Is it normal to try to take over the world... epicly?
Seriously I just want to know how you would Try To Take Over The World!
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Seriously I just want to know how you would Try To Take Over The World!
Use the Internet to create a cyber celebrity and then use them to brainwash the masses.
ZOMG!!! I do that too! LOL :D I have this whole plan in my head and I've drawn it up too. I'm planning to gather an army of giant man-eating kittens who will eat everyone then regurgitate them on the moon.
Laced muffins that kill off people in a week, I'd distribute this poison to bakeries and other places and wait as people start falling dead on the ground, next I'd kill political leaders and claim I'm of X faith and that the God of X faith has oppointed me the their hand. Then take over country one by one as I come to us I'd send obama on a flight into a mountain. And as I take his presidency I'd appoint people to lead each country. and once we rule the world then what?
I don't know, smoke some pot, give pot to the poor, throw kids in the oven. What do I do with this power once I control everything? It's like beating the game and having no credits, just forced to look at what you created? I guess I could start wars sending poor sons and daughters of people that I captured and control to wars that are nothing more than my own sick amusement.
Start with the stringer countries then the weaker I thunk it be easier that way
Hack into and obtain secrets files from all governments... use info to pressure those goovernments to handed power over to you!