Is it normal to think this?
Is it normal that I have this theory? I don't believe in God or anything religious. My theory is that how we spend our lives, our energy, is how we live on. (Sorry for the lack of a better term for "energy" but it's a pretty accurate term for what I'm trying to to describe.) There is no life after death. Death is when our energy is expended and our bodies subsequently break down, releasing the remainder of our energy into the world. Whether that's for worms to eat, fire to burn, rodents to pillage, etc. I believe that every person we meet, we exchange a piece (if only infinitesimal) of ourselves, you take a bit of their energy while they take on yours. This is how the individual affects the world they live in. Do you remember the stranger who flashed you a bright smile, and you can't help yourself - you smiled too. Or maybe you don't smile, you just frowned. Whether you frowned or smiled is what you gave as an exchange. Maybe you taught a friend to fish, who then taught his son to fish, and then it became a family tradition in later generations. Whether the great great grandsons knew you or not is irrelevant, it's your energy that set that in motion and an essence of you lives on. Is it normal? Am I crazy to think this?