Is it normal to use car keys to clean your ears?
Practically everyone does it, right?
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Practically everyone does it, right?
My uncle does that. The first time his son saw it, he said, " wonder the car's always sick".
Doctors are the only people that should clean out your ears. everything else just makes it worse.
I billoted with a family and the father did this. I was in absolute shock when I saw it. It is so dangerous for your ears and it's just kind of gross. Seriously, think of where that key has been.
Stupid fucking thing to do and if you don't realize that you are a stupid fucking person which I suspect is true.
Do you not realize how delicate the inner ear is?! You're asking for an infection by doing that.
You still jab car keys in your ear when the key tip's that sharp? (has some risk of stabbing your eardrum, which could cause deafness) Use cotton buds instead.
I guess you want a punctured eardrum, a damaged ear canal, internal bleeding and possible deafness.