Is it normal to think you sometimes don't exist?
As of late, I've had some of the strangest feelings. For example, I went to go pick up food for the family in my pajamas, cause I didn't feel like getting dressed up. I brought it back & before I went in the house, I had a feeling that someone was gonna ask me about what I wore or why I wore what I wore. Sure enough, my sisters' friend asked me if I had put shoes on before I left! ! ! I was like, "I knew someone was gonna ask me that!" Another time I was watching tv & there was I guess a new episode of the First 48. I believe they showed a similar episode about a week ago, but I'm looking at the screen thinking to myself. . . Didn't I watch this before? I guess the question is if it's normal to think about things such as this? Or should I just try not to let it get to me?