Is it normal to want a totalitarian government?
Totalitarianism: Where a state or country holds total authority over society and controls everything.
I would really love to live in a world like that, and I kind of hope we do someday. I can't stand it how people are always screwing everything up. I hate democracy because it gives people freedom, and when people are given freedom, they mess everything up and ruin the world. I would love to see all of these sort of people imprisoned or shot in the head so that people like me, who actually care about society and human future, could work together in peace.
Most people wouldn't consider this a "fun" world to live in. But I would rather live in an advanced, ordered and peaceful society than the "fun" shit pool of crime and horror that we call our world today. PEOPLE AREN'T MEANT TO HAVE FREEDOM, WE'RE NOT WILD ANIMALS. WE ARE SOPHISTICATED BEINGS WHO HAVE EVOLVED BEYOND ANIMALISTIC THINKING!! WE SHOULD BE ABLE TO WORK UNDER CONTROL AND ORDER!!
I just hate how people screw everything up. Freedom is a stupid idea because most people will probably just kill each other, destroy things and start wars and ruin the world. Humans are meant to be civilised and intelligent, so why can't we tolerate order and control? It's like we're wild animals!!
I've been called a misanthrope by my friends, but I don't hate humans. I hate the humans who disrupt the peace of the world and ruin things, and I hope that we can kill them all one day and make the world a better place. It's frustrating how I seem to be the only person who cares about this, and I'm only 18 and can barely do anything about it!
Does anyone else feel like this?