Is it normal to think that religion should separate from society?

As you can probably tell, II am an atheist.

I am an atheist because I don't believe in the bullshit and mind control and I believe that the people that do are systematically ruining society.

I propose that religion and all religious people should leave society and form their own countries or occupy already religiously run countries where they can live free of science and intellectual enlightenent as they have been preaching about doing for centuries. I don't believe that we should have to live by the morality or laws of people who worship an imaginary friend and people who think that it is wrong to be gay or be ethnic.

These people are intellectually challanged and should be purged from out society so that we can continu making scientific advances. No religious clown has ever held a scientific degree or even participated in scientific advances. I'm surprised that any of them see doctors and I am tired of listening to their bullshit. Evolution is a PROVEN FACT and it is a PROVEN FACT that there is no God. These people need to be exterminated.

Am I the only person that wishes that these under-evolved animals should leave our society at once?

Voting Results
60% Normal
Based on 82 votes (49 yes)
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Comments ( 32 )
  • howaminotmyself

    You sound like a religious extremist. No good comes from that type of thought.

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  • dappled

    The majority of humans are religious. It would be easier for the atheistic minority (including me) to create a new state.

    In short, if you don't want to live in a country with religious people, I think it's your responsibility to do something about it, not theirs.

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    • KeddersPrincess

      ^This is why I love you dappled! :)

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    • Why should we have to leave the society that we built? Religion has done NOTHING and all of the pretty church buildings and the medical care that they have is because of the scientific discoveries of ATHEISTS!

      While they were on their knees worshipping a non-existent entity we were building their society. God didn't build anything, we did. If anything we are the gods.

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      • dappled

        The majority of humans are religious. Therefore society is, by majority, religious. Society isn't buildings and science, by the way. Society is just people and the relations between them.

        At the risk of repeating myself, as a minority who doesn't want the majority to believe what they believe, it's easier for the minority to form a new society than to force the majority to do so.

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        • How is it an issue of belief? I KNOW that there is no god because science proves it.

          And I know what society is and religious people are incapable of interacting with each other without killing each other. Atheists are peaceful and non-biased and religious people can't help but fight each other. Why should we leave the society that we built?

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          • dappled

            I come from a scientific background and I see very little evidence for God. So little, in fact, that I think there must be a scientific reason for why so many people do believe.

            However, I also know that science is particularly good at pointing out when it is wrong (something I love it for). Even the building blocks of science are consistently proved to be wrong. Newtonian mechanics looked immutable until Einstein came along.

            If you have a scientific proof that God cannot exist (and I mean a rigorous proof), then I would love to hear it because I've yet to see one.

            As for society, I'll repeat myself again. It isn't infrastructure. Society is the relationships between people. It isn't "built". If the majority of the members of a society are religious, it is fair to say they have greater responsibility for a society existing than the minority do. If you want to crouch it in your terms, they built society to a greater extent simply because they are a majority. It is easier for a minority to start again elsewhere than to expel or change a majority.

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            • You just said so yourself that there is little evidence for god. Any reasonable scientist knows that if there isn't any evidence then it does not exist!

              Religious people can't be responsible for society if it were not for the scientific contributions of atheists then they probably wouldn't be alive! Their IQ scores is all of the scientific proof that you need as to why they believe in a God.

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          • VioletTrees

            Wait, wait, wait. Atheists are peaceful? Do you have any idea how many rape threats the women of have been getting from atheists who disagree with them about feminist issues? Keep in mind that these are women who are also atheists and sceptics.

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          • KeddersPrincess

            Most religious people are not violent. And all of them I know, including myself, are actually very peaceful people that don't want anymore than just to live as much as you do. I will admit there are some violent religous people, but violent people are everywhere,not just the religious. You can't clump everyone into one group. I disagree with the Westboro Baptist church just as much as the next sane person, and so would a lot of other Christians.

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          • VioletTrees

            It doesn't matter whether it's an issue of belief or knowledge. You don't have the right to kick people out of a country because they're wrong about things sometimes.

            A lot of the people who built modern civilisation were religious, so I'm not sure what you mean by "the society that we built". Also, nobody's asking you to leave.

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  • Mando

    I think there has to be a strong separation of our secular state and its public policies and religion/religious institutions and that there is in western societies. Even most religious people - many of who don't even go to services - can agree with that.

    That said, there has to be tolerance of people's faiths. I am not religious - but it surrounds me and my heritage. There are also humanitarian values that are important, though not the exclusive domain of religions.

    Religion must be separate from the secular; science and knowledge should trump dogma and ignorance etc..

    But your views are hateful - how dare you say: "These people need to be exterminated" and call for their expulsion. You're a bit of a scary fascist with no concept of human rights nor dignity.

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  • VioletTrees

    How, though? There are atheists in every nation on Earth. If all theists had to leave and make their own country, there'd be nowhere for them to go. That's highly impractical.

    Also, lots of religious people have contributed to science. Newton, Leibniz, Planck, Kepler, Napier, Galileo, Descarte, Pascal, Boyle, Bayes, Euler, Boole, Faraday, Maxwell, Mendel, Pasteur, Stokes, Kelvin, Fleming, and Heisenberg were all religious, to name a few.

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  • If you throw fire around long enough, you're bound to catch on fire yourself at some point.

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    • Dad

      Thanks Valkeer.

      By the way, EVEN your comment was deleted!
      Just goes to show, religious fools don't want to hear the truth.

      As Ned Flanders said:
      "I say there's some things we don't want to know. Important things!"
      That line really cracked me up, but its right in line with how 'Christians' think.

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      • You are most welcome, my friend.

        It was so cruel of them to thumb you down just because they dislike you personally.

        I don't care what they say about you. You're an intelligent user and you shouldn't listen to them.

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  • anti-hero

    I think you need to change this based on the fact that you don't know what the word 'society' means.

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  • mountain-high

    wow you're so narrowed it isn't worth it to address how backwards you the all knowing enlightened one has decided people with a faith in God are wrong and should removed from society because they are the problem. Wow! Do you listen the words as they come out of your mouth. Ha Ha Ha

    As for Evolution is in fact a strongly held theory and not a "proven fact". To prove something as fact would involve more then displaying some bones or fossils. To prove something as fact you need to use the scientific method 1. collection of data through observe. This can not be done because of the long length of time.
    2. experiment. This can only tell you certain bones are old...OK cool. 3. Formulate a hypothesis and test your hypothesis...other then documenting that you've got old bones you can not demonstrate anything nor test anything. So Evolution is just a popular Theory and thats it.
    How can you make a seed from nothing?

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  • Hussainthemvp

    Ummmmmm dude im sorry but your kinda of an ass**le thats a little too provactive dont you think?

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  • Dazzle

    Oh, about extermination, I fully agree on the concept: stupid people should be exterminated.
    You go first.

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  • Dazzle

    I am so tired of the "I AM AN ATHEIST! HEAR ME OUT!" posts.
    I won't even bother to explain how stupid it is to qualify oneself as an atheist as I did in another post, I'll just say that you sounded just like the people who are desperately trying to convert me to whatever they believe (Jehovah's witnesses, fanatics, you name it!).
    Sorry man, I think you're trash, trying to force your beliefs onto others.
    You're as intolerant and dangerous as the ones you condemn.
    Evolution is far from proving a "god" isn't real, what gave the first spark for life? Was it divine intervention? No one can know for sure.
    You're licking Darwin's balls like some other fanatic is licking Jesus's.
    In fact, I have right next to me "Le Grand Livre des Religions du Monde" which is a compilation of every religion and explains them to you. If you had taken time to study them, you'd see they are similar in many points and are to be taken as a guideline more than a book of facts.
    And in no way the book being a guideline using fictional (or real, who knows) stories or metaphors makes it impossible for the entity depicted as "god" to be real.
    You are as ignorant as the people you seem to criticize, I advice you start reading about religions, it's way better lecture than you seem to think.

    N.B.: To answer the question despite the display of disdain and ignorance, I think State and Religion shouldn't be mixed, every state should be laïc (dunno the translation for that word so I hope I's the same in english). But how can you separate Religion from Society when you know they are almost at the origin some societies and cultures.

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  • Shackleford96

    The title reminded me of the user "SuckonThis9"

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  • Hippie

    If Hitler was an Atheist, this would be his speech.

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  • KeddersPrincess

    You're like the Atheist version of Shirley Phelps or something. Not everybody has to believe in the same thing. It's those people who try to pressure their own beliefs on others who ruin this society. Maybe that's who we should get rid of!

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  • Dad

    Religious people irritate me as well.
    But religion is not based on intellect or logic and therefore factual information does not change their foolish minds.

    Yes I say foolish, because the facts are already here. I'd go as far to say that its common sense to accept science over religion. Its like religious people are saying when you flick the light switch on, fairies produce light (prove me wrong!) Quite obviously electricity, wiring and light globe produces the light, and 'god' NEVER did it!

    What you need to accept is:
    1. I actually feel MOST people are not religious or 'believers', but they just go with the crowd (ie little thought)
    2. Belief is a feeling. To remove this feeling is not impossible, but extremely difficult. Its basically trying to remove someone's security blanket or teddy bear. They first need to grow up!
    3. Atheist is on the up and up :) Thankfully the Internet has provided all the ridiculous beliefs out in the open. The more people talk about it, then question it, the less believers.
    4. Man made god in his own image. This must be true, because 'man' has been here for 200K years, and the universe 13.7 BILLION !! Wow god sure did take his time!
    5. Some say religious, some say just belief BOTH are the same, they believe in fairytales
    6. Religious ridiculous

    When others reply and say its in our society and part of our culture, this is utter crap.
    It may have been that way many years ago, but these days we decide on laws and how we live through discussions with many different intellectual groups. Religion is NOT one of them. What would jesus do? Always makes me laugh, as he would probably kill everyone, since that is what is written in the bible.

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    • Dad

      I re-read my above comment, and still FULLY agree with it.

      I'm saddened that religious people still exist, they really shouldn't be on the Internet because the Internet may take their soul :D

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      • Dazzle

        Makes me sad not to believe in a god because the world's so stupid it categorizes me as an atheist... which means I'm part of the same "group" as you. I'm ashamed, really, to be pitted with such an ignorant.
        In the end, religion or not. Ignorance and lack of reflection is mankind's true enemy.
        You say you're glad the internet helped propagating atheism... too bad it didn't help propagate common sense, understanding, and reflection.
        You really lack the spirit to put things in perspective or you would be ashamed of your comment.
        Worse part is that knowledge is propagated by the internet. Doesn't look like you took the time to take a bit of it for yourself.

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        • Dad

          Dazzle, I don't understand why you would be 'sad not to believe'.
          Agreed the Internet is not the most 'common sense' information source; but it HAS helped in regards to others belief system. You can look up all/any religious belief out there and read what they believe in.

          It makes me happy, knowing that I have gone further than thinking (or feeling rather) that 'god did it' (crazy ignorant quoted statement).
          I'm over joyed to know that this is my real life and I should make the best of it. Not waste my time in 'church' or even dieing for a non 'common sense' belief (individually based upon birth country)

          Dazzle, I had left here (for reasons outside of this site). But I wanted to know why you would 'feel' saddened to be an atheist. Plus I was concerned you felt I was wrong in my blunt words above? If I am wrong I am fully open to suggestion or any other information, please tell me, because I continue to say things like religious ridiculous, and stand by it, the past is the past we are in 2012 now, enough is enough, just look at how that 'film' caused recent religious mayhem amongst the Muslims.

          You say 'I lack the spirit', and the Internet propagation continues.
          I speak the TRUTH. I have no interest in trolling or ill advising others. True I may be a tad tactless at times, but the TRUTH hurts.

          I'm overly proud of being an atheist, am I above others (people) who 'believe'? YES as I'm not ignorant, stupid or crazy. Because they are the ONLY reasons anyone would believe in fairytales and myths of religion these days.

          Again, I ask you to help me learn more or point to the direction of the Internet that I haven't yet visited? I thought I'd seen it all, but the Internet is vast so you never know.

          Happy to hear you don't believe in god, lets get on with our lives now.

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          • Dazzle

            I don't believe I can make you see reason. You don't even see how your words are wrong.
            I'll tell you: you are arrogant and intolerant.
            You rub your "atheism" in the faces of people who might have a belief just like some crazy people over the net spam our youtube channels with "Allah/Jahveh/God is the only true god! I speak the TRUTH! blah blah"... worse part is you have the exact same discourse as them and fail to notice it yourself.
            If you are as scientific and rational as you pretend, why can't you understand that there is no certainty when it comes to beliefs, ergo the word belief.
            You are free to believe or not believe in whatever you want. Just don't rub it in into people's faces and say you speak the TRUTH when you haven't even studied the meaning of the notion in philosophy.
            I don't think you are as scientific and rational as you pretend.
            Just because you think "TRUTH hurts" isn't a reason to show it to the world and tell everyone "Hey! I'm right, there is no god, I speak the truth and it's obvious! If you fail to see the evidence, you're stupid!".
            Religion is a wonderful thing which helped and still helps saving a lot of people everyday, even though some people with lack of insight abuse it to dictate a strict code of conduct or hinder people's lives indirectly, you have to admit it has its up and its downs.
            So does not believing.
            You don't have to impose your views on the subject onto others or make them feel insecure about their choice of life/belief; everyone is free and old enough (if they comply the chart they signed) to choose what to believe.

            You act like the people you denounce.
            Real shame, I saw other posts where you helped people figure out things and were really tolerant and nice. I was surprised and saddened to see you supporting that religious-bashing ignorant.

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  • BlueAlice

    I mostly think reigion and the state should be separate, but there needs to be a way around it so abusive cults like Mercy Ministries and A Girl Called Hope (really one and the same thing) and their leaders can be arrested.

    For that to actually happen, I think that either religion and state would have to be more connected to each other or people who claim not to believe in a religion would have to "convert" undercover and expose the cults that way.

    I have seriously thought about taking myself to Mercy Ministries and trying to get a documentary about it on TV, but I am what seems to be a non-believer who is going out with a Christian and I know I wouldn't be listened to because of that.
    Then again, I have enough "issues" that MM claims to try and help/cure, so I don't know....

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