Is it normal to think we are living a life without true purpose?

When people say things like "You lonly live once", "live life to the fullest", "life is a journey" and things like that I don't understand all the hype. Even if you think you're living life to the fullest, there's probably something else u COULD have done / tried harder at etc.I guess I am a pessimist & I also like to ask questions like why are we here, Do we have an end purpose?
I feel that because we don't know why we're here we can't ever truly be fulfilled and all the effort we spend suffering and trying to be "better people" and have "nicer" things is somewhat unjustified. For example many successful people have worked their way up and are still not happy. Are we searching for something unattainable?For many religious people the answer could be that we are judged on how we live our lives now and rewarded/punished and in the after life. I am agnostic and I don't believe in the afterlife. What are your thoughts?

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Comments ( 23 )
  • hundredthousand

    I'm going to tell you something everyone else is afraid to say. There is no purpose. You're not here for a reason, no matter how much it seems like there should be one. You're just here. That's it.

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    • suckonthis9

      There is a purpose. Wait until you are there. You are in for a huge surprise.

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      • purplegirl22

        I find it hard to believe in god, why do you act so sure and confident that there is a purpose? Because I don't quite understand how people in general are so sure.
        I think people only believe in a god because they have to believe that they are here for a purpose, everything happens for a reason, they live for something greater etc. Fact of the matter is, there is nothing that proves this to be true. Noone knows or ever will know why they are here no matter how much they try or put their faith in something.

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        • hundredthousand

          Heh, we were thinking and posting the exact same thing at the exact same minute. Curious!

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        • suckonthis9

          I once, not long ago, thought much like you. I have discovered something very fundamental about our Universe. I now know how the concept of 'god' originated. It is unfortunate that some Humans have used this information for greedy purposes and to further their own aims.

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          • purplegirl22

            What "fundamental" thing did you discover about our universe that changed your mind?

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            • suckonthis9

              I discovered that the Universe as we commonly perceive it is not structured the way that has been commonly known. Massenergy is ordered differently and there also exists a different realm that explains the formation and ( relationship, for lack of a term that does not exist ) to massenergy. There is much more to it than this, but it would be very difficult for me to explain this to you in this way.

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      • hundredthousand

        You sound very religious. I could turn this back on you and say you're in for a fairly big surprise yourself but I belong to a group of people who wouldn't do that to you.

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        • suckonthis9

          I am not religious.

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  • Energy

    Who cares. It's not like anyone truly knows all the answers to those questions. The fact that you're alive is what matters. So, why not make the best of it?

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  • Malaglinir

    I'm somewhat of an existentialist in that I think there is no inherent meaning in this universe. I do believe we can create our own meaning though.

    The only problem is that that isn't as simple as it sounds. I've been trying to find my personal meaning for a better part of the entire last year.

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  • pandabear1209

    I don't worry about purpose in life, I believe life is 50% chance and 50% what you make it. I just try to do my best and make myself and the ppl I love happy.

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  • suckonthis9

    It is good that you ask questions like this.
    There are some truths in what you have said.
    Keep your good thoughts.
    Try to live your life as an Ethical and Enlightened creature.
    It is unfortunate that there are those among us who choose to live with poor ethical standards, which brings the Ethical Index of all Humanity down.

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  • karmasAbich

    Our purpose is to live our life to its maximum potential before our physical body dies. In my opinion

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  • bakerj99

    I guess what it really comes down to is living. We're all alive, so why not make the most of what we have? Theres kids dying of starvation in Africa, homeless kids in eastern europe, and your probably typing on a nice pc at your house. Point is : Make the most it.

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  • Crudhouse

    If you are an agnostic you can't believe that there's no afterlife, you need to accept that there might be an afterlife

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  • bakerj99

    "Do we have an end purpose?" Depends what you mean by purpose. I guess, we're all the same, in the sense that we're all human, we all eat, drink, sleep. ...But...when, you look at it from an angle wise, or traveling wise kinda purpose, of course we do, we do our own individual things. But be careful not to think too much into it, it will drive you insane.

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  • MockingVenus

    All my life I've heard of living a "christian life", yet not one christian has ever shown me it. People will ostracize anyone that's different from them. It always amazes me when I'll just be sitting there and someone walks up and asks me about my religion. When I tell them I'm an atheist, I get quite a variety of reactions. Some are shocked, some are ok, one person slapped me. heh. Life isn't about being easy though I suppose.

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  • joybird

    Our true purpose in life could never be to have 'nicer' things. It may be a desire or a wish.

    I think our true purpose is to help others, so changing their lives for the better. I was 42 before I found my natural ability and true purpose in this world. I can teach severely dyslexic or even autistic children how to read way above their true age in approx 2-3 months :o)

    I love the film 'Pay it Forward' too, as I don't need anyone to do anything for me, or return any favours that I do for them.

    Maybe we are here to produce a child that makes a major change to the world....

    Happiness definitely involves other people.

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  • Kutieadb

    Well, in the case that you are right, and there is no afterlife, you should live your life happily. Don't worry about that stuff, no one knows the answers.

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