Is it normal to think that god makes good people suffer

I've seen enough to know that bad things happen to good people. My friend is the most kind and generous people I've ever known. She volunteers in local animal rescue orgs, old age homes and helps her friends out with a lot but she has been diagnosed with leukaemia which has spread to her bone marrow. Her condition is critical.
Doctors are not hopeful of her survival and this has shocked me to my core. Why is god doing this to her?

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Comments ( 27 )
  • bad things do happen to good people
    and then good things happen to bad people
    i've seen that and it doesn't make sens
    to me.
    i use to know this crack head girl
    and she was locked up in jail but was released
    an 3 days later she won the lottery $5000 dollars
    after she was just in jail and the dumb bitch blew
    all the money back on crack and what a waste you know
    it, i really think she should have spent it more wisely
    then how she did and i just can't see how someone
    that was just in jail and got out could win it, it
    makes no sens.

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    I've seen complete assholes get cancer to. The fact that she is a good person is irrelevant to her condition.

    People are presented challenges in their lives and they have to overcome them, and sometimes, they do. That is the natural order of the world, God or not, and if there was a God that swooped in and saved us from our every ill, what would we learn? There would be no such thing as good people because there would be no such thing as evil in this world to correct or compare it to. There would hardly be such a thing as science, who needs to study the universe, the cosmos and biology if we're all content as little clams? If we have no ills, no reason to learn?

    Now, I am not interested in arguing the logic here because the fact is that faith has NO LOGIC. Yes, I will admit it, MY faith has no logic, so debating the logic of it would be like debating the logic of why my Dad is a crazy prick. There is none. I respect the way anyone else looks at the world, and I hope that you, the reader, will grant me the same respect.

    You just have to understand, if you have faith, then you have to have faith in the workings of the grand scheme of things. It's entirely possible that she will be cured and that the challenges in her life cause her to dedicate it to a greater good, such as being an activist for cancer research, or she will die and her medical history will provide vital information which will help doctors someday find a cure for the disease.

    You can hope and pray for a favorable outcome and who knows? Maybe it will all turn out the way you want it to, but ultimately, the lord's will will be done and someday, it will make more sense.

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  • KeddersPrincess

    Bad things happen to everybody, not just good people.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    A test of faith.

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  • justsomekidfromcanada

    This is partly why I choose not to believe in god. I'm sick of people saying that he just works in mysterious ways or something like that. If we had a god I'd like to think he would reward the good and punish the bad. It's not like it matters though. Earth is such a beautiful place that I can't see why anyone would need more meaning to their lives. That being said I could be wrong. If god does exist though, there is only one thing for sure: god is a fucking dick.

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  • Orthanc

    God hates everyone. We're just his toys. He loves to see us suffer. He's a twisted fucker.

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  • Justsomejerk

    There is no god.

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  • drego551

    God didn't do that to your friend.

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  • abominus566

    no i dont, think so. i belive that the bad things that happen are merely obsticals in life that you must overcome so that you may learn something of great value from it. to me it has nothing to do with faith. it is the will to keep living even when sometime bad things happen and survive them and over all in the end become wiser then you were before what ever it was that happened

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  • Sailor_Cosmos

    "God: is not making her suffer. The cancer in her body which probably developed due to the carcinogenic environment we live in is making her suffer.

    If there really is an ultimate Supreme Being the way religion teaches, I don't think this being would want anyone to suffer or would purposely give anyone cancer.

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    • Interesting point..

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      • Sailor_Cosmos

        Thanks :)

        I sincerely hope your friend gets through this.

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  • AnOpenMind

    First off all: that's a very sad thing. It does happen to a lot of people all around the world, but it's still horrible. I'm sorry for your friend.

    Second of all: God didn't do that to your friend. The real culprit here is... no-one. It's just bad luck. The world that we live in has good and bad things. One can't exist without the other. People are only healthy, if they're not sick and sick, if they're not healthy. Good is only good when compared to evil and the other way around...

    But you don't care about that, right?

    You didn't write that question to hear some foolish tirade on the philosophy of life, nature and reason of things. You're just pissed.
    You're pissed off that life wasn't fair for your friend and you just wanted to tell someone.

    But hey! The world DOES work this way: It's NOT fair. You could try and tell God that he's an ass-hole, but that won't change a thing. You could go out on the street screaming profanity and it won't change a thing. You could curl up in a corner and start crying over how the world isn't fair and it won't change a thing.

    Life is something we endure. If you'll be able to deal with the fact that your friend might not have a long time on this earth than maybe you'd start focusing on what time she has left or even encourage her to fight with the sickness against all odds.

    If there is a God, I'm sure he would want us to rely on our own strength, rather than his miracles. We were given free will, so that we could decide for ourselves and we were also given faith, so that we can still act when all hope is gone.

    Don't break.

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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    Indeed there is no god. It makes absolutely no sense to punish good people and give rewards to bad people and call it a test. And so much unfairness too. Why is not everybody subjected to that abject test? Why are some dudes tall/dark/handsome with a full head of hair and others are short/pale/ugly and bald? 'bad luck' will follow the latter his entire life since it's a consequence of such bad genes and not merely independent events. e.g. He won't get girls, jobs, high status etc as easily. But jesus loves him looool

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  • I just wish God listen's my prayers and she comes out of danger. I really do believe in a higher power but I am too naive to know why he does this to people who go out their way to help the poor and needy..

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  • PapzBSlim

    If you believe in reincarnation then you would maybe think it is punishment for the past lives we have lived. I do think the same as you, for the most part but not completely.

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  • kelili

    God doesn't make us suffer and full stop.

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    • peterr

      I think God has a plan for all of us.

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  • aardvarkaardvark

    If you believe in Kaballah, I've heard that sometimes a soul comes back to the world in a new body if it didn't do a good job last time 'round, and instead of it going to hell, it gets off easier by suffering for a few years, even if in the current life there was nothing wrong, and then gets a ticket to heaven. Or there could be a really bad guy who seems like he's not suffering, but he's getting all his reward in this world and he'll have more punishment after he dies.

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  • babe7575

    It happens.

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  • Anime7

    I agree with KedderPrincess bad things happen to everyone. Think about this, for a person to be bad that means that bad things must have happened to them. Thus, they're more comfortable and better prepared emotionally for misery. Unlike a good person who isn't use to suffering. Bad things happen to us all it's just a matter of how emotionally prepared we are to handle it when it comes.

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  • Velancious

    Well, I've always said if there is a God, he's probably not good or evil. Good/evil are abstract concepts we apply to things that help/hurt us. If there is a creator, he's just that...a creator.

    I don't believe in a creator though personally. Best possible scenarios I can think of is:

    A. The creator is unwilling to help
    B. The creator is unable to help
    C. There is no creator, which is why life is so unfair


    Or choice D...

    D. The creator is evil and loves to hurt/kill people ( think this is unlikely, however)

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  • howaminotmyself

    It isn't personal.

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    there is no god. educate yourself.

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  • God exists for sure.. Einstein said so himself, more he studied the universe, more he lelieved un existence if god. Only thing is he makes good people suffer.

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    • Sailor_Cosmos

      Unless Einstein had hard physical proof that God exists, his words are nothing more than another one of his theories.

      I believe that something exists, some kind of high power, but I don't think its out to get us or purposely make us suffer. We are delicate biological creatures, our bodies get sick and they die...that is just a part of nature. it not only happens to us it happens to all living creatures on this planet, and it does not discriminate. That is just nature it is the way we have evolved and have developed, it is not the work of some sadistic God looking to make people suffer.

      I don't believe God is some white guy in the sky with a long white beard point his finger at everyone and giving cancer to people because he wants them to suffer for some reason.

      It doesn't makes sense to me.

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      • dude_Jones

        I agree with Sailor_Cosmos. Additionally, some Christian faiths would say that she might be rewarded in heaven for her suffering on earth, as in the biblical Book of Job.

        I don't believe in a white bearded deity either, but remember that He allowed morphine to be discovered for comfort of the terminally ill. Sounds merciful to me.

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