory unlocked and has a 32 GB storage capacity (which is above average for most I think). It is about half way full right now and I plan on filling it up with even more music.
      I have it jailbroke so that I can expand the functionality of it, but even so, there's still a myriad of restrictions/limitations that really shouldn't be.

      Some features that I think should be widely available are voice dictation (not Siri, but a functionality that Siri incorporates). Utilization of the infrared sensor to determine when to put the phone on Speakerphone would be a cool feature.

      It is absolutely ridiculous to me that we are still doing something so mundane and inefficient as manually typing on touchscreens.

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  • q25t

    About battery life: My smartphone when it's used as nothing but a normal phone has a battery that lasts longer than my older phones ever did, six or seven days.

    Doing what a phone should be doing? I'm going to assume texting is included. A phone needs to place calls and send messages. Fine. Most smartphones have apps that allow you to perform both of these via the Internet failing a strong enough signal. Smartphones also have spell-check, auto-correct (sometimes faulty), and occasionally even voice commands to send messages without even typing.

    Break easily? Well, no real argument there. I used to play cornhole (game in the US for those not familiar) with my phone with no ill effects. However, my smartphone hasn't broken either, mainly because I've actually been mildly careful with it.

    Quality standards? Consider the differences between your laptop and a smartphone. Less processing power and a smaller screen are the two largest differences with everything else squished into a little tiny piece of machinery that can fit into the palm of your hand. They also seem to break at a similar rate. I've had my phone for a few years with no ill effects and nothing breaking at all without even a case on it.

    Touchscreens are imprecise? A bit yeah but you can certainly get used to it and the customization of buttons certainly makes up for the difference. At this point with auto-correct in place I actually type nearly as fast on my phone as on an actual full-size keyboard. Touchscreens also let you select a certain portion of text easily and quickly, enables the use of more buttons and more descriptive buttons (if you have a QWERTY type, they won't have more than two things programmed to the q most likely).

    Better for browsing the Internet? Unbelievably so. It may just be me but if ever a topic is brought up that I want to know more about, I can pull up the wiki on the subject within literally 15 seconds. My laptop wouldn't even have my log-in page up yet.

    Carrying a laptop is a hassle. How exactly is it laziness to admit that carrying around something 11"x7"x1" is more of a pain than something that fits in a pocket? That's just common sense.

    Better cameras? If you're comparing current cameras compared to current phone cameras, then yes they are inferior. However, the first digital camera my family ever owned IIRC was 2 megapixel, exactly what my phone now has.

    Degradation of perceptions? Again, not really. In the past, we didn't have HD, now we do and there are legitimately people out there who don't like going backwards at all. Also, most every phone now supports lossless formats of songs, which coupled with higher quality headphones, will produce that 1% difference in perceptible quality that a large portion of the population legitimately CAN'T notice because of age and hearing damage.

    The games? Currently on my phone I have a full-scale MMORPG with about as good of graphics as the original WOW. I also have another RPG with considerably better graphics, online capabilites, and a storyline that actually has some depth to it. These were both "free" (micro transactions store). Also, you're simply not going to get people to pay $50 for a full-scale game released on their phone when gaming on a console or PC is immensely better. Also, with the variety of OS, game developers are not going to spend their time porting over full-scale games because the markets are simply not large enough to justify doing so.

    The lack of copy/paste functionality in the iPhone was a software issue, not hardware. Also, Apple is not the smartphone industry.

    Again Apple is not the only smartphone manufacturer out there. Most of the people I talk to that are tech literate have Android phones and are extremely happy with them. The only reason I have an iPhone is because it was completely free.

    As for consumer sheep, no arguments there. Don't condemn an entire industry just because you have issue with a single company's policies and products. Many people despise Apple.

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  • dinz

    I got a smartphone but keep a handy simple Nokia phone in the drawer for emergencies. I grew up with Nokia phones and I remember how reliable they are. However they do make rather useless smart phones but their low end phones are awesome.

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  • careucar123

    I think the smartphone will be better, because it has more functions.

    Launch scanner at Careucar.

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  • Karmasbitch

    I would like an older flip phone for a few different reasons.
    But I'm not too sure yet.
    Anyways, it's normal!

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  • dirtybirdy

    I am not a sheep.

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    • NotStrangeBird

      ...Wait...You're NOT a sheep? Darn.

      *Puts away Velcro gloves and hip-boots*

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      • dirtybirdy

        My loopiness does get me hooked on the stuff. True story.

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    • Darkoil

      No you are a bird.

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  • Darkoil

    Iphones are not smart phones they are just plain shit. Come back with the same arguement after you have used the galaxy s4.

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  • U.O.E.N.O.

    Benefits outweigh the risks U.O.E.N.O. it.

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