Is it normal to think there is no god

OKay so im Christian, its even my name i just dont think there really a god i add him to the same category as the toothfairy, boogeyman. to tell the truth there's no way to prove that he's real i think in a little lost here but if i see him, he proves he's a god i will believe it no bad comments please, i go to church every sunday , feel nothing at all when everyone acting like there doped up on cocaine., i just sit and think about if there's really a god. please dont judge me because you cant prove there's a god or toothfairy.

Voting Results
78% Normal
Based on 92 votes (72 yes)
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Comments ( 25 )
  • howaminotmyself

    The answers you seek can only be found by discovering who you are. Please keep in mind that believing in God is not what makes one Christian. But why are you still going to church? It is completely normal to question your faith and spirituality. I wish more people would.

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  • roxco

    Lack of Historical Evidence for Jesus's Existence:

    1. Jesus wrote nothing.

    2. The Gospels were written at least 60 years after Jesus's death.

    3. The writers of the Gospels were not Mathew, Mark, Luke, and John; they were anonymous.

    4. There are no writings from historians of the time about Jesus outside of the Christian writings.

    5. Different accounts in the Gospels of the same stories of Jesus contain discrepancies.

    6. Stories of god-men, virgin births, and resurrection were common at the time of Jesus.

    7. There were other self-proclaimed Messiahs of Jesus's time who performed miracles.

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    • dappled

      How do you know any of those things are a fact?

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  • ugh once again i am going to say this
    the site name is "ISITNORMAL"
    so you are suppost to ask questions that is hard to tell if its normal or not and you fucking well know this story is normal because LOADS of people do it
    fuck well im soooooo sorry you lost faith you should maybe talk to your priest about it instead of putting it on a site that is exactly the opposite of why you posted it

    fucking hell oh im gonna submit a story called this
    "IIN that i wore blue jeans but like black jeans more"
    thats how fucking normal this story sounds.

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    • is it normal that you get upset whether a question is normal or not? your funny

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      • aha im not really that angry its just to get the point across lol its more of a nuicence i mean it seems the only questions that dont get asked on this website are the ones the website should be getting more of

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        • it is the exasperation, funny

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    • thesky713

      wtf is ur problem

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      • -sigh- I like things to have a real purpose the purpose it was made for not a false purpous.

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        • thesky713

          pet peev?

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  • khalillh

    god is just an idee

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  • Titansfalundrme

    If the man who wrote a story millions of years ago (scew actual numbers) could see that trillions of dollars where being spent to uphold the "teachings" and "faith" of that story.
    HE'D LAUGH HIS ASS OFF at all the people who believed in it.
    My wonderful perspective of all religions.
    (sorry religious folk! im not not really....)

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  • An+on

    A theory- we are an experiment of the fourth or higher dimension. That is one of umpteenth amounts of theories out there.

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  • misskrum

    God doesn't exist.

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  • roxco

    Itduz is probably one of the most rational person on this app/site!!! It's called "is it normal for a reason people"!!!!!!!!

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  • roxco

    The argument is "You can't disprove God's existence, so he must exist." This is faulty logic. By the same logic, you cannot disprove the existence of a spaghetti monster, or a magic teacup, floating around in space somewhere either, so they must also exist. We also cannot prove or disprove intelligent life exists on other planets, so does that prove that there is intelligent life? We cannot make that statement because we are unable to check every planet in the universe for intelligent life. (Aliens may be more believable than supernatural assertions of the Bible, because aliens life forms may not require a violation of the laws of the universe unlike the Bible miracles.) Our ignorance does not make a claim true or false.

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  • roxco

    God would not have allowed for all of the religious confusion, if he wanted us to know him. He would have wanted us to get it right, by providing the true religion with some "heavenly magic," making it more obvious as to which religion we are required to follow. God wants us to choose the right religion but has made choosing correctly too confusing. God has made following him a charade. If there is only one true religion, the rest of the world (the vast majority) is currently wrong. Since no existing religion on the Earth appears to have come from a God, it is most probable that humans created all religions.

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    • slendersail

      Oh and by the way, each religion does come from "a god", a higher being or angel (they are/were human too). This is what they brought with them, and they each have their following to whom they act like guides, until that following realizes that we are all the same. "God" is not a unit of measure, "God" is oneness of All, all these angels/aliens/beings.

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    • slendersail

      Religion is religion, "reconnection with the divine" in us, why would God want to MAKE it clear "which" religion we were "required" to follow? There is no such thing. If you come across that sort of thing, it's just a power struggle. You have to follow your heart.

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  • roxco

    A loving God would not be so hidden if he wanted us to know and follow him. Over one billion people are atheists because there can be found no evidence that can be presented for a God. A God who is so inconspicuous would not have created humans with analytical brains and the ability to think rationally. He would know human brains would consistently question his existence. He either would make his existence more obvious to the world or would make us less intelligent.

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  • aussiewolf

    if there was a god, do you think he/she would allow catholics to rape children for years and years and not do anything about it? and if so, then he is a f*cked up god who i would never ever want to follow and support.
    but from what i have seen with regard to science vs faith, i have only ever seen proof in science. i guess that is why they call it faith because that is what they base their belief in..... faith. why dont people just believe in being nice to each other because religion has caused so much grief and death and wars... how can that be a good thing?

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    • nagasonavimana clearly haven't read the old testament. God gave an entire city Herpes because he didn't like the cut of their jib. He turned a bitch to salt just for looking the wrong way. He took his most faithful follower and fucked up his life inside and out just to see if the guy would renounce him. The Mafia, the Yakuza, and Vlad the Impaler combined wouldn't even be able to top that shit.

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    • slendersail

      Religion is a complex thing... It means "reconnection" (to the higher realms) but some people then latch onto this and somehow start to believe that it makes them better than others.

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  • NinjaAssasin

    Wether you believe God exists or not you have to admit that he gives people hope. And in a world like this hope is all that people need sometimes.

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  • dappled

    I am an atheist so apologies if I mess this up, but I think the whole point of God would be diminished if He were able to be proved "real". It's about faith.

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