Is it normal to want a flat rate tax?

Flat rate tax would do away with the IRS. You get 100% of your pay. But when you spend it you pay ruffle 14% in tax. Business the same. So everyone pays the same and, buy simply looking revenue, the guberment will have slightly more money than it does now. With some paying nothing and getting a tax return (minorities mainly, people on food stamps and Medicaid- free loaders) while others pay out the ass all year snd then have to pay in at the end of the year (people that work hard and earn a good living)

Voting Results
80% Normal
Based on 5 votes (4 yes)
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Comments ( 24 )
  • KholatKhult

    I don’t think I understand what you’re saying.

    Are you saying we should tax people for circulating money through the economy, but don’t tax those who hoard and stash it away ?

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    • Uniballerz

      That is exactly what I am saying.

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      • KholatKhult

        That’s horrible.

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        • LloydAsher

          But if you save your money in a bank you arent hording it. Hording it would be stuffing it under your mattress. While a bank will circulate your money through other investments. That's why banks gives you intrest. So it still works in a flat tax system since no money is technically stagnant if you store money in banks. Which you are incentivised to use because of intrest.

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          • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

            banks pay about 20 bucks a month interest per 100k

            most uninteresting

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        • Uniballerz

          Why? Everyone would literally be pulling their own weight. Proportionately. If you wanna save money and not buy things. No tax. But someone, at sometime. Is gonna spend it. And you pay the tax. How the heck is that horrible? Or are you just a freeloader

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    • LloydAsher

      I dont understand your usage for hording and stashing it. If you mean in offshore banking yeah I can understand that. If you are referring to investments and banks then it's not hoarding. You still pay taxes on investments.

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  • Lusty-Argonian

    I loose 500-900 in taxes every 2 weeks. I've yet to get a refund. I've had to pay in every single tax season. I have my number set to 0 so they can take all they want. I dont even make 50k yet. I think this year I will hot it though. Om at like 45kgross right now. If you work ot you get raped with tax

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    • LloydAsher

      Someone in that income bracket shouldnt be raped by taxes. My dad most definitely gets tax raped. Nearly half his income goes into the taxes and he donates a hell of alot to a multitude of programs.

      I'm all for going skeletal on goverment programs. RIP off the bandaid of social security, every person under the age of 40 onoes that they will never get a cent of social security so we should just cut it off (officially now but realistically social security will stop being a thing in 30 years)

      Military, essential goverment functions, parks. Everything else can be canned and taken up by private buisnesses working for the states.

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  • NarutoUzumaki

    IDK if i would say normal.
    IMO sales tax/VAT is a poor mans LVT/property tax. About equally easy to implement but the latter is progressive, former is regressive. Progressive tax are just better because marginal utility makes money less valuable to rich people than poor people.

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  • jodi1955

    will not happen as those who make these decisions are the same ones who are rich and know how not to pay taxes. so why would they pay any if they dont have too

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  • olderdude-xx

    The simplicity of a Flat Tax has advantages. However, it also has disadvantages.

    I personally think we would be better of if everyone payed taxes on income they earned. Note that not all cash flow is income.

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    • LloydAsher

      Does the income they earned include being paid with stocks and shares? Cause that's a loophole. Though theres not a good solution to cover that loophole.

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      • olderdude-xx

        I consider stocks and shares as a form of income.

        Legal settlements, Insurance settlements, and a few other things are sources of incoming cash flow that are currently not taxed; which I agree with.

        If someone is running a business then they get taxed on "net income" after expenses - and not gross income.

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  • RoseIsabella

    My elderly parents certainly aren't rich, but they own three houses, and have a trust. I don't think my parents should have to pay taxes out the ass for anyone in this country, because my folks worked hard for everything they have!

    I don't think the government needs more money, and I'm sure that the government misappropriates a lot of money that the general public is unaware of entirely.

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  • LloydAsher

    Flat tax rates make sense. Heck I wish that fines applied in this sense too. Make it hurt just as bad as the rest of us.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    Should give incentives to companies to pay employees more. For example if the market rate for a trailer loader is 15 an hour and your company is paying 18 an hour your company should have to pay less in taxes. Right now it seems to be the opposite companies that pay bad often get tax cuts that dont make sense. You should reward companies that pay good.

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