Is it normal to think that classical music was the pinnacle of music?

DISCLAIMER: I don't feel that all modern music is trash, I just feel that it, over all, is relatively simple and shallow. The Baroque through Romantic epochs were just a period of immense talent, and the fact that the music of those periods has survived and aged well just reinforces this idea in my mind. But tell me, IIN?

Voting Results
78% Normal
Based on 27 votes (21 yes)
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Comments ( 24 )
  • Avant-Garde

    To me it is one of the best genres. There's something very special about it and makes plants grow. Who's your favourite composer?

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    • I think Chopin is my favorite, edging out Beethoven and Bach by a hair. But, really I can listen to just about any of the classical composers and be happy. :)

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      • Avant-Garde

        I love Tchaikovsky, Grieg, Mozart, Stravinsky and Desplat. Those are my top favorites, but like you I could be happy with works from other composers. I really like dramatic classical music, but lately I have been gearing towards less dramatic yet, still very emotional.

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  • orinoco

    I wish this were completely normal for EVERYBODY. You lucky one! the others do not know what they are missing.

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    • I know, right? Everybody always says "classical music is boring, pointless, etc." It doesn't bother me. I know better. :P I just think it's sad that the only piece of classical music everybody recognizes is Beethoven's Fifth.

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      • orinoco

        You don't have to justify why classical music reaches you more than other sound productions. You will discuss in vain with people who seriously think that the love of classical music has anything to do with sociology. It is hopeless, and in the end people strive to find a definition of music. This is the kind of people who think the music you like reaches your heart through your brain, or follow other erroneous ideas, because they just don't get it - never experienced - how it is to love it. You can analyze as much as you want, and you will discover a world of ingenuity, but all this will not explain what a Chopin concerto does to you, of course without any foregoing or subsequent analysis... Enjoy this treasure you discovered.

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  • green_boogers

    Corelli, Mozart, and Chopin *make* my Sunday morning.

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  • KeddersPrincess

    I have to agree with you.

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  • DumBelle

    That's a bit ridiculous. Because it's too relative. Music (and taste) are a very personal experience for a person and definitely cannot be summed up by any one person, especially as far as what makes it 'real talent' or not. While one could argue all of Pop music is too 'shallow' or just talentless robotic instrument added to sub-par vocals, another from production stand point could explain the time and work they put in to make that music was pure talent or the artist themselves, same. As far as listeners, plenty of people LOVE top-40, obviously, mainstream makes big bucks and people who are really into pop find that to be talent and it's just their taste. Lady Gaga has some serious pipes on her. So does Christina. Now does everyone appreciate it? No. But was Gaga, an empire at one point? Yes. Paparazzi, Alejandro, Bad Romance, etc dominated at one point. It may have seemed shallow to some, but for people who get the style of 'pop' (andy w. status/David L. Photography) it's talent and really great satire, regarding pop-culture. That's just Gaga though, a lot of artists have come out and their music may seem shallow, but it's not meant to be picked apart by non-fans, it's for fans and to be enjoyed, taken with a grain of salt.
    Pop isn't my taste, really, but I appreciate the style and when going out, I enjoy it.

    Alternative is my taste/forte and it's far from shallow. Most people who judge music from 'then vs now' seem to lack knowledge about ALL styles, of today, and have a small perspective. 'Then' had plenty of deemed 'shallow' style, but every generation responds to music differently.
    Manchester Orchestra and other bands (Alt-J, to be more mainstream-ish) are far from shallow. Not everyone would give that music a chance, because of the overcomplexity at times, and if people don't 'get it' or have the patience for it, the deepest they'll go is Imagine Dragons and Bastille. Because of the pop-feel and simplistic lyrics. Alternative music, with lyrics of true substance, coming from the heart and intellect, multiple instruments that convey this and it's meaning are amazing and so profound, to me and plenty others.

    Classical pieces are your taste, not mine, but a lot of people enjoy it and appreciate the talent, like I do--but it doesn't count as the only talented form. Music is such an important part of life and everyone has their right to enjoy whatever coincides with their lifestyle, preference/relativity. If one person's taste dictated all music produced. The world would be incredibly dull.

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  • disthing

    Long rant coming up in 3, 2, 1...:

    Classical music, for the most part, requires a great deal of theoretical knowledge, technical skill and hard graft to compose and perform.

    Individual pieces of music take months, even years to complete.

    It was, historically, the culture created, consumed and celebrated by the wealthy in Europe. A somewhat exclusive club. The antithesis of the looser, often more lively folk music of the working class masses.

    Contemporary music follows in the footsteps of those aforementioned short, catchy folk songs. They stick in your mind, especially thanks to the ubiquity of vocals, they are emotive, repetitive, but can often be produced in mere days. Almost anybody can learn the basics of composing contemporary music, regardless of wealth and education. Again, it's music by the masses for the masses, an inclusive club, with the kind of memetic virility very few classical pieces ever attain.

    I don't think I'd agree that classical music is the pinnacle of music. Nor would I say it's less superficial than a lot of music from modern genres (plenty of classical pieces are deceptively superficial).

    But I think classical music and contemporary music are both essential parts of the musical tapestry of humanity, and shouldn't be seen as conflicting forms - rather complimentary ends of the same spectrum. I love both for different reasons.

    (but that's my opinion. I understand why you might feel differently)

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    • I enjoy some contemporary music too, but I get inspired by the classics. They just speak to me like nothing else. It seems to me like a lot of modern music is mass-produced along with everything else instead of being works of art.

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      • disthing

        That's the subjectivity of art, isn't it. You respond most to classical music, whereas others will differ. Makes the world more interesting that way :)

        I agree, contemporary music lends itself to mass production. It's quick, easy and catchy. It's much easier to market and make money from, and unfortunately that means there's a lot of music out there being made cynically, purely for cash. That kind of cookie-cutter pop music overwhelms the industry and overshadows a lot of truly original, interesting, creative pieces of music; the occasional diamonds in the rough.

        It's depressing :/

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  • NurseDiesel

    I spent a lot of time at my grandparents house when I was younger and they always had classical music playing. I miss that :(

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  • Royalburden

    Music will continue to evolve whether you like it or not. You may not personally like it but I've learned there is nothing you can do about it but look for a new genre that you do enjoy. It's best to do that and be content with the changes because like time these things always go forward regardless.

    In fact I find it interesting to see how new technology brings new means of making music. I know most people hate dubstep for instance, they think it just noise but people thought rock and roll was just noise for a long time and now it's revered as classic genius. I look at it as an evolutionary change, technologically. All music is the same at it's base, a combination of melodies and rhythms and as long as it conveys or invokes a feeling I find it to be effective no matter where it comes from or how it's made.

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    • Tommythecat.

      dubstep will never be revered as classic genius.

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      • Royalburden

        Unless you can tell the future I suggest you not make claims like that. No one knows that for a fact.

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        • Tommythecat.

          I can. It won't.

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          • Royalburden

            Please show me how you came to that conclusion. Write me a paper with sources and everything and maybe I'll take your claim seriously. Until you can do that why don't you take a look at my real point. The next Classic will never be about what you personally like and it will always be subject to change. Same with clothing style and hair style and movie classics. I mean why not look forward instead of giving up and ignoring what new comes along.

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            • Tommythecat.

              It can't because its poop. Poop cannot be termed genius by way of being poop.

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  • gummy_jr

    Personally I think there's good music from different a periods but I'm not a mainstream guy.

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  • Holzman_67

    Haha see I would argue that the late 80's early 90's was the pinnacle of music.

    Just depends what you're into.

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    • Tommythecat.

      I would also argue that the late 80's early 90's was the pinnacle of music.

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      • green_boogers

        I would argue that the late 80's early 90's was the pinnacle of pop. I like it except on Sunday.

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        • Tommythecat.

          And grunge, no wave, post rock, metal, ect, ect..

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