Is it normal to truly, utterly despise yourself for being trans?

God this is long. I hope I don't sound like a maniac.

I'm trans, in my mid-20s, and have known for probably 15 years but I never did anything about it. I was always shy and only dressed up/experimented with make-up in private, with my sister helping me. When I was like 6 I think, I had my first crush--my best guy friend. We were at a pool and I just fantasized about him hugging and kissing me. I always had this nagging suspicion in the back of my head that I was meant to be born with a different body, I couldn't stand to look at myself in the mirror or even down at myself because everything looks wrong. I only ever made friends with girls and a select few tolerable guys, though more often than not I would develop crushes on the guys and never tell them, from fear of being called gay. My body started to violently upset me when puberty set in. I thought I was just gay, later bi, until I realized other people's body wasn't the problem but my own. I never felt genuinely attracted to women the same way I was to men--more like extreme envy how much more beautiful and elegent a woman could be than me. I now doubt any man or woman could ever genuinely love someone like me though.

I grew up in an oppressive Christian house-hold. My mom caught me wearing my sister's dress once that she lent me and flipped her shit. I had it hammered into me to be normal all my life. I decided to just suck my shitty feelings down as far as possible, figuring they would go away if I ignored them, not wanting to bother anyone else with my obviously made-up problem.

Psychiatrist diagnosed me with gender dysphoria like 3 years ago, stopped attending my gender clinic appointments before HRT started, because I had just gotten away from my emotionally abusive ex-girlfriend and I lost what little confidence in myself that relationship gave me. I just don't know if it's even normal to feel this way about my gender. It's like a lose-lose situation: I'll never be considered a normal woman, but I'll never be happy with the body I have right now, so my solution was "pretend it doesn't need changing". But I want other people, like my friends, to look at me and not worry they think I'm a disgusting clown. I don't want strangers to give me the evil eye, but I want to feel comfortable in my own skin as well. I keep accusing myself of this being auto-gynephillia, as my sex drive is quite high, and even though these thoughts aren't sexual to me, I just generally feel ashamed for even HAVING a sex drive and liking the attention clueless men give me on OKcupid.

So, I guess what I'm really asking is: is it normal for dysphoria to feel like this? Or at least, relatable to some people? Among all this self-doubt, I need to know if this is valid or not

Voting Results
63% Normal
Based on 19 votes (12 yes)
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Comments ( 11 )
  • Mulania

    I don't care who people think they are, we're all unhappy with some part of our body. Be it our size, the shape our nose to the size and look of our genitals. For some people it's easier for them to overlook these things and learn to accept it and live with it. But when it comes to someone wanting to change their gender, then all of a sudden it's not normal, no. It's just complicated. There is no rule book to life that explains what being human is or what it means. All we know is how to try to be happy. And if being a female is what you desire the most and that is how you identify yourself as, then that is who you are. Why should others be free to enjoy life because they think they don't have to worry about something like this, but you should? You're not the only person to have this experience, there are many transgender people out there who are just as lost and afraid and hoping to meet someone who's been through it all and are living a happy life. So it's not even like it's some new, rare discovery.
    You need to find people who can relate to you. Who can understand that pain you feel and help you find a way to accept who you are, not what others want you to be because it makes them uncomfortable. Some parents react that way out of fear for their child. At least I hope that's the case. Some are just outright disgusted. But you cannot live your life for others. There are people who will accept you and you won't have to go through life feeling like your life was a mistake and shouldn't have been born.
    Try looking online for transgender groups. Not the ones infested with perverts. I wish you the very best.

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  • pizzabrowniesushi

    you are fine.Your mom sounds bonkers though.You should go to a group with some of feelings to work some of your feelings out.Good luck to you brother.

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  • Zonfire80

    I understand completely except the opposite. I a transguy was always jealous of the cis guys at High school. Tall, deep manly voice and can stand to pee. I’d grew up hatred to cis guys for having I don’t have. Hear I am not a transgender man on t and look very manly. Well that’s what people tell me. I still think if I was cis I would be acting less agressive more chill and not always trying to prove something. Being 5’4 doesn’t help. I’m a dam manlit and people tell me that. Especially when I go to the bar. Cis guys try to give me shit for being short. But I’m sure it happens to short guys in general. My life is good overall but I hate that I have to act like a little angry volcano always trying to erupt and pick a fight emotionally. But if your not trans that’s ok too just keep being you. And if you are that’s great too mam. Anyways I support you which ever way you go.

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  • rosesandmusic

    Don't be transgender then.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    Ah shit Motherfucker.

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  • mysistersshadow

    If I weren't so currently uninterested I'd run some of that stuff above thru the Google and see where it came from before this.

    Or I could be wrong and maybe we're not being trolled AGAIN by some one posting trigger issues at least triggers around here for the usual posters to trot out there own political social whatever agenda power point.

    Lets go with I'm wrong since so many of you do regardless.

    I am pretty confused about the whole trans and gender dysphoria thing. If you don't have it its impossible to image what that would be like. It would be like trying to have a serious discussion about art or color theory with a person that has never seen they can't even imagine what your trying to describe. So when I don't understand it I don't lay that guilt at my own feet thats the fault that either I wasn't born trans or the trans PR machine hasn't given me the ability to see. This doesn't mean I don't feel for their plight I do but it also doesn't make them all that special to me there are to many groups who I don't understand and I'm happy to let society provide the element of urgency.

    So. Should you feel the way you do? Only you know becos your the only 1 thats you. And I know there are better places to post this sort of thing than here you should find 1 of those you will get better help more support and a community that can answer your questions. And judging by the quality of some of the writing the OP is well aware of these options as well.

    So sincere or troll? You decide.

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    • Yeah like that bait it normal for males who are straight to cuddle with each other and when you say no unless you're gay they flip their shit and call you a gay basher and unintelligent.lmao!!!!!

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      • mysistersshadow

        Theres alot of that sort of thing here I think this place has alot of potential but some one needs to take control and shake out the trolls. Until this happens pretty much all that potential is wasted and that is truly a shame.

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  • deepdankstickygoo

    This is not normal. I cannot relate to people who have gender dysphoria or want to transition to the opposite gender...but it seems like you are not mentally sound or healthy. I could never understand not being comfortable with my own gender. Sometimes I wonder if transgender people are just straight mentally ill people who need psychological help and not gender reallignment treatment. Either way you do not sound like a very happy person at the moment.

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  • flamer180

    Your a dude. Your feelings are messing with your head

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    • Zonfire80


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