Is it normal to want a zombie apocalypse to happen?

I keep imagining a world with the zombie outbreak, and have already planned everything as to what is to be done to survive. Just need to survive for like 2 months for all the skin to rot right? Especially in my country where noon can be 38 degrees celcius (near equator) and night only 26, it could happen. Along with other theories that if they are attracted to sound, start a car alarm somewhere and run like hell to a safezone.

No 33
Yes 19
I want it to happen NOW 15
It's my dream 19
Maybe 16
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Comments ( 13 )
  • DudeUrFuglyXox

    no thats my worst nightmare!

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  • Energy

    Fuck that. Bunch of ugly shitheads walking around moaning?!

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    • ...Doesn't sound like a major change to me.

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  • purpledino8

    Lol same here! I always think about that,Tht would be awesome, I want to be like a badass chick tht kills the zombies lol its normalxD

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  • Dozis

    you have to look at the bright side:plenty of human lab rats to do all kinds of weird experiments on! Anyway it's a stupid thing to wish for, people can't get back to life. Can't die partially, Zombification is not possible. Or is it?
    No It's not possible. Or is it? anyway if you want to see something really close to a zombie you definitely must come visit the madhouse. Plenty of ugly ass people walking funny and having no clue about what's going on.
    Wandering aimlessly through the hallways till an orderly puts his hands on them and injects them with some more tranquilizers then they go all drooly and like dhu!
    Been there. I woke up five days after being sectioned convinced I just got there. If they did not tell me I had been there walking around aimlessly like, completely unaware of myself, I would not have figured out at all.

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  • Ihadtomakeyetanotheraccountffs

    I have thought of it many times and the bad simply outweighs the good.

    Sure you can shoot zombies and there will be no laws, but it would be lonely (especially if your friends/family died), there would be no Internet (I assume?). You would be on edge most of the time, even if you had a safe shelter and weapons.

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  • Ms.Caffinated

    I've been preparing since around age 5, I'm completely obsessed with the idea of Zombies. I've thought of escape plans, the right weapons, possible suicide pacts. You name it. I think its normal :P

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  • casperslee


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  • That_Dude999

    What are you going to do, if instead of a zombie apocalypse we are having an alien invasion?
    You screwed then man!

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  • TeenUndead

    I WANT THE SAME THING! I was gonna ask if other people wanted a zombie apocalypse too and then I saw this. Thank you!

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  • Glass

    In reality a zombie "apocalypse" would be easily taken down, if the infection used bites to affect others. Its not that hard to kick someone over, and the military would contain the initial infection area and sweep it with bombs within a week. Now, if the virus is spread through the air or something like that, then we have a problem.

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  • jane348

    Hmmmm... If it happens I´ll be well prepared, but while it doesn´t i think I prefer my peaceful life just as it is. (Althought I will admit one would imagine it to be kind of fun, if it happened in reality I don´t think it would be like that)

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  • Shackleford96

    Why are people scared to entertain the idea of smart zombies, that's what I want to know.

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