Is it normal to walk with the sides of your soles on the ground?

This is a weird habit I have. When I'm wearing socks, I feel completely comfortable with having the entire soles of my feet making contact with the ground, but when I don't wear socks, only the sides of my soles make contact with the ground. I don't know, for some reason it just feels weird, and I don't like it. Is this normal?

Voting Results
32% Normal
Based on 44 votes (14 yes)
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Comments ( 3 )
  • dappled

    I know what you mean. I don't like the whole of my bare foot to touch the flooring surface. Partially it's the cold, partially it's something else I can't really describe.

    Sometimes I just walk on the balls of my heel with my toes in the air. It makes me walk really oddly but it's only in my flat so no-one sees. Sometimes I do the side-sole with one foot and the heel-ball with the other so it's really unbalanced and I pretend I'm the hunchback of Notre Dame. Then I swap feet and pretend my hunch has moved of its own volition. I always do the voice too. The bells! The bells!

    And, yes, I'm aware this is odd but this is only just scratching the surface of my lunacy. One day I'll tell people what I used to do with rice. But you've got to release these things a little at a time. Otherwise the men in white coats come to fetch you away to their "weekend retreat".

    Hopefully my abnormality has made you feel a little more normal yourself. Although I guarantee you try the hunchback thing some time in the next 24 hours.

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  • CrumpledPaper

    lol I do that all the time.. ever since I was a kid! I hate walking on the floor barefoot

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  • Shrunk

    hah i used to be like that even with socks on especially in hotels cus it just felt so gross otherwise... i scrunch my feet so only my toe and heel touch the floor... now its just a habit and it feels weird not to do that

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