Is it normal to think that cats are retarded ?
There is a book called "All Cat's have Asperger syndrome " ,and i think it's true , is it normal to think that cat's are retarded ?!
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There is a book called "All Cat's have Asperger syndrome " ,and i think it's true , is it normal to think that cat's are retarded ?!
How interesting, this actually is a real book. but it's purpose is not to make cats or people with aspergers seem "retarded."
Have you ever read Tibor Fischer's book entitled "Don't Read This Book If You're Stupid"?
We are not retarded. In my bigoted days I thought neurotypicals were the retarded ones.
I don't like cats but retarded is the wrong word to use. Also seriously aspergers has NOTHING to do with being retarded.
I love how some of these responses skim over the fact that this person insulted people with AS and go straight to defending cats' intelligence.
My brother in law has asperger´s, he is not retarded, he is eight and could be smarter than you.
An example is that he wouldn't think cats are retarded.
Well, I think we have identified at least one retard here. My time has been well used.
For one, that's not true. I highly doubt there's a book called that. And people with AS aren't retarded. If that's what you're saying, I'm offended because I have it...
i don't think cats have AS. i've met a lot of overly affectionate cats (actually, one of mine is that way, but he's a little "off" and his eyes are far too round, so i've actually wondered if he has the cat equivalent of down syndrome).
No, cats are not retarded but you probably are. Also, AS is not a form of retardation.
Cats are the most cunning animals on land. That's why they are the only 100% carnivorous mammal; they are skilled enough to hunt that effectively. They don't even need to stoop to eating carrion.
As others have pointed out autism is not the same as mental retardation. I've heard of this book and don't think it's meant to be offensive. There is also a book called "Animals in Translation" written by an autistic writer and animal specialist. She claims that there are similarities between MOST animals' perception of the world and the autistic view.
Actually yes, I thought of that too, that Cats are similar to autistic children, because they are clever but come off as ''cold'' to some people
First of all, having AS doesn't mean you're retarded. Secondly, have you considered the title might be satirical/metaphorical?
Animals are pretty much all stupid but they do show signs of intelligence in the weirdest ways some times.
I have yet to see an animal beat me at chess.
my cat actually is retarded its inbred and i think its funny >< hes a strange being but i love him XD