Is it normal to throwing trash out car window ?

Sometimes, I throw trash out car window, is it normal ?

Voting Results
11% Normal
Based on 19 votes (2 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • SwickDinging

    It's a sign of low intelligence

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  • RoseIsabella

    Give a hoot, don't pollute!

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  • jodi1955

    need arrested!

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  • Tommythecaty

    A cigarette, yeah.

    Full on garbage, no, it’s retarded.

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  • olderdude-xx

    Normal trash no. I did used to throw apple cores, banana peels, etc into the ditches along country roads. They degrade and fertilize the soil. I did that a lot when I rode bicycles long distances. Candy bar wrappers and similar things were kept until I got to a town and could put into a trash container (usually at a gas station or rest stop).

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Do you live in the ghetto part of town? I picked up a couch for a guy at work once to take it to the dump and he and his wife were like "just throw it across the street". They lived in the hood where nobody seems to give a shit about their community. Theres always trash everyone in that area.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    People litter the streets here in New York all the time. Though they get pissy when it winds up in their yard. XD

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  • idolomantis

    Ugh, it’s a really bad habit! A lot of people where I live do this and it drives me insane. They throw glass out their windows too, which is pretty hazardous for people like me who walk a lot.

    Here’s a trick someone taught me; just get a grocery bag and hook one of the loops over that thing on the console (lol I can’t remember what it’s called sorry). Then make it a habit to put all your trash in there, then just replace the bag regularly so that you don’t have to litter anymore. Most people I know at least have lots of old grocery bags lol, so it’s a convenient method.

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  • SudoHalt

    From the third world where I am from, everyone throws trash out of the car. Then people complain why the streets are not clean. The government doesn't have enough budget to deal with this.

    You might be privileged to get away with it, maybe because many others around you don't do it. It doesn't mean it is normal. having a roll of plastic bags in your car would solve this problem. Pack up the trash at once, tie up the bag, and throw it in the bin when you get back home.

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