Is it normal to wake up in a dream with a musical rhythm in my head?

I am 34 and I like music very much. Alternative Rock is my favorite genre but I like other genres as well. But my life with Music have been limited to enjoy listening to music only (i.e I didn't capture myself being a musician). Things have changed since 2 years when I begun to wake up in a dream with a rhythm. Or, I hear it when I am doing something else(like under a shower, working in the street, reading a book, playing a computer game, doing a workout, etc).Is it normal to hear music in one's head or I am loosing my head!??? What can I do? Go in music so that I can let these voices out? Actually, I feel like my head is full of songs cuz I hear little voices in my head telling me "Hey! I am a song, sing me! Sing me". I will not let you breath, until you sing me..hahahhaa...And then another opposite voice, tells me "wait boy! music? you???!!! ahhahaa...No way! The career you have developed so far can't live together with music, and I will not let you destroy your career for music! Do you hear me! hahahaa". This is the dilemma that I am in and I can tell you that I feel like this dilemma is still growing day by day.Is it normal to have this kind of growing dilemma!!?? What can I do to free myself from this dilamma. It makes me insecure and uncomfortable? Destroy my current career? Build a new career in Music?

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Comments ( 6 )
  • yourdeepestshame

    I hope you're doing well.
    You sound like a smart fellow.
    Like you, I'm a fan of instrumental music; it can be quite beautiful and calming.
    Talking to other people is good, too.
    Personally, I find talking to a psychiatrist or therapist helps me; indeed they are wise beyond their years. I make sure to be up front and honest with them, so they can make my life better.

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    • yourdeepestshame

      That said, I think I could better understand your situation if you sent me a personal message. I'll do my very best to help you figure things out and talk to you; however, sometimes it's better to be reserved about these things in the public sphere.
      Indeed, could you message me?
      If you're not comfortable with that, I absolutely understand.

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  • xfg13

    What can you do to free yourself from the Dalai Lamma? Klll yourself.

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    • yourdeepestshame

      Original poster, don't concern yourself with xfg13, he's a dick.

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      • xfg13

        well you're a penis

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