Is it normal to want all humans deported off the planet?
If you're reading this and thinking "probably," you're a misanthrope, like me.
With no known ecological or biological niche and having overpopulated/"saved every (useless) life!" the planet, we're now just stripping it down in short order and torturing every other species to death.
Humans are merely tool-makers (and not ever very good ones since everything is guided by self-gain only), but nothing more. We certainly didn't develop this trait in parody with psychological maturity and enlightenment to guide us as to WHEN or HOW to use said tools, or not. So, we're not superior in any way, nor so unique, either. That brings out the inherent insecurity in the Homo sapien, which then as a response victimizes anything within reach as a way of asserting dominance to gain the much-sought-after egoboost.
Which brings me to why I really despise humans and am embarrassed, on a daily basis, to be a member of the species. Anyone reading this, take note: you are most fortunate that I cannot as yet manage mental teleportation, because if I could, humans would, in the blink of an eye, be on another world where life would be measured in but a few blessedly short seconds.
I would
I would
I would
Ever other species on this planet would then breath a collective sigh of relief to be rid of us.