Is it normal to want a relationship, but not moving together

I feel like I would want to be in a romantic relationship (so far never had been in a long term relationship or had sex). But even if I got there and regardless how much I like them, I wouldn't want to actually move together. But rather just meet up in the weekends or something. Some of reasons is I need a decent amount of alone time. And when I come home from work I'm often too tired and need that time to recover, besides either way wouldn't be on my best. And I also wake up several times a night to go to the bathroom, which I think would annoy them and disturb their sleep. Is this normal? Is it generally okay? And is it something you would be okay with if that was someone you're dating?

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Comments ( 6 )
  • bbrown95

    I also love my alone time and have said ever since I moved out on my own that I never want to live with anyone else again because I love having the place to myself, unlimited privacy, and as much alone time as I need. I think it's unusual to see relationships like that (and honestly think most people wouldn't go for that), but that it's normal to prefer living alone.

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  • CountessDouche

    I highly doubt that would work out with most people. It's an unusual arrangement. It's possible you could find someone who's into that, but it's very unlikely.

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  • Yeah as an introvert that is understandable.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    They wont wake up when u go pee after a few months. Your body gets programmed to stay asleep.

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    • Clunk42

      Tell that to my mother.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        I guess theres always an exception but my parents dont wake up and neither does me or my wife now

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