Is it normal to want a cure for autism?
I have Asperger's and I hate having it because it's impossible to get a girlfriend with my horrible disability that defines me.
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I have Asperger's and I hate having it because it's impossible to get a girlfriend with my horrible disability that defines me.
No, it is completely wrong to want a cure for an illness.
Aspergers hint: that was sarcasm. Yes, that is normal.
Asperger's ain't stoppin' you from getting a girlfriend, dude. Wasting your life on the computer as opposed to going out and living life is what's stoppin' you from getting a girlfriend.
Shit, I have Asperger's and I used to be socially awkward as shit. No friends, no life none of that shit. Then, one day, it dawned on me... maybe I don't HAVE to be a social butterfly to make friends and win people over. Maybe I just have to stop being selfish and actually make a PERSON out of myself.
I spent my teen years helping my neighbors... watching their kids, cleaning their houses, I knew a lot of people who were physically disabled and really appreciated someone young and able-bodied doing their laundry and cooking for their kids. I learned a trade - how to work on cars. Not everyone knows how to do that. I took every opportunity to learn something new or do something new or help anyone in need... and I OWN my stupidity and apologize for it. I'm not saying that everyone likes me or I have a stupidly large social circle, but I have friends and when people don't like me, it's not because I'm a bad person. It's because not everyone is going to like everyone.
The sooner you stop feeling sorry for yourself, the better.
IT IS stopping me from finding a girlfriend. Everybody knows Asperger's is worse than cancer because cancer patients still have the social skills to get laid.
I feel very very envious of those with AIDS, syphillis, tuberculosis, and severe cancer. All of them had sex, but not me, IT'S ALL BECAUSE OF ASPERGER'S!!!
Wow, this is the most ignorant piece of shit I have ever read in my life. If there is a god or even a devil I ask they will give you with aids for being a dick to cancer patients. A lot of people get cancer when they are children.
Can you imagine having to go bald and vomit all the time from the chemo. That shit is not fun. God near anything in this world is better than CANCER and CANCER TREATMENTS. No one gives a shit that you have Asperger get the fuck over it.
I dont think someone can think about sex when they are puking and dying. Not having a life at 9 years old since you developed cancer. You are the scum of humanity and you show that some people "Disorder or not" dont deserve any kind of respect or sympathy. You are a disgusting human.
No excuse.
I have Asperger's and I've had people flat out tell me they want to have sex with me a few times.
I was just like, "nah".
And I just act like myself for the most part.
I don't try to fit in or conform to society's standards.
I find that as long as I keep my anxiety levels down, I'm not too socially awkward.
You have some powerful false ideas about Asperger. It is not for you natural like other people to socialize. However your IQ may be higher than 50% of people. So use it to learn social skills in a hard way and then use them.
Just don't say it is worse than Cancer. When a cancer patient is dying the last thing he may think about is sex.
By the way, Asperger is just a word, nothing more. Yes, you are different from majority of people. However it is not the end of the world and for sure you are superior to others in many ways. You need to learn about yourself more and stop blaming this label for everything happening in your life.
No, it's not normal to want a cure for a disabling disease that you have. It's selfish to think about yourself when there are millions of starving kids on the planet.
It's their fault they're starving. Africans never do anything but do stupid mud dances and beg for white people to help them.
I'd like to see an F-15 drop a nuke on that useless continent.
This is getting boring. Your condition only defines you if you let it.
Get off this forum and get out there: find some interests other than repetitive posts and you'll find friends and maybe a lover too
Why would you post exactly the same post with two different headers? Are you just looking for attention now? Or sympathy?