Is it normal to want a gf who's into piss

I've been aroused by seeing women urinate since I was 13. I've never told any of my gfs about this kink as I've been afraid they'd leave me. Wish I could find an open minded lady with the same desire as me. Is it wrong to want this

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70% Normal
Based on 64 votes (45 yes)
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Comments ( 28 )
  • Nikclaire

    No it isn't wrong to desire something as long as it's a consensual, legal act.

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  • litelander8

    You should just be honest with people. If they don't want to piss on you, they won't.

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    • Doesnormalmatter

      Well I don't think he should bring it up too soon either. It is possible for a gf of his to slowly warm up to the idea and be less likely to leave him just based on that if they knew eachother a bit first. But if he doesn't want the type or sex she wants and only likes being pissed on, then thats gonna be a big problem.

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      • Nikclaire

        I disagree. I go with the fail early, fail fast approach. The sooner you can identify incompatibilities, the less time you waste on something that will never work.

        If this is a deal breaker for either of them, better to find out sooner rather than later.

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        • xcharliebrown

          Are you ok nikkie, them drugs working? You are one fucked up person

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          • Nikclaire

            Why did you delete the post where you called me a slut?? 🤣

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        • Doesnormalmatter

          Well my last sentence is inteded to say that the first couple sentences only apply if its not a deal breaker. So if he NEEDS a girlfirend who is into piss, then I would advuse him to bring it up pretty damn quick. But if its just kind of a kink he wants to try but could live without and would enjoy a relationship without, then he doesn't need to bring it up soon, or even at all imo. It all hinges on how badly he needs it.

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          • Nikclaire

            True. I agree.

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        • litelander8

          I agree! If a dude wants me to piss on him in the shower, I'll give it a go if that's what he's into.

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          • CDmale4fem

            Can I ask if You would like to get to know each other a bit more. Or well at all. ? Give me a couple weeks I might try talking you into a shower. Lol. I'm just kidding.

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  • Flawless

    if it's what you're into of course it's normal

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  • momwatcher69

    First of all, it's not "wrong" to desire anything (except murder, or sex w/animals & children).
    I'm a fan of golden showers, among other activities, that aren't considered "normal", but it's normal, for me and my S/O, so who gives a sh** ?

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  • Wellyoudliketoknoweh

    I don’t get what people like so much about piss
    Like I find it so disgusting
    But eh, fetishes, happens
    A lot of guys here seem to be into that though I have never met anyone in rl who likes that and I’m really close with some people, talking about stuff like that pretty often
    Could someone pls explain to me who knows why it could be that arousing?

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    • EnglishLad

      - The feel of it on your skin
      - The visual aspect of it coming out of a separate hole not many guys even know exist
      - The fact that it's something private and your partner is willing to show you
      - The taboo
      - The fact that when girls are about to squirt they often feel like they need to piss beforehand, so when their partner is into piss they can just relax and let it go then achieve a really powerful orgasm
      - The amazing feeling when you relieve a really full bladder
      - The domination/submission aspect of it (some people use piss play as a form of humiliation)
      - The fact that it's such a wonderfully diverse fetish and doesn't just mean pissing on eachother. It can mean literally any sexual play involving piss ie wetting, voyeurism (watching/spying), exhibitionism (being watched), pissing outside, pissing daringly in public, drinking it etc etc etc.
      - The fact that it can tie in with many other kinks (e.g. humiliation as mentioned before, rope play, scat (one of my personal hard limits, this one, but hey I'm no kink shamer, each to their own), striptease, squirting etc etc)

      The list is endless, shall I carry on or have I made my point?

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      • Wellyoudliketoknoweh

        Alright so the squirting part I understand, combined with that matter alright
        But like I hate the smell of piss and something that’s ur body’s garbage and supposed to go into the toilet
        Well eh, dunno, happens

        Just a question right there, from where did u think girls peexD
        The second thing u wrote

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        • EnglishLad

          A lot of guys (and girls) think it comes out the vagina.
          I'm into pee though so I know it comes out of the urethra which is above the vaginal opening.

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          • Wellyoudliketoknoweh

            Don’t u have that in biology
            Like for a whole year

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            • EnglishLad

              Nope, Sex ed in England isn't covered in Biology, and even then it's separate for boys and girls so we generally know the square root of fuck all about the opposite sex haha.

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  • I had a girlfriend who I think liked this, she dropped a hint one time, she seemed disappointed with my response.

    Try searching for fetish dating websites :)

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  • jethro

    Go get a hooker to do it.

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  • bigbudchonga

    To piss on them or be pissed on by them? I think you would probably find a few who would be okay with being pissed on. Just find a masochist, and after doing more kinky things for a while, bring it up.

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  • trexagireve

    Go easy on her, don't piss her off! And she might piss you!!!

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  • cipro

    Its normal.

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  • message-man

    Hey its ok too want that. Id try it, as long as asparagus wasnt for dinner.

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  • CDmale4fem

    Hell, I sometimes find it a bit of a turn on to pre on myself in shower. I wouldn't mind having a woman stand over me or squat a little and try keeping in my cock and maybe my chest. No matter what in life there's always going to be those who are going to be negative about any and everything. It's like they always have to disagree with something just to try and make themself feel like the "righteous christian" they wish they would have been. Try getting your girl in the shower and cut loose and see how she reacts. Otherwise you will end up like myself. Afraid to talk to any females about things that probably would make a major difference in your sexcapades. For years I have been afraid to talk to others about me cross dressing. So far most don't care and even support me in my adventures.

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