Is it normal to torture my beloved cat?

Is it normal to hurt my cats? I love my cats but when I got the younger female cat, she always begging for food and meows at me, I have this weird feeling to torture her, It started when I put her inside a box for few minuted just to hear her crying, Tbh it satisfied me. I began to put her inside a bag and put a pillow until she passed out crying. it really satisfied me but im so worried of myself. Im not a violent person in my entire life until I met this cat.

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4% Normal
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Comments ( 52 )
  • RoseIsabella

    What's your home address? I have some friends with pitchforks, and torches who would love to meet you. If you are not convinced then I have friends with pickup trucks, and rope who are looking for something to do.

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    • Wow3986

      The dude made a new post claiming his behavior towards his cat is getting worse. He is not resorting to putting rubber bands on it's next. Just wanted to give you a heads up.

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      • RoseIsabella

        Thank, that person is probably just a loser ass troll.

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        • Wow3986

          I hope so.

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          • RoseIsabella

            Me too.

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        • catsaviour

          i hope i am troll as well. however its really happening. i dont want any of your attention. im just posting to this page because wants to seek some answers. i know i am suck

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    • Somenormie

      I also hope the cats scratch the original poster.

      I would pay tons of money for that cat to scratch them because they deserve to be scratched.

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    • darefu

      I was just going to offer to send you over to correct his problem.

      I'll give you a big bag and king size pillow so you can put him in it.

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      • RoseIsabella


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  • artaddict

    not to be rude but go get some fucking help NOW thats anima; abuse

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  • Boojum

    There's a well-established link between animal abuse and human abuse. Not everyone who tortures or kills animals goes on to do the same to other people, but most serial killers tortured and killed animals when they were young. This alone should make you concerned about the feelings and urges you have in your head, and how they might develop.

    There's also another link between animal and human cruelty: in most homes where there's domestic abuse or child abuse, there's also animal abuse. Often it's the perpetrator of the human abuse who's abusing the animals, but it's not uncommon for those who are abused to lash out at the animals too. They may not be able to do anything about the adult who's abusing them, but they can vent their frustration and anger on a creature weaker than them. And, of course, kids learn how to behave from how the adults in their lives behave, so animal abuse can come to seem normal.

    You say you love your cats, and I accept that this is what you genuinely feel. But the fact is that your actions are not loving by any reasonable standard. I can't help wondering if your idea of what love is was twisted by things you saw and heard and had done to you when you were a kid.

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    • Curiouskitten444

      Transferance ✨✨

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    You don't love your cat if you do that to them. Real love is where you do whatever's best for someone, more so than what you feel towards them. Even the most violent nasty abusers usually claim to love their victims, but really they only care about themselves. It's pathetic and disgusting. That's what you're becoming.

    If you do really love your cats, then you should give them away right now because that's what would be best for them. Otherwise you've proven that you don't love them, you only care about yourself, just like another disgusting abuser.

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  • Wow3986

    I really hope this is a troll post.

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    • bigbudchonger

      I was thinking the exact same thing. I wish people wouldn't troll like this tbh; I even don't mind scat trolls and that, but this shit is dark.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        Its not trolling

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      • Wow3986

        Yeah, this is disturbing. Although, I would rather it turn out to be a troll post because at least we know no animal actually got hurt. But yeah, people just not trolling like this is preferable.

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  • Bobtailcatgirl

    That's horrible That's how serial killers start out

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  • bbrown95

    Surrender your cats. I mean it. They are not safe with you. Meanwhile, get help and don't get any more pets (surrender whatever other animals you may have as well). Those cats deserve a LOVING home, and don't even kid yourself and think that's what you're providing them. "Beloved" MY ASS.

    This seriously pisses me the fuck off. I've had several rescue animals over the years that received similar treatment, and no animal deserves it. You do NOT love an animal you treat like that, and there is something seriously wrong with you.

    How would you like to be put in a bag or pillowcase until you passed out? Do you realize you could kill your cat doing that shit? 🤬 If it bothers you when a hungry animal wants food (or otherwise does what animals do), don't get one! What the hell is so hard about that!?

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    • Wow3986

      I cannot understand how the OP is going to claim they love their pets when they've put their cats through suffering. That's like me getting a joy out of causing other people suffering and pain, then saying, "Oh! I love humans!". Not only is the OP delusional, but a fucking idiot as well.

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      • bbrown95

        Exactly! I don't understand it, either! It makes me so mad, and so sad for those poor cats.

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        • Wow3986

          I feel bad for those poor cats. Hopefully these cats get taken away from the OP.

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          • bbrown95


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  • Hubbard

    No, and you need some serious help

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  • Cliche1234

    Yeah. You should be worried.

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    From childhood i have always disliked cats, i honestly think they are horrible creatures.
    But as much as i dislike them, they are a living thing and they deserve so much better than scum like you.
    Do the world a favour and hand your cats in to the nearest pet rescue and commit to never owning or keeping another pet for the rest of your disgusting life.
    You are a monster.

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  • BLAh81

    You aren't fit to have animals and need help (if you're not trolling, that is).

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  • Tinybird

    I'd say not normal. I feel sorry for the cats.

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  • miss_jass06

    I really hope you're trolling. It makes me wanna put you inside a bag until you pass out/away.
    Give those poor cats to someone who can take care of them properly or even to a shelter, just so they don't have to be with you. It's absolutely not normal.

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    • catsaviour

      i hope i am trolling. but this is a serious matter for me.

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  • Somenormie

    As much as I slightly dislike cats, it's not normal to want to do that.

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  • Ponor51

    I like to murder strays when I'm having moods of depression. Other times I rob from the homeless. Sometimes I send dick pics to underaged girls when their parents are away.

    And I'm perfectly normal, trust me.

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  • Ponor51

    Yea we're all sick fucks on this stupid site so why not!

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  • sokolata

    you clearly need professional help. if you actually loved them, you would surrender them to a safer environment. this is not normal at ALL.

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  • notmyrealname123

    why would he post about it if he thought it was cool

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  • RoseIsabella

    Seriously, you probably shouldn't have a pet.

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  • Curiouskitten444

    Have you been more stressed lately?

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    • Wow3986

      ...What does stress have to do with anything?

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    • catsaviour

      im always stressed im 33 and have alot of work load.

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      • Curiouskitten444

        Well as others said, I hope you can find a good therapist. There is hope for a better life and a life without feeling that compulsion as strongly if at all. Speaking from experience. It's possible this cat triggered an old belief/response/repressed memory. I wish you luck 💜

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  • catsaviour

    this is not a troll. i posted this here hoping someone can enlighten me. i love my cats truly, even the ones i torture. everyday i cook them food and and take care of them. i pet and talk to them when they are going to sleep.
    its just this weird habit of torturing them whenever theyre helpless. i know its not right but it really satisfies me..

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    • bbrown95

      You do NOT love them. Love isn't torturing a creature and suffocating it. You'll end up killing that poor cat one day, how do you fucking love it? 🤬

      Not an excuse, and not nearly good enough. You need to surrender them, they are not safe with you. Also, GET HELP.

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      You need to get rid of them

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    • Wow3986

      You torture your pets, seem to enjoy it, now you claim that you love them? How can you say you love your pets when you cause them pain and suffering? How does that make any sense to you? You treat them like absolute shit, yet you wanna claim that you love them? You call that love? You don't love shit. I suggest you give your pets to someone that will love and care for them, then go in your kitchen, grab the biggest and sharpest knife, and kill yourself. That's the least you can do. Even better, how about you have someone put you in a bag until you suffocate? Pussy.

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    • Vvaas

      you need to seek out a therapist and give up your cats immediately. you can't control your urges, you've already stated you put one of the cats in a bag until it passed out which it could have suffocated and died. you're a threat to your cats and until you seek out help you will continue being a threat to them and eventually end up killing them.

      if you really do love your cats you would give them up to a better home until you can get help from a therapist/psychologist to stop or control your urges better. right now you are a danger to your cats

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  • catsaviour

    first of all, i would like to thank you for your comments, regardless if that is good or a curse for me. i truly understand and appreaciate it. atleast i have an idea on what to do on.
    the cat that i tortured, even i dont want to, i gave her to my gf. i cried and i confessed to her as well and she gave me some advise same as yours "seek for psychologist". tbh after i googled all of my symptoms. im scared of my atittude in the future.
    for those who are mad at me, thank u for your hate. it really helps alot. and sorry for making u angry. like i what i told u, im not a violent person im always the one to be bullied in real life.
    i still have my first male cat, i never tortured him, maybe he is so big enough.
    i will not get any kittens for the mean time. as it will trigger my evilish torturing part of me.

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    • RoyyRogers

      Dear for the sake of the world and your pets please seek psychological help. You mighr have an underlined condition but that does not mean you have to let it control you. You can choose to be a good person despite your cruel inclinations and perhaps with therapy might even discover the root cuase.

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    • bbrown95

      I agree with RoyyRogers, please seek help and make a conscious effort to change. Sorry if I came off really harsh, animal abuse really hits a sore spot with me. I'm glad you at least recognize your behavior and have rehomed the cat, but please take the advice to get psychological help seriously. This is not normal behavior and needs addressing. Also, you said you gave the kitten to your girlfriend; please don't ever be alone around the kitten or put yourself in a situation in which you'd be tempted to hurt her again.

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  • notmyrealname123

    i dont think its normal but i do a similar thing with my pet (not a cat) but i know that if i had a cat i would probably do the same thing as you.

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    • bbrown95

      You also need to surrender your pets, then. They're not safe with you and deserve a home that will love and properly care for them. Why even have a pet if this is how you treat them? How would you like said treatment?

      If you are putting your pet in a bag or pillowcase like OP, you are going to kill them.

      This kind of shit drives me up the wall, as someone who has owned rescues that came from similar situations. Get help, there's something seriously wrong with you.

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      • notmyrealname123

        i dont think theyd be any happier living with birds or being put all together in a tiny plastic container (smaller than what youd give your child to eat at school) with more than 5 of them there .

        the amount of times i did it is less than 3 times if you want it to go back there i wont

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        • bbrown95

          Don't ever do it again. If the thought ever crosses your mind, they need to go to a different home.

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