Is it normal to think this

I have been thinking about death and I don't believe in god, no way I could, I have this theory that when we die our consciousness goes into another dimension and becomes a god of its own universe, I feel like if I think about it enough I'll believe it myself and then I won't be afraid of death, I think it would be soooo cool being my own god, wouldn't it?

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52% Normal
Based on 25 votes (13 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • Crμsades

    I wouldn't want to be just my own god. I wanna be THE God.
    To be the ruler over the entire universe. I would bring a regime of tyranny and oppression upon everybody. I would make it very clear that homosexuality is a sin and fags would eternally burn in the deepest fiery pits of hell. I would force liberals and hipsters to serve as human furniture for all the obese people to sit on them. And finally,what should i do with those filthy feminists? Well, i know! I would give them equal rights! They would hate that shit!

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    • Chemical-X

      crusades for president! i will be your campaign manager? if you say no i will shove glass down your dickhole.

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    • So you would eternally burn in the deepest fiery pits of hell too then?

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    • Well then... You forgot the vegans

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  • KeepsakeDoll

    I'd create a world filled with my irreplaceable 2D waifus!

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  • Tommythecat.

    *voice goes all croaky, exhales cigarette smoke

    Because time is a flat circle

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  • thegypsysailor

    Being "a god of its own universe" sounds so very exhausting! All that work deciding who lives and who doesn't, rewarding the good little people or punishing the bad ones cruelly, or is it vice versa? Creating and sending a hurricane to this place, causing a devastating earthquake somewhere else. Insuring that the innocent children suffer horribly, because some choose to worship me differently than others. No thanks, oblivion sounds so much easier and more pleasant to me.

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