Is it normal to think that you will look like a person you met?
Like when I see a really fat dude who has similar features, black hair and brown eyes and we have a few interests in common, Im afraid I will become that. Anyone else?
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Like when I see a really fat dude who has similar features, black hair and brown eyes and we have a few interests in common, Im afraid I will become that. Anyone else?
i think that is just you analyzing what else is the same about you both since you have a few things in common. your just trying really hard to relate to the other indiviual. just realize that you are special because you are unique. there is no one else on this planet like you or like me, and there never will be. no two snowflakes are exactly alike.
I did that when i was younger... when i was more insecure i guess you could say
I saw a woman who looked like me but fatter in the store once, and I thought I was looking at a mirror for a second. IT freaked me out pretty bad.
I have black hair and brown eyes. So if you like, saw me in pink spandex running down the street, you'd be scared you'd turn out like me? Embrace the transformation, man. Get into the awesome pasty cocoon of life and embrace tommorrow like an iron fist full of strawberry flavored gummy pandas with a hint if lime. A HINT OF LIME, NIGGA! A HINT OF FUCKING LIME! Climb up the hill of happiness to know this:
Shout at the top of your lungs that you're yourself and no stranger or person you will ever meet can change that.
I don't worry about looks but I do worry I'll become mentally similar to some people I meet. I don't want to be one of those people who dies alone on his sofa and nobody notices for three years, by which time I'm little more than a stain and a skeleton.
No way. I've seen no one that I think I will look anything like. I'm cool with that.