Is it normal to think you sometimes don't exist?

As of late, I've had some of the strangest feelings. For example, I went to go pick up food for the family in my pajamas, cause I didn't feel like getting dressed up. I brought it back & before I went in the house, I had a feeling that someone was gonna ask me about what I wore or why I wore what I wore. Sure enough, my sisters' friend asked me if I had put shoes on before I left! ! ! I was like, "I knew someone was gonna ask me that!" Another time I was watching tv & there was I guess a new episode of the First 48. I believe they showed a similar episode about a week ago, but I'm looking at the screen thinking to myself. . . Didn't I watch this before? I guess the question is if it's normal to think about things such as this? Or should I just try not to let it get to me?

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81% Normal
Based on 72 votes (58 yes)
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Comments ( 26 )
  • suckonthis9

    It is normal to sometimes think that you don't exist, but this is a rare occurence for most people. It is more normal to think that you do exist, most of the time. I think that what you might need, is a healthy dose of reality. Perhaps, you might want to discover the wonders of nature. Would it be appropriate to wear pajamas into the wilderness? I think that that would be a very foolish decision.
    Pajamas, in some societies, at some times and places are considered to be acceptable in public, at other times or places, or other societies, not. The key is to understand what a society will accept at a given time and place, without causing a controversy towards yourself. In some societies, pajamas worn in public, have recently become a fad. The question is, how daring (revealing) do you want to be?
    Of course, perhaps you were just lazy that day? I think that most people become that way occasionally, some more often than others.

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    • boogie592

      True & very well said...!

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  • walrus101

    if you didn't exist you couldn't think, and you have to exist to think, and you have to think to imagine, and you have to imagine to feel something you're not. mabye this is all a dream but someone who is you is either dreaming this life or living it.

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    • boogie592

      that somewhat makes sense. I mean I understand what you're saying. You lost me when you said someone is me might be dreaming or living it. . . But not the real me. I think everyone might have this episode at least once in their lives. They just have to seek the right answer & take things slowly

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  • MrPedobeard

    Does exist.* I hate autocorrect. >_< that, and my big fat thumbs...

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    • boogie592

      Lol, it never occurred to me that I'm not the only one the world who has these types of experiences. I can't quite explain it, but it's just weird & throws u for a big ass loop!!!

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  • MrPedobeard

    I think this is normal. I am always wondering if I, and the world at large, try exists, or if it it's all a lie, or a dream, or even some strange computer program perhaps. I also experience déjà-vu on a regular basis, and it freaks me out. I've even had dreams that sort of came true, which disturbed me greatly. Like, this one time I had a dream about a minigame in the MMORPG RuneScape that was EXACTLY like Mobilising Armies. And when they released the actual mini game and I played it for the first time, and remembered my dream... Bricks were shat.

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  • WeirdoFromEarth

    I'm not sure how your story relates to the question, sorry but I do think I exist, but I used to think everyone else didn't. For example, I think it's weird that I'm the only one who can't see my own face.

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    • boogie592

      Then u didn't really understand my story in co-relation to my question! What I was asking if anyone has felt non existent??? I also can relate to your example of not being able to see your own face, save with the help of a mirror

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  • _edinboro

    My ex used to think this too. He was just generally kind of depressed and had mental problems, you might want to talk to a counselor...

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    • boogie592

      ummm.. thanks, I think??? I've actually talked with my family bout what I've been goin through. Some of em think I'm crazy, others can relate

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  • Faern

    They sell rope at Home Depot. I'm just sayin.

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    • boogie592

      yeeeaaaahhhh.... not gonna take that route

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  • Avant-Garde

    I've gotten deja-vu only in the cities.
    I often feel like I'm nonexistent or that I'm supposed to exist on some other plane. (if that makes any sense)

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    • solidman

      That feeling you have is called, I don't want to sound mean or anything but its called lack of attention. And I'm famliar to it to.

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      • boogie592

        thank u for the input & u don't sound mean. . . just giving helpful information

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        • solidman

          Lol no prop just do your own thing and people will start seeing you.

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    • boogie592

      that actually makes perfect sense... I honestly can count on hand how many times I've experienced deja-vu, & it doesn't disturb me, just makes me think a little more

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  • mauwpauw

    I feel that all the time! And it feels really weird like a deja-vu. Sometimes it's even scary, because you just know something happened before and what people are going to say, but everybody just thinks you're a complete retard.

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    • boogie592

      I know right!!! People be looking @ me like I'm crazy or whatever.

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    • suckonthis9

      Your conclusion is factually incorrect.
      I, for one, as well as many other people, I'm sure, do not think that either the poster, yourself or others are "complete retard(s)". Please research 'Mental Retardation'.

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  • RockerRoseanne

    I feel like that constantly, I'm actually used to it now.

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    • boogie592

      How do u deal with it? Or do u just not worry about it

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      • RockerRoseanne

        Im not really sure that I 'deal' with it. I accept that it happens and that I cannot control it. It still worries me occasionally as I seem to have other issues as well as this.

        For me I now have to worry as I have begun to forget important things, yet my memory is really good. I don't think its related but its just what has happened to me.

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  • normal cause u probly dont, me either :( oh well

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    • boogie592

      yea. . .oh well I guess

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