Is it normal to think you are unworthy of anything good?

i feel as if nothing i do is good enough, that i could put 1,000,000% into everything i do (and i actually try to do that) and it would still not be worthy of praise and positive recognition. i feel as if i bend over backwards for everyone and everything and its never enough.....i am never enough.....who i am, what i am, and what i do are all the same and nothing is ever enough......i am the most flawed and unaccomplished person in the world (in my mind at least). i have absolutely no faith in myself or belief in my own accomplishments. i want my accomplishments to dictate whether or not i am deserving of good things.

is this normal?

Voting Results
68% Normal
Based on 73 votes (50 yes)
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Comments ( 10 )
  • You are what you think you are.

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    • Farb-Sweat

      No, YOU are what I think you are.

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  • suckstobeme

    If noone appreciates what you are doing u will never be able to feel good about yourself..

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  • suckstobeme

    That's my story too, some people are just lucky and others not.

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  • +1 to what everyone else is saying.
    I am very similar to you. Sounds like you have anxiety/depression like me.
    If you set out to do something and you do it then you are consistent, not flawed. There are certain things you can control and other things you just can't control. The things you can't control don't reflect poorly on you. Practice mindfulness, look it up if you're unfamiliar with the word. Maybe you should start on an antidepressant. Lexapro has really helped me. Maybe some counseling too

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  • ProseAthlete

    Start doing things for you and give yourself the praise you deserve. You cannot live in a comparative world because you will always find someone who's better at X, Y or Z than you are.

    To be blunt, most people are going to neglect your accomplishments because they're too busy thinking about themselves -- and probably feeling slighted because no one recognizes *their* accomplishments. That's why you have to develop some self-reliance.

    Forgive me for suggesting it, but the tone of your post is so fraught with emotion that I wonder if you aren't also suffering from depression, anxiety or another condition that could color your outlook. If that's the case -- and you would know yourself better than we would -- you might want to speak to a therapist.

    I'm 100 percent certain that you aren't the most flawed person in the world, for what that's worth.

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  • SuperBenzid

    Well you're definitely not the most flawed and unaccomplished person in the world, I hold that title so you can stop worrying about that.

    Look I am not going to tell you whether your achievements are good or not because I don't know what they are. However even if what you believe is true, it doesn't matter. I actually have a relatively high paying job and sure I might not have talent at what I do or any real ability to produce good stuff, everyone has to try. If your efforts are rewarded why judge it? Ever heard the statement "don't look a gift horse in the mouth?" Some people get what they don't deserve and some people don't get what they do. It is just the reality of life, who can judge it?

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    • Farb-Sweat

      I'm a gift horse and I won't go to the dentist because she wants to look in my mouth.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Sounds like you are surrounded by ungrateful bastards.

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    • Farb-Sweat

      Much better than grateful bastards, eh?

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