Is it normal to think that animals go to heaven?
I was told by my pastor that animals don't have souls. But I don't understand because why would humans, just another species of animal, go to heaven and the others wouldn't?
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I was told by my pastor that animals don't have souls. But I don't understand because why would humans, just another species of animal, go to heaven and the others wouldn't?
i couldnt imagine a heaven with out my pets. i dont think humans r superior to animals anyways dnt c y they wud if animals dont. n i agree with the comment above when i saw my dog dead u cud c his soul was gone and all that was left was his empty shell
When people don't have an answer, they make stuff up. It happens in both religion and science. Sometimes it's better just to admit you don't know.
Heaven is a christian term to make people feel better about themselves when they die.
Well. I think that if Heaven is real, animals will go, too.
I agree with Jessie.
Your pastor is wrong coz if you've ever seen your dead pet, you know their soul has gone - just as you know with a human. I don't think they could have different personalities without souls. Anyway, how could you be in 'heaven' without your pets around you? It's a comfort to many people to think that they will see the pets they love again, so he was a little thoughtless.
Everything has a soul, or at least an "energy" if you believe in heaven than that is where they go. I'm believe in everything ( plant life included) having a spirit/soul/energy but that's only my opinion.
It's not right for your pastor to dictate on what has a soul, if you felt a connection with your pet, then surely that is an answer enough for you?
I asked the same question to my father (Who has been a pastor for 40 years) after a family pet died when I was a little girl. The way he explained it to me is this. Animals do have souls, but unlike us, their souls cannot be saved, and therefore, they do not go to heaven upon death. There will be no animals in heaven.
It's biblical that animals (and plants) are on this Earth for man's purpose and usage. Neither plant or animal needs redemption to enter Heaven, therefore has no soul and will not be in Heaven with us. The only way to get to Heaven is through redemption. I had my dog euthanized a few months ago and not once did I suspect that his soul had left his body. Here is some reading that may help clarify. Genesis 1:26, Genesis 2: 16-17,
Genesis 9:3, Leviticus 1:2.
People, people the answer is simple here. Animals dont have souls because they cant contribute money to the church every Sunday. And humans have souls, and their souls are saved WHEN they contribute money every Sunday.
Enjoy hell you sinners.
Animals are living beings as are we.. If we go to heaven, then why wouldn't they??
I think your pastor talks shxx, why would God spand all the effort making these things on this earth, then take it all away, like "Sorry, no animals, no plants, trees, in fact fuxx all here"! NOT GONNA HAPPEN! I even think there will be no language barrier neither........Heaven will be wonderful!!!!! Animals will be there!
heaven is for all life. heaven is complete. plus the bible says nothing about no pets. they do have souls
heaven is for all life. It doesn't make sense to put restrictions or exceptions.
i spose they had to eat and who'd want to eat something with a soul. ew. animals to me are heaven itself ..but at a distance. especialyl the big cats :)
I think they do go to heaven. Animals are God's creatures. They are living things, so they have souls.
I have a friend that is a Methodist minister. She tells me that, according to them, heaven is complete, and includes pets.
My rabbi says I'm destined to have a condo in Gehinnom, so I'm pretty much screwed.
I don't buy that. If your friend is supposedly a Minister then he'd be aware of the following scriptures as well as others that suggest there will be no animals in Heaven
The "he" you refer to is a "she". Reading comprehension a little off?
Why are you involved in this conversation of that which you do not understand? All you want to know is if little boys are in heaven and are they available to you.
Little do you know your forwarding address will be a quite different place.
@aussiewolf Damn right! Fawk yeah for atheism!
I guess a heaven with pets is no more absurd than a heaven without pets though... just that both sound pretty unlikely to me.