Is it normal to think that i'm an actual scapegoat for humiliation here?

I suppose it's pretty normal to speculate that by mere name of the website you can say that the forums breed quite a bit of sub-intellectual massive edge lords fueling each others ego to try and target a bigger and stronger elephant with little adherence in process. I've never seen this massive scapegoat of typical people for insecurities of their own serious mental illness.

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88% Normal
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Comments ( 23 )
  • Anonnet

    So apparently this is Giorgi, at least that's what it looks like from the comment section. Due to the content of this post, I'm going to go 100% full ego edgelord and start giving life advice.

    Don't try so hard to turn yourself into a lolcow. You don't need a page on EncyclopediaDramatica. Here's a few tips:

    1. Use the "Comment Anonymously" checkbox. It's there for a reason. Don't want your weird questions and absurd personal-life details associated with even your IIN username? Check and bam, no one knows (unless you type exactly like you usually do because then we can probably guess since you have a unique way of posting).

    2. Get thicker skin. You don't know anybody here and no one knows you. No one is targeting you, you're targeting them. Please don't give that previous sentence the knee-jerk reaction of "NO I'M NOT". There's a reason none of the commenters in here had any idea what you were talking about.

    3. Try to be less self-absorbed. The world doesn't revolve around you. When I read the title, I actually thought you were Wow3986, but you decided to throw your face out and make this about you specifically. Calm down.

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    • Giorgi

      Some of them impressions considered by the views of others may either be intentional or fully a process of coincidence and regarding Wow3969 there has been a moment in which yes, I was a reflection of his identity and thought, behavioral patterns, except fully intentional with impression of Elliot Rodger when it comes to writing involving the words "submission", "a wrong doings of scapegoating" "a predator hiding behind a wool of a sheep" but I found quite of a joy and serenity in writing those for momentary entertainment and state of flow, except they aren't impulse, frustration, actual plans ideation. But you get it. Long story short, I like to play characters at times.

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      • LloydAsher

        This. This is why we know it's you when you write.

        We arent being the bad guy for pointing out mother fucking elliot Rodgers having nothing to do with the post. You arent a scapegoat, you are being engaged because we have no God damn idea what you are talking about.

        Even wow3969 has a logic to his writings. So we know how to make fun of his antics. You are going out on impulse and writing things from way left field, seemingly to have a radically different conversation than the rest of us.

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      • Anonnet

        It's just that you have terrible grammar.

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  • normal-rebellious

    Yes it's normal to undergo humiliation, I don't know what lord you're thinking of but there's just normal people bickering, and yelling and carrying on, it depends on whether you're in England, USA or Australia, constantly sulking men like to complain a lot.

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  • litelander8

    You’re the long winded bastard. Good lord.

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  • Meatballsandwich

    What do you mean exactly?

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    • LloydAsher

      From what I gathered giorgi is envious of what neurotypical means on IIN.

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      • Meatballsandwich

        Well, he's right. Neurotypicals treat us like subhumans on this site. Feels like going back to school again.

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        • LloydAsher

          I was referring to the unique blend of idiot that IIN tends to attract.

          All the regulars here have to be some brand of weird to stay. Thus our neurotypical is different than the norm.

          Ironically making us uniquely suited for divining what's normal.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    You are who u hang around

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    • Giorgi

      So we have to figure out who has more or less ideal influence on me.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        Its better to associate with ppl who are doing better in life. I heard one time ppl generally hangout with ppl within 10% of their income bracket or something like that.

        Why do you think the owner of the site doesnt talk to us? He probably only associates with winners Lol

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        • NoRestForTheWicked

          I own this site.

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        • Giorgi

          No idea who is a winner or a loser here, if you mean the superior and powerful, out of the fittest groups of people, then it's somewhere lays over there, but it's still pretty vague and vulgar since those 'fittest' , especially over here in, are still a weird and anomalous by product to the general world population, not staying necessarily within bounds of site. No one is a winner or a loser here, shit's all the same. Some people just like to wave their ego.

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          • 1WeirdGuy

            Yeah when I say winners I mean people who are winning at life. The guy with the hot wife, the prostegious job, the wealth. Whether you agree with that being a winner is a different discussion. But I would argue he's definitely "winning" in this game of life over the janitor at your work. And most ppl I think would agree. I think disagreeing is usually a form of coping.

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            • Giorgi

              I don't know what constitutes winning or losing, fueling and seedling the zygotes? I don't see much win or loss here, largely my views on life are from nihilistic approach.

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  • Vvaas

    i'm not an elephant i'm a chicken

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    • Giorgi

      For some reason i definitely would like an Elephant, not physically possible to domesticate, especially when we live in a top floor, it is likely to break through neighbor floors and easily kill them, so not ideal, but in an open land and foliage area it's fine.

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      • Vvaas

        elephants are pretty chill tbh as long as you don't bother them tho the bull elephants can be a bit aggressive

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        • Giorgi

          Yeah, there are generally no particular guidelines to follow as long you follow the norms such as not violating it's space when it backs of, or you don't disturb it whilst drinking water and consuming it's greens.

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  • KholatKhult


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    • Giorgi

      Some edgies that like to feast on particular people who they consider vulnerable and a source of entertainment for what they perceive as a punching bag or whatever they consider in reference to 'humiliation'

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