Is it normal to undergo stress with groups of people?

The war is terrible, but I see mentally challenged people disrupt my peacetime, and so do overly talkative russians, gypsies, and slave-driving jews.

Those bosnians are giving me a hard time, think about it, amira, a bosnian never gave me peace, plus her poverty-stricken country is killing Germany.

Those secular people which many a slav happens to be including polish people are poisoning the country's faith in God.

It's a difficult problem and I'm getting stressed out because these people poison my peace of mind, and yes I'm a Hitlerite, is that normal?

Voting Results
60% Normal
Based on 5 votes (3 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • litelander8

    Sometimes I wonder if Hitler had eradicated the Jews, would the rothchilds still run the world? Or the majority of the world elite for that matter?

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    • normal-rebellious

      Yes the filthy jews took the host and wine of Hitler and got shot or gassed and made into jew soap which the Nazis used in the showers.

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      • litelander8

        You lost me? Soap? 🤷🏾‍♀️

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  • RoseIsabella

    I respect the Polish people, they are very good Catholics.

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    • normal-rebellious

      And the poverty of the poles is a poison, if the whole world went polish America wouldn't be the Christian bourse republicanism it is now, but a barren land of filthy broths and low class sausages. Nothing polish is particularly high quality so Hitler was right.

      And Catholicism if Catholic, Roman Catholic or sedevacantist is a silly sect which Protestants fought to point out as being false, it's only modern faiths based on primitive Christianity, including the Franciscans and its sects, that are accurate, the rest is the downfall of nations and disgrace to the city of churches.

      You can be a very good Catholic but as a Catholic who separated from the Orthodox, or a Catholic sect like Roman Catholic, or even Orthodox Catholic, the first Catholicism of Pope Leo I, you anger Hitler in not changing the church into one without the lies, you're still a filthy Catholic who's vindictive, condemns other subgroups of Catholics and is highly intolerant, and bigoted.

      That's why Catholicism in particular should be condemned.

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      • RoseIsabella

        Nope, I disagree with your assertions.

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        • normal-rebellious

          The answer is yes! But I'm wrong about Hitlerism, I'm wrong about all these toxic ideologies, I shouldn't join hate groups. And furthermore I'm right about Hitler and Catholicism, I know from the traumas I got from such people as they do condemn other subgroups of Catholics.

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          • RoseIsabella

            Hitler killed a lot of mentally ill people, if that the pot calling the kettle black. It's been speculated that Adolf Hitler may have had Borderline personality disorder, which is typically thought of as a disorder that is more common amongst women.

            Hitler had only one big ball.

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            • normal-rebellious

              True, but Hitler was autistic, which doesn't mean he was soft, there was an autistic reported on the news to be shooting many people in a mansion, does that make an autistic a gentle person? I'm saying this because people think that just because Hitler's an arsehole that he's not autistic.

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