Is it normal to think that there are cameras hidden in my bedroom?

It's something that I think about a lot. Every time I get changed in my bedroom I wonder if maybe someone has hidden a camera somewhere and is watching me get dressed. Or anytime I do something weird or embarrassing like talking to myself I quickly become really fearful and make a mental note to not do it again in case there are cameras hidden. Is this normal? or would it be considered an irrational fear?

Voting Results
63% Normal
Based on 72 votes (45 yes)
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Comments ( 15 )
  • Anime7

    Big Brother's watching you.

    In all seriousness I believe that this is a common behavior. However, from the paranoia that you have I get the sense that you do not feel comfortable in your own home. Obviously home is where the heart is, it's the place that one can go to for peace and serenity. Do you not feel welcomed in your own home? If not then I suggest that you do some self exploration and find out the reason for this detachment towards your room. Good luck, hope you eventually find comfort in your place of repose.

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  • TheAnimeFangirl

    I have Schizophrenia and Paranoia,
    I think that all the time~!
    So does my friends who don't have any disorder,It's normal!

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    • highhowru?

      are those friends real?

      lolololololol jkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjkjk

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  • Ladypink

    I have that too. I think it's a trust issue thing. At least for me. I'm not a very quirky or paranoid person (I'm actually more OCD then paranoid) but yup, me too!

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  • h2o2go

    You can check by gitting a rf detector and running it around your room. Or you can get an old boom box and slowly scan, looking for a paceing tone( the signal that is used to give the camra a idea of the pixle it is scanning) the Bon box will not work if a camra is 2.5gHz. I don't think this kind of thing happens vary often and is a offence in meny country's. Sorry fo spelling.

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  • 77_88

    Totally normal. I have the same fear too!

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  • catfan

    Its normal. Sometimes I think about that. Whats weird is that if I do anything wrong or something, someone sees it in person every time!

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  • China

    I feel this too I have since I was a child, If I know I'm about to do something weird I have to turn over any picture of friends and family I have in my room, just because their eyes are on me and might be able to actually see what I'm doing. Usually I think there are people looking through my window too, so whenever I get changed I do it so fast or with the curtains closed.

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  • pufferton

    You're very paranoid, but yeah I think everyone has feared this before. I'm always afraid there are cameras in public bathrooms... Like at department stores 0.O So I'd say it's pretty normal, but you should try to be less paranoid, because I highly doubt there are hidden cameras in your room haha. Unless of course, you still live with your parents and have really protective parents o.O

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  • highhowru?

    i feel that too lol even when i see pictures of people wen i am alone lol its really scary

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  • Avant-Garde

    I feel this way too.

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  • porsublue

    I feel the same way!!!!

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  • Shackleford96

    I used to think that televisions had a camera behind the screen. Kind of like a two-way mirror.

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  • jakeXD

    You watched to much Paranormal Activity dude/dudette.Paranoid!

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  • lollipopguild

    well it may be a bit of paranoia, there is other people, normal people that think that. I am not crazy [ i hope]

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