Is it normal to think that people talking about illuminati is annoying

Everyone I repeat EVERYONE at my school talks about Illuminati. They joke about it worship it, it's weird. And my school is not a looney bin (even though it feels like one sometimes.) and is not a religious school. Is my school normal?

I just ignore it 8
You kidding me? I worship it 24/7 4
Its fun to joke about it 5
Weird and annoying 12
Yes it is 11
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Comments ( 10 )
  • NeuroNeptunian

    Lol Illuminati. Most governments can barely keep track of how many people live in their country let alone massively mind control them all.

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  • pixie44

    The ones that talk about it constantly don't know shit about it. Trust and believe that.

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  • chained_rage

    I just thought of a glow-in-the-dark nazi.

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    • BobbyTheBear

      Lol. The illuminazi.

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  • Dream_Killer

    Meh, I believe it could be real. I'm sure there are some weird conspiracies and secret organizations out there. But the thing with all these conspiracy beliefs is that even if they are true, and someone found out, no one would ever believe them because it's so crazy, and odd.

    So even if the Illuminati is really real they don't care if someone found and out starts telling everyone about it because everyone would just thing they are some paranoid nut job or its just a joke.

    Not only that but if someone did have actual information proving one of these secret organizations to be real (or any conspiracy for that matter) Their information would be very limited and probably wrong anyways because I'm sure anything proving that they exist would be hidden very well.

    In short I think it's quite foolish to think that it isn't possible that there is some kind of odd terrible secret organization/conspiracy going on. It is very possible.

    But yeah some people take it way to far and people at your school are more than likely just joking about it and going overboard with the joke.

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  • Aries

    I think it's a joke , I tune out when someone starts down that road .. some form of it may exist somewhere but it still just turns me off .

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  • umph

    It is just plain old antisemitism.
    Illuminati is a codeword for Jews.

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  • My friend who chopped up his dad with an ax used to talk about the illuminati all the time.
    I have another friend who thinks they poison his beer before he buys it.
    If they wanted you dead you would be dead already.
    They will spare me though because I am making them a soundtrack they can use to torture people in guantanamo bay.

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  • thegypsysailor

    Every dumbass needs SOMETHING stupid to believe in.
    For a secret society they sure are a failure at keeping themselves secret. This would indicate that they would be a bunch of lame ass secret society members and not much of a threat to anyone.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Start quoting Aleister Crowley to them.

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