Is it normal to wanna be single forever?

I've had way too many relationships and they all basically went the same. The man tried to control me, change me, then told me I was fucked up. Now I'm at a point where I realize, any relationship I get into, I'll have to change myself or my life in SOME sort of way just to mash it up with someone else's. I think I'm just going to enjoy how simple and inexpensive I am for myself and just live happily, successfully, and with plutonic friends lol

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85% Normal
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Comments ( 17 )
  • SkullsNRoses

    Those guys sound like right pieces of work, but you’re right that even a healthy relationship will involve compromise and if you’re not willing to do that it’s better to stay single- which is a valid choice.

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  • YE

    Where I'm from, people think you must be insane if you stay single in your adulthood. I actually think it's them who must be insane.

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  • RoseIsabella

    There's nothing wrong with being single. People who judge you for being single, and think that certainly one couldn't be happy leading a solitary life tend to be assholes.

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  • Curiouskitten444

    I think so long as youre not intentionally starving yourself of emotional nurishment youre gucci

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  • GuvnorsOtherWoman

    Certainly is. I've been single my entire adult life. Just not interested.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    id rather be plutonium friends

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  • idolomantis

    I don’t blame you, the single life is definitely underrated. I have friends who always feel like they have to be with someone, which is pretty difficult for me to relate to personally. Being single is a very freeing feeling, I highly recommend it.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    I like to stay gone all day, never come home and drink beer 24 7. My bitch of a wife tryin to change me too

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    • Vvaas

      why don't u leave her cause you sound unhappy

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  • Steinman

    If you are happy then nothing wrong with that.

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  • einexile

    Pick out a wholesome "serious relationship" dating site, and put it front and center that you are a private person, maybe difficult to get along with, who prefers to spend most of your time alone, and you are looking for someone like you. This may not be as difficult as it sounds, considering there are others like you in this thread.

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    I prefer being single, and living alone. I haven't dated in years, and don't plan on it. My last relationship ended when she said she wants to move in with me. I've been single since, and love it. Sometimes the cheapest woman charges by the hour, less headaches too.

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  • notthinkig

    Its not normal the things women endure used wonder why woman still love me more like a sickness than love.

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  • notthinkig

    Wondering same thing. After fiasco of last marriage. Like American version of midnight express visiting day max security they started make her wear clothing not expose herself kissing the glass all sick stuff. Laugh about it now came out gut wrenching poverty rain pots pans all over catching water pouring in. No food no money skinning cats making tacos she come home job had dinner ready loved them tacos never told her what she was eating. Every thing could go wrong did. After divorce said never again. I cant take drama get to a age been through so dam much just want hide under rock now learn be alone actually affraid relationships getting to serious

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  • Jamie_Sulky

    Being in a relationship means changing yourself for the other person to be able to stand you for any longer. Naturally, if two people only want to do whatever they want they cannot co exist. Relationships require compromise, and if you're unwilling to compromise, then maybe its better to stay single for you.

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  • bbrown95

    I think it's normal, and I also plan to stay single. I also don't want to compromise and change for another person, and am just happy by myself.

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  • Somenormie

    It's normal. I'm currently single after my break up but who knows I might get back into a relationship again but it's unlikely.

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