Is it normal to think that disaster is god punishment

Everytime when I read news about is disaster, I would think. GOD is Late again... should do this earlier. What took him so long? They destroy earth and killing animal... Just that your punishment? are u kidding me? God are weak.... sleeping there? You not doing your job well... God should quit. if im the god. I wipe out everything and restart... maybe I left japan survive since they behaved well now... God You Sucks!!!

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Comments ( 7 )
  • thegypsysailor

    Since so many of these people you think "deserve" this punishment believe in different gods, which god is it that is punishing them? Is allah punishing the muslims each time a car bomb or suicide bomber kills and maims, or is it the jewish god doing it? Is the catholic god responsible for the earthquake/tsunami in Japan?
    Pretty senseless to even suggest any other god is responsible, because I know Neptune is the one true God, and all the others are fakes! My god can beat your god any day of the week.

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    • felixbelacan2

      I believe there is only one god..
      He just act as different god in different religion...

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  • Holzman_67

    I disagree

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  • Unimportant

    Considering the fact that god is a fictional character, I'd say he cannot punish anybody.

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    • GoraIntoDesiGals


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  • What if when people die they were judged by their own religions. If the person was atheist, they would just die. But someone who believed in reincarnation would be incarnated, and a christian would face God, etc.

    What if when we died, we woke up in a simulation chair an what we experienced was just one big video game. Wouldn't that suck? But also be a relief? I can't decide. I mean, you wouldn't be dead...

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  • felixbelacan2

    I believe God is just one... and for all..
    Your god and their god or my god is the same god

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