Is it normal to treat animals so badly ?

I saw a video on Youtube that people skin animals alive for their fur, why would they do such a thing? why don't they go to prison or pay a fine or something like this ?or why don't they just kill them and then take the fur away instead of leaving them suffer this way till they die . I really felt sorry for these helpless animals they can't speak for themselves or say they're hurt. I also saw a dog reported missing and they found out that a family cooked it and ate it(they eat dogs and cats ).this day i kept crying and couldn't sleep because of what i saw I also had very bad nightmares. we really need to stop this cruel people but I can't find a way. how to stop these people why don't the government do something about it? I also saw a dog who's gonna be fed to a shark to catch it ,I really wish that i didn't know about all of this , but also i thank god that i found out to try to help these animals (help me to find a way stop them). when will human be responsible for their actions?.

You don't care 12
You will try to help to stop this cruelty 41
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Comments ( 30 )
  • ijustmakeitworse

    It's really hard to go about my day knowing that so many animals are suffering at the hands of's so hard that it has actually sent me into severe depression numerous times. I'm highly empathic and sensitive. I can literally feel the pain of others (no matter the species) and it hurts so much that I just want to hide in my room all day to avoid it. At the moment, I'm trying to go vegan, I shun fur, and am trying to get into cycling because I do not support so many animals getting run over.

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    • blueberry26

      I'm sorry for this ,I'm trying to go vegan too hoping this could help them .how much I hate these people.

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      • ijustmakeitworse

        Hey, I noticed there are some people on here who don't really understand you but it's okay. I've felt this way my entire life because a lot of people consider my views extreme. If you want to message me to talk about it, you can.

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        • blueberry26

          Thank you so much :) I really appreciate this . (But I don't know how to message u because i'm not a member in IIN GOLD )

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  • alv1592

    I agree completely. I've signed a couple of petitions to help stop cats and dogs from being killed in Asia for food and fur. I'm a vegetarian, I have nothing against people who eat meat because maybe there is a food chain, but domesticated animals such as dogs and cats should be pets, not killed for food or fur. I'm against animal abuse of any kind, and real fur too. Fake fur exists because animals shouldn't have to die for fashion. And the cows, chickens, etc. are often treated like crap because they're nothing more than live stock to their owners. They should at least be treated well before being harvested. Animals have feelings and the abusers should be put in prison for years, they deserve it.

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  • Some people are just sick. Animals are just as alive and real as we are. They have feelings too.

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  • Venchen

    I also can't understand how some people can torture animals as if they were inanimate objects with no feelings. They must have no empathy at all!! The mere thought of doing something like that to a living being makes me want to throw up.

    A few weeks ago a similar case happened in the vicinity of my town. A young man was taking a walk with his puppy when he encountered some guys who wanted him to hand over his money. When he refused, they took the dog, shook him and kicked him and twisted its head. After the frightened guy gave them contents of his purse(15 €!!!), they threw the dog in a pond and ran away. The man could save his puppy from the water but it died later. I SO hope they find these douchebags! It's crazy what some people do for some money... And I always wonder how far away they are from treating humans the same callous way :(

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  • dappled

    Probably the first story on IIN that I literally couldn't finish reading. No offence to you, your writing style or anything like that. It was just too upsetting.

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    • blueberry26

      okay I'll try to keep my feelings for myself , I'm sorry but i wanna make something clear , i didn't mean to upset any of u but i was just expressing a feeling that i knew that my parents would think it's not true.

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  • NotFloydzie

    Oh my goodness. Why? Why did you make me read this? Why? Just why? What did I ever do to you?

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    • blueberry26

      I'm really sorry about this , I didn't mean to annoy any of you , but the animal thing makes me so sensitive. I just wanted somebody to help me get over this , I'm sorry.

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  • sega31098

    Sadly, this is the result of commercialism. I firmly believe that eating dogs and cats is no different from eating other meat animals - after all, pigs are more sentient than dogs and make good pets but we never gave them the chance because we see them as food - and we should respect that. But it is so disturbing how money-minded society has become. Skinning a dog alive for their fur is simply something I would see from hell. Stealing a dog and using it for food is simply atrocious. Whoever decided to feed it to a shark deserves to be locked up in prison or go to rehab.

    Of course, this doesn't only happen to dogs: It happens frequently in slaughterhouses worldwide. Animals are frequently tortured and skinned alive simply because of the high demand for meat. According to Linda Mccartney, we would become vegetarians if slaughterhouses had glass walls.

    Remember, as disgusting as animal cruelty is, think about what your Big Mac had to go through (I'm a cow lover too), what your beauty products were tested on, your dairy cow did. It spreads to human cruelty too: Many of our computers and gadgets were made from exploitation of workers in the Congo and child labour worldwide. It also pollutes and sickens many people when it must be disposed. We should learn about the impact of our actions.

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    • CreamPuffs


      (ps I'm a vegetarian and I don't use animal tested products. So I'm not a hypocrite btw.)

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    • coolio75650932 are smart.

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    • blueberry26

      I think your answer is very helpful , thank you :)

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  • kelili

    Oh stop that! All of you eat burgers at MACDO and fried chicken

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    • coolio75650932

      Well...Thats because...ummmmm... you got me there XD

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    • CreamPuffs

      No I don't, I'm a vegetarian you ignorant fool

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  • coolio75650932

    well its sorta a way of life. the skin and such is sorta needed. and the ppl dont go to jail since they have a license for it. the government does nothing since they cant do any thing. i also hate animal abuse. but we humans cant be stopped. mankind is just born that way.(im a hunter my self but i hunt animals that are dangerous and attack for no reason sorry if it offends you in anyway what so ever)

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    • blueberry26

      It doesn't offend me because we're discussing the problem. we don't need their skin because there's a lot of other things we can use instead. when I tried to think like you and found out that they don't care about these animals that have feelings exactly like us ,I asked why don't they just do all of this and take the benefits they want in a merciful way instead of doing it like this , at least kill them not keep them alive and torture them like this,and not in front of each other like they're nothing

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      • coolio75650932

        my brother literally says sorry to animals befor he kills them.

        and i was just given a job to kill some kinda wolf that killed a farmer's dog and daughter.

        when i found the wolf i saw it had i lied to the farmer about killing the wolf and let it live...but i still feal sad for the dog and little girl :(

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  • Chaosmuffin

    This makes me sad
    My sister has a dog and it now lives with us, before I disliked when she jumped on our couch and stuff but now I love it. She's so cute because she'll only jump on our bed or couch if we give her the signal.
    After seeing so many stray dogs down south in Mexico, I feel really bad because theirs a lot in the streets and FLIES eat the smaller ones that eat nothing alive....

    It's also sad how people fight animals and if they are girls they'll dump them on the street :(

    Can't wait till I get back home to hug her, she's getting old :(

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  • VioletTrees

    Why isn't there an option for people who care about animal cruelty but don't have time to be vigilantes? There are a lot of ways you can help with animal welfare that wouldn't help with cases like the specific ones you mentioned, but they're still worthwhile.

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  • nightmare28

    What is really the difference between eating cow or chicken, and dog or cat? Its just a cultural thing. If you ever use medicine remember that it was tested on animals and some animals suffered a lot from it. Animals kill each other as well, have you ever seen a how one animal kill another? The most natural thing in the world for one creature to kill another, especially if its a different spicy.

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    • blueberry26

      It's not any different but At least they should kill them in a merciful way .

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      • nightmare28

        I agree with that but sometimes its economically not possible. If instead of doing what they do they would let every animal have enough space and grow naturally, you would need to take a mortgage on your house to buy a steak.

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    • CreamPuffs

      It's not different. You're a dick either way. :D

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    • kelili

      At last someone sensible

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  • bigfatpoo

    Erm, youtube wouldn't allow such a video, you attention seeking lieing scumbag

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    • blueberry26

      well, it did . You can go see it by yourself ,I mean if you have the guts to see it .

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