Is it normal to think that one's government is absolutely fu??ed?

Okay. We have a dominant military, lots of taxes, and tons of immigration. What is exactly is the cookie for being an American in today’s world? What do we have to look forward to? Let us see: more immigration, more expensive health care, less jobs, hate, more police, more drugs, higher gas prices, more crime, lower quality of life, lower standard of living, women who are like men, and more crap in our houses from China. The only thing I trust the US Government to do is screw us. We are replaceable cogs in a wheel. I think that they are currently replacing all European-Americans with Hispanics and Chinese. They are slowly justifying it with historical bias instruction, over taxation, and lack of services. By 2050, European-Americans are projected to be a minority in America. Europeans and European-Americans are already a world minority. The same thing happened in Constantinople. What we are seeing is the end of America.

The author is crazy. 10
America only has a couple of decades. 19
Lesbianism is fun. 8
I have white guilt. 3
I am a cocaine addict. 4
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Comments ( 7 )

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    If you're asking whether or not it is normal to distrust your government, I am going to assume that you don't get out much.

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  • theaverageatheist

    living in London now where +70% of it's population was not born in the UK and finding that it's the foregners who are friendlyer (no offence to londeners born and raised) and provide much better service in shops, work harder and seem more happy to doo so. and the fact that everyone is realy inegrated. I'm just going to do a randome stab in the dark and say I don't see immigration as a bad thing but just a thing that happenes (with it's pros and cons).
    as for thinking your goverment if fucked up? well I sympathise since I'm Italian my goverment steals tax money to fund expensive partys to impress eachother,senators punch each other in the street, our ex PM invites ex porn stars to take part in goverment and one minister calles our only black senator a orangutan and they hand her bananas.

    but... we have free heath care and realy efficent health care it is. :)

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  • SirDaedalus

    I think that America is screwed up, but I disagree with you on a number of points. I will now, however, tell you waht they are, simply because starting flame wars is not something I do in my spare time.

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  • anti-hero

    I hope European aka white Americans become the minority very soon. Since I am a cracker, it is not racist for me to say that :)

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    • Ono

      I prefer the term white honkey myself.

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  • myownopinions

    Actually my vote was meant to say that the author's poll options are crazy. I think America might have more then a few decades left...

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