Is it normal to think that precription medicine should be banned?

Think about it: doctors nowadays are far more interested in making money off of people by pumping them full of chemicals that cause alot more bad than good (instead of actually finding a cure) and then the poor gits have to take even more chemicals to combat the normal medicine's side effects.

It seems to me, we'd be better off as a species to do away with all of this artificial junk and turn to healthier Herbal Medicines.

No wonder so many people are sick.

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26% Normal
Based on 19 votes (5 yes)
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Comments ( 15 )
  • howaminotmyself

    I am a strong supporter of herbal remedies and eastern medicine in general. However there is a time and place for western medicine and those drugs you are bad mouthing.

    Those chemicals are in far more things than the drugs you complain about. It sucks that insurance companies dictate health care and not doctors. But not all doctors are greedy.

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    • charli.m


      Let's hope OP doesn't have to get cancer or something to realise their ignorance.

      Or worse, encourage their ignorance. ...

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  • JD777

    I have 20 years experience as an independent consultant assessing treatments for human health. I'm a huge believer in natural remedies and have a cabinet full of them. BUT, prescription drugs are often the best treatment for all sorts of conditions, especially more serious diseases. By far, the most common issue I find with a treatment are "natural" or herbal remedies where the product is of poor quality. Sometimes we find the product has none of the herb in it or so little that it has no real therapeutic benefit. A total waste of money.

    The NY attorney generals office recently did an investigation and found all sorts of irregularities in natural products. Google it.

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  • ArayaLioness

    Why should it be banned when many of them DO help people? Makes no sense.

    I also think it's irrational to assume that all doctors are as such.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    so steada doctors pumpin peoples fulla expensive drugs what may or may not work yalld have hippys pumpin peoples fulla expensive bullshit what definitely dont work?

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  • Avant-Garde

    I agree. The last medication I was on, nearly killed me, ruined my health, and gave me a dangerous allergy. It took me a long time to heal from that get to where I am now. I've been doing herbal every for along time, and never have I had such a serious reaction to it.

    Those doctors get kickbacks from pharmaceutical companies for every prescription that they make. My experience has bee that they don't care about the side effects, all they care about is making money. Criticise the medication and they tell you that you are wrong (etc). They shame you. FDA must not care about the people, if they would approve these drugs for consumer use. Again, money is the main thing here. The pharmaceutical industry is very rich.

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    • icameinsidemyself

      Finally. Every other person that responded to this post are just brain washed drones. The funny thing about it is that they dont know how far gone they really are. You are all sheeple and i am one of thw wolves. I am so superior.

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      • howaminotmyself

        Talk about brainwashed. Did you read what I wrote? I do not support the use of medication in many situations. But I am not too wrapped up hating. I say this while taking a nice herbal cocktail for healing and being grateful for synthetic pain relief when I push myself too hard. It's called balance and educating yourself. Many don't, but don't assume that people who can see value in both sides are sheep.

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    • CountessDouche

      I'm sorry, but just because something is "herbal" and unregulated does not make it healthy. People have a penchant to unnecessarily self medicate and self diagnose. They also tend to forget that just because something is an herb and sold OTC does not mean that it's not a drug. There are plenty of herbs, including ephedra for example, that have been pulled because they cause numerous health problems including arythmea, accelerated heartbeat and even death.

      Yes, big pharma is corrupt, and medications should not be pushed due to financial incentives, but having said that, people are way too fucking stupid to medicate themselves. If given the opportunity, most people would be popping antibiotics like candy for viral infections like the cold or flu, when they are useless against anything that's not bacterial.

      People are stupid. They love to take unnecessary medications for imaginary maladies, and I don't think they should be given enough credit to know when to take herbal medications, which are still drugs. At least doctors have an actual degree.

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  • geek_god_101

    I think psychiatric medicine should be banned.

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  • Ellenna

    I've had good and bad experiences with both herbal and prescribed medication.

    Statins to lower cholesterol in particular put me in constant pain, depression, physical weakness and loss of libido. BUT natural remedies suggested by friends just didn't work and it turned out that the two people who said one remedy did work, hadn't had their cholesterol tested so were just "trusting" it was working!

    I've been told Vitamin C in huge doses will cure my emphysema - no it won't, it's not curable, only manageable.

    On the other hand, St Johns Wort helped me with depression for years, but can't be taken with most prescribed medication because it affects absorption. I'm taking Feverfew daily to prevent migraine and that's working for me.

    So a bit of balance, people and don't assume anything natural is therefore safe: poisonous toadstools are natural, so are snakes and spiders and uranium and mercury.

    I do know that if I have another heart attack I won't be calling a naturopath because they don't know how to insert stents in blocked arteries

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  • Karmasbitch


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  • theseeker

    I don't like taking prescription drugs. For instance, anti-depressants can actually make you more suicidal. If possible, I'd rather find the natural cure. I agree, you have to be careful because pharmaceutical companies are giving doctors incentives and pushing for their medications to be prescribed. Some doctors prescribe medication to patients when they shouldn't. That's not always the case though. There are times when prescription drugs are necessary. If you ever are prescribed a drug from a doctor, it's wise to do some research in order to make sure it really is necessary.

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  • thegypsysailor

    Well another totally unrealistic post.
    Like everything else in life, some is good and some is bad, but according to you, let's just throw the baby out with the bath water.
    Yep, that'll be an improvement!

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  • Fall_leaves

    We would be better off as a species if we stopped dumping toxic waste and cut down on our carbon footprint and stopped clear cutting in the amazon.

    Prescription drugs actually help people. I would far rather take my chance with something created in a lab that's gone through dozens of drug trials and the side effects are known, than with something that hasn't had the same research and isn't as effective.

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