Is it normal to think this?

Is it normal that I have this theory? I don't believe in God or anything religious. My theory is that how we spend our lives, our energy, is how we live on. (Sorry for the lack of a better term for "energy" but it's a pretty accurate term for what I'm trying to to describe.) There is no life after death. Death is when our energy is expended and our bodies subsequently break down, releasing the remainder of our energy into the world. Whether that's for worms to eat, fire to burn, rodents to pillage, etc. I believe that every person we meet, we exchange a piece (if only infinitesimal) of ourselves, you take a bit of their energy while they take on yours. This is how the individual affects the world they live in. Do you remember the stranger who flashed you a bright smile, and you can't help yourself - you smiled too. Or maybe you don't smile, you just frowned. Whether you frowned or smiled is what you gave as an exchange. Maybe you taught a friend to fish, who then taught his son to fish, and then it became a family tradition in later generations. Whether the great great grandsons knew you or not is irrelevant, it's your energy that set that in motion and an essence of you lives on. Is it normal? Am I crazy to think this?

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80% Normal
Based on 20 votes (16 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • victorygin

    So... people's interractions involve an exchange. And if you do something, it has consequences beyond your involvement. Add in "energy" a few times and it becomes a spiritual theory?
    Sorry to be cynical, it just seems like you're describing some of the obvious facts of life.
    Yes, normal..

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    • Not really spiritual theory, just the transfer of energy vs. a "soul" that "lives forever". Scientists understand that energy is neither created nor destroyed. Our bodies are energy; thermal and kinetic and electrical energies. So I guess to further elaborate, I do feel that our energies are dispersed, collected, and changing throughout life but I don't think that the energy that creates "us" will ever amass together again. Like a cloud in the sky, no two are exactly alike and no one will be replicated precisely. It seems obvious to me as well, but I find a lot of people don't agree.

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      • victorygin

        "like a cloud in the sky" - that's a good way of putting it.
        Yeah, I agree with all that. I see it from a scientific perspective, it's just fact really. But I notice sometimes people start melding science with spirituality. Eg, people talking about physical/chemical energy in our bodies and then equating that with some kind of spiritual energy, or the positive/negative energy or "vibes" between people. I just think they're two different things - and I'm not saying that's what you were doing; I just want to make that distinction.

        So, I definitely agree that we are energy and that will be recycled and go into a billion different places/uses when we die; even when we're alive.
        I also think there's a place to talk about spiritual 'energies' and things like that as well. I just don't think that stuff is really measurable.

        But anyway, I like the way you put that.

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  • thegypsysailor

    Nicely put.

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  • mystery7

    I think it's more than that. In my early adult years (18 -22) after 2 years of dedicated practice I learned how to leave my physical body and travel with my equivalent energy body (also know as astral travelling).

    I no longer do it consciously / at will but my experiences at the time convinced me that there's more to human beings than just time + matter+ chance + worms eating our rotting flesh once our physical body conks out.

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    • It certainly would be easier to believe that there is more to life and being human. Personally, I believe that's one of the purposes religion serves - to make people comfortable with fanciful beliefs that there is a purpose and something after death. While astral travel is not a religion, scientifically, I can't accept it is anything beyond lucid dreaming.

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  • howaminotmyself

    I am often that stranger who smiles at people for no reason, I just want to see if I can make them smile.

    I kind of get what you are saying. But do you see a difference in energy and consciousness?

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    • I can't really say that I do see a difference between energy and consciousness. Do you?

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      • howaminotmyself

        Yes. Very much so. Energy can be external, for one thing. Consciousness is all internal. Your energy can be seen as your aura, but not the thoughts in your head. They give shape to those thoughts by way of action.

        Energy, in this case, is your life force. Also known as qi. Your consciousness can feel it and direct it and otherwise be aware of it, but it is not it.

        You also mentioned Astral projection and lucid dreaming. These are not the same either. Astral.projection is quite simply, an out of body experience. You can be awake when you have them. Lucid dreaming is just the awareness of being in a dream state, usually you are very much in your body.

        This things are related and work with each other, but are not the same. It's like saying laughter is the same as happiness. Similar, often go together, but not at all the same thing.

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