Is it normal to try lots of new hobbies in middle age?

I find I'm far more courageous about trying out new hobbies the older I get; I don't care if I'm good at them or not, only if I enjoy them.

I find this strange as when I was only 10 years younger I was afraid to try new things, thought I couldn't do them. I now count many crafts, puzzles and artistic forms as hobbies.

I was wondering if this is a normal part of aging no one told me about?!

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Comments ( 2 )
  • lordofopinions

    Sure it's normal. You get bored with the same old things and want to try something new. It's right at the age when men get tired of the same old in the bedroom and start looking around for a little "side". If this describes you try to switch it up in the bedroom. New positions oral sex and sex toys or games. Take wifie to the XXX store and see if there is something there that's gets her interested.

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  • Ellenna

    I don't know if it's normal or not in the general sense, but it's an excellent constructive thing to do. With any luck, at least one of your hobbies will become a passion (or even a money earner) and you won't decline into boredom in old age.

    Keep on enjoying what you enjoy: if that makes you happy then it's normal for you.

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