Is it normal to think that the corona virus is man made
was wondering if the corona virus is man made and released into the public on purpose. for population control, an that they already have the cure, but not giving to just anyone.
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was wondering if the corona virus is man made and released into the public on purpose. for population control, an that they already have the cure, but not giving to just anyone.
COVID-19 would be a crap bio-weapon.
An ideal biological warfare weapon is rapidly deadly - especially to young men - when deployed on a specific target and it doesn't linger in the environment so invading forces aren't at risk when they move in to take over.
COVID-19 is far too virulent, it preferentially kills older people, those without any obvious symptoms can pass it on and it seems likely it will be hanging around circulating at a low level for a very long time.
You're free to believe whatever conspiracy theories trip your trigger. There are loads of people these days with a permanent counter-factual, paranoid mindset who are convinced that absolutely everything the media and scientific experts say is exactly the opposite of the truth, so I'm sure you'd have no problems finding social media echo chambers where your suspicions would be confirmed by those who spin a good line in pseudo-scientific BS.
But I find it very difficult to think of any country or group of people who have the ideological desire to utterly bork the global economy, the means to develop and deploy an engineered viral weapon and a sure-fire way to ensure that they and the people they care about won't be included in those who turn out to be casualties in one way or another.
The fact is that shit happens. It's also a fact that humans are deluding themselves when we allow ourselves to believe that we're the masters of the freaking universe. Medical science has come a long way since the Black Death, but we're still hideously vulnerable as a species and society to a randomly mutated virus.
These are predominantly wonderful points but I would add that the nature of the ideal bio-weapon depends on the motivation for using it; what you described sounds quite effective if the aim is to militarily occupy the targeted area, but if the aim is to simply kill as many people as possible, one would engineer a virus sporting an exceptionally long waiting period regarding symptoms before violently turning lethal so as that most of the planet is already infected before it is detected.
That said, SARS-CoV-2 isn't particularly lethal, and as I laid out in a separate comment, it's demonstrably natural via numerous scientific methods.
Nothing either of us say will change the minds of conspiracy theorists though. They have all the same information to work with yet conclude that Earth is flat.
I've been a sucker for post-apocalypse fiction ever since I read The Stand soon after it was published in my early twenties. (Although for some peculiar reason, I'm not really in the mood for that sort of reading material at the moment...)
Long before the appearance of SARS-CoV-2, I'd speculated that the worst virus for humanity to deal with would be one which was highly communicable by exhaled droplets, had trivial symptoms - such as just an occasional sneeze or cough - in the early stage which lasted months, but was actually an oncovirus which caused, say, pancreatic cancer five or ten years down the line from the initial infection.
I recall reading that well over half of the world's population carries Herpes Simplex 1 and is asymptomatic, so it's clearly possible for even a virus that's not airborne to become ubiquitous. And my impression is that the scientific understanding of oncoviruses is still in its very early stages.
For all I know, there's some subset of the conspiracy theory community that's already pushing the idea that the virus we're currently dealing with will eventually kill us all by a mechanism like what I've outlined. And for all I know, they may turn out to be right. It suspect that's highly implausible, but it would be grimly amusing if the nuts finally got something right.
Pretty much anything in the media is not factual. You don't hear the truth, you hear what they want you to think the truth is. They have zero incentive to give people correct information.
People definitely aren't the masters of the universe, but the idea of the world that most people have is completely false. They want a complacent workforce, not an educated free thinking population.
That's what an anti-vaxxer, flat-earther coworker of mine thinks. And that they tried and failed with SARS back in 2002.
I believe that many of the world's governments would be capable of doing such a thing, but to believe that this is the case for the corona virus without any shred of proof is just idle speculation. Plus there doesn't seem to be any sign that any government is really gaining anything from this, it's just chaos.
I agree there, but the chaos is being intentionally manufactured with all the conflicting and wrong information circulating around.
Stay at home, public assembly and protest are now illegal, don't use paper currency cause it spreads the virus, all communication takes place through easily monitored digital means, buy everything online, there are a lot of adgendas being tested out here.
It came from wohan. I heard that there is a lab in wohan where they study viruses. Who knows
Pretty much - it's just an opinion. Viewing as how disastrous some pandemics have been whether they are/of not of nature is not a new thing to wonder
If you mean man-made as in made by mankind being stupid and ingesting things that shouldn't be ingested or where not properly sanitised then yes, I agree.
That's very interesting and I found it persuasive, but like all fact-based explanations which rely on a basic level of scientific understanding of the world, it will fly far over the heads of conspiracy-minded whack-jobs.
After all, loads of people believe in homeopathy, surveys have found that something like 80% of Americans believe in angels, and around 40% of Americans believe the Biblical creation myth.
At the moment, there's a problem in the UK with nuts torching mobile phone transmission towers because there's a conspiracy theory circulating that 5G signals cause COVID-19. Just to show the mind-boggling depth of the idiocy, engineers stringing fibre-optic cable have been harassed by members of the public who believe they're a threat to public health.
Woody Harrelson - that well-known stoner and expert on all things scientific - is amongst the high-profile idiots who have endorsed this theory. Other notable spreaders of this particular strain of viral lunacy include reality TV personalities and sports stars, most of whom would probably have huge difficulties explaining what the electromagnetic spectrum is.
Never mind the fact that Iran has no 5G at all and loads of COVID-19 cases, and never mind the fact that London had 5G masts months before Wuhan. The most important thing for some people is that celebs they follow believe the myth, and that's all the proof they need.
We live in a complex world, but a large part of the population simply isn't equipped to grasp even the general principles underlying it. Those who push simplistic, anti-scientific explanations (such as the idiot in the White House) will tend to be believed by far more people than will accept or even comprehend scientific explanations.
If anything is going to wipe out humanity, it will probably be our collective stupidity.
If they're doing it for population control then they're doing a shitty job. Latest research from Italy reckons mortality rate could be as low as 0.3%
Boojum makes a good point.
That said.
History books take time to write.
We are living it right now.
Only years from now by hind sight may people see the bigger picture.
Whether it was done on purpose or not.
It's effects are far reaching.
I expect some power grabs, and changes in the wake.
I know what happened! Its simple. They were obviously making a drug that would make monkeys smart, a drug that would cure human brain illness like alzheimers.
Monkeys obviously got pissed, took drugs, learnt to talk then invented a virus to wipe out humanity.
I don't understand why people fail to see the truth.