Is it normal to want all humans deported off the planet?

If you're reading this and thinking "probably," you're a misanthrope, like me.

With no known ecological or biological niche and having overpopulated/"saved every (useless) life!" the planet, we're now just stripping it down in short order and torturing every other species to death.

Humans are merely tool-makers (and not ever very good ones since everything is guided by self-gain only), but nothing more. We certainly didn't develop this trait in parody with psychological maturity and enlightenment to guide us as to WHEN or HOW to use said tools, or not. So, we're not superior in any way, nor so unique, either. That brings out the inherent insecurity in the Homo sapien, which then as a response victimizes anything within reach as a way of asserting dominance to gain the much-sought-after egoboost.

Which brings me to why I really despise humans and am embarrassed, on a daily basis, to be a member of the species. Anyone reading this, take note: you are most fortunate that I cannot as yet manage mental teleportation, because if I could, humans would, in the blink of an eye, be on another world where life would be measured in but a few blessedly short seconds.

I would
I would
I would

Ever other species on this planet would then breath a collective sigh of relief to be rid of us.

Voting Results
67% Normal
Based on 72 votes (48 yes)
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Comments ( 83 )
  • Katywompus

    I can stay. I'm not a bastard who pleases myself to other creatures torture.

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  • sunrah

    So we're gone. OK, I can live with that. Do you think that it would be any different if another mammal evolved and took the top slot in our absence? We share so much genetic information with them and they would be subject to the same environmental influences we were. In fact, ignoring superficial detail, I wouldn't be surprised if homo sapiens were a pretty average product of natural selection the universe over.

    This doesn't mean I don't like your idea.

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  • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

    I vote no, not normal

    "everything is guided by self-gain only"

    That applies to ALL species on the earth. Even ants are motivated by self-gain in a way.

    as for people being useless... I always find it odd when people decide to hate themselves. it's like it's the new in thing... hate yourself, hate your own species.

    it's like ... people out there want to try convincing others that even wanting to live is bad. which strikes me as crazy

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    • Miss_Anthrope

      Perhaps what's really "new" here is that some humans are actually speaking up and calling a spade a spade, and that's not "new" at all, it's being honest.

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      • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

        humans are not spades. we are not a disease that needs to be wiped out nor a plague on the earth.

        self hatred is NOT cool or trendy despite what the others tell you.

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        • Miss_Anthrope

          "we are not a disease that needs to be wiped out nor a plague on the earth."

          So says a Homo sapien.

          If we could make the communication with other species and 'ask,' the response might be very, very different.

          Various scientists have stated that animals are increasingly likely to lash out at humans because of our concentrated encroachment and our predilection to force other humans AND other species to live in captivity, as discussed here:

          What's gratifying is to see that experts aren't being bullied into keeping quiet about this either by the religious establishment or egotistical cultural baggage any longer, but seem to be more willing to call that spade a spade and "tell it like it is."

          If that makes other humans feel threatened, perhaps its because of the realization that we have collectively really and truly made a mess of things, we aren't the crowning glory, great and wonderful, be-all, end-all masterpiece creatures around whom the frikken sun revolves at all. And that, Angel, is very damaging to the fragile ego of a frightened, selfish species who, at the back of their collective little pile of fears, knows very well the planet and all the other species doesn't need us for anything, and really would be better off without us.

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          • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

            wiping people out isn't the answer.

            that's just throwing out the baby with the bath water.

            of course the BIGGEST irony is when people run around declaring that we should exterminate all humans...

            when they themselves are not only existing but also partaking of the technologies and advances of the human race.

            It's a bit like driving a car and then complaining about how cars are destroying everything... yet without any intention of stopping driving either.

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            • Miss_Anthrope

              The real irony is your response that eliminating humans "isn't the answer."

              Please see the original question!

              "Throwing out baby with bathwater" doesn't apply because you're sidestepping the actual problem stated and a hypothetical (and tongue-in-cheek!) remedy: human behaviour and unwillingness to change.

              Telling me that I'm "part of the problem" because I "use technology" is a bit non sequitor and doesn't have anything really to do with the originial question. Additionally, I did respond to another inquiry that I am willing to off myself as a Homo sapien as well, so what is the connection you're attempting to draw between "partaking of technologies" and the original supposition?

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          • shade_ilmaendu

            I agree with almost everything you're saying, except... what is to stop the next species from rising up and making all the same mistakes that we did? I would hope for a change, a shift in focus to concepts of humanity, of living closer with the earth. I see amazing potential in the human animal and in their ability to think in new ways, to empathize and to create...

            But the fact of the matter is people are fucked up. Somewhere, somehow, probably so very early on in evolution it wasn't even intentional, we let fear overtake curiousity. We let greed overtake community. Much of this can be traced back to our animal instincts... and at the same time that we must accept our nature, I feel like rising above that and holding true to a kinder, more humanistic morality is where our species can find hope.

            I feel like it would take a tragedy beyond any understanding. People are scared, they're lazy, they just wanna watch House, make love to their horrible wife and pass out before she does. It's sad to say that people would probably have to be almost decimated before they realised what was going wrong. And even would be up to chance.

            Still, if it wasn't us it would be some other dominant species, life must perpetuate itself and evolution will continue along it's chosen course whether or not we stick around for it. And sure that other race might do better... they could also be far worse. Again, all up to chance.

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  • 7even

    Okay, this is asinine. First, just to get it out of the way, if you're going to throw on the whole "look how smart I am I know big words I'm so grandiose and pretentious" learn the difference between "parody" and "parity." Too bad natural selection doesn't select for grammar. On to your actual question, yes, it's normal, to an extent. As for your argument, it's completely flawed. You seem to conveniently forget that humans are a result of the system; we are simply a reaction to our environment. And we're all toolmakers? Yeahno. The human brain, if you want to simplify the fuck out of it, as you seem wont to do, is merely a pattern-recognition device. It recognizes patterns and utilizes problem solving to manipulate the pattern to benefit itself. Therefore, we *are* rather adept toolmakers. In fact, in a system -- i.e. life on Earth -- that passively selects for individuals with the highest self-benefit rates, we are the best. Nobody is better at manipulating patterns than we are. To suggest that we are anything more than what millions of years has constantly bred us to succeed at is, by its very nature, a superior concept, as it suggests that we are more than the sum of our parts. You seem to assume this is true: that we're on a higher level (and therefore need to be held responsible for our actions) whilst simultaneously maintaining that we're on the same level as all other life. Lastly, the Japanese knotweed, which was introduced from Asia to Europe in the mid-19th century as an ornamental and fodder plant, grows rapidly, prevents native seeds from germinating, thrives on being uprooted, and can even regrow after being rooted out and washed downstream. It inhibits the success of other species, is responsible for numerous extinctions, and is one of the most invasive species on the planet. Should it be magically teleported from Earth? I suggest "you'd better be prepared to apply a standard and a concept with consistency and logic, and stop cherrypicking exceptions that benefit you personally in some way." But you are only human, after all.

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    • Miss_Anthrope

      Interesting that you've moved from starting out criticizing grammar and then quickly descended into colloquial of the vulgar/trendy kind.

      Sidebar: English is not my first language.

      "But you are only human, after all."

      I am *only* human, and do accept this, it's why a discussion like this one attracts responses from the honest to the banal.

      Don't think for a minute that I'm not aware of the affect transplanted species have had on the planet as we ourselves are also transplants, and if you know anything at all about the nature of an invasive species, by virtue of leaving its native ecosystem behind, it escapes natural predators and parasites. This leads to the displacement of native species and ultimately, imbalance.

      I currently live in a local where all but one species non-native to the ecosystem were human introduced invasive species, and there isn't one of them that benefit the ecosystem. We've lost 3 native species in the last years (officials recently confirmed this by announcing it).

      Yet another crime against the planet and another checkmark in the column.

      Do you actually think we're on a "higher level"? Higher level of what, exactly, destruction?

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      • 7even

        I don't understand you pulling some sort of ironic correlation between me correcting your grammar and then using colloquialisms. Colloquialisms are grammatically correct. The two are not mutually exclusive. Get over yourself. And no, I don't think we're on a higher level. You seem to. On a planet where nothing (i.e. all life) is held responsible for it's actions, why should we be? We're not better than the system. To suggest otherwise is a delightful showcase of your naivety.

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        • Miss_Anthrope

          Did you think anyone would miss the fact that one of your first posts merely criticizes grammatics, spelling and syntax? Many folks, myself included, see an entry post like yours as an acknowledgment that you cannot refute a premise or idea, so you either resort to one of two tactics to "have your say," and those are 1) ad hominem attacks, or 2) "correcting" minor points of spelling or grammar. This isn't new, nor particularly intellectually elevating. I won't correct your language (as you made grammatical errors as well), just comment on the concepts you share here.

          Secondly, you're assuming many things about my post, namely that I "think I'm better than you are," which seems to be your attitude towards others and is very clear in your post. Please, take your own advice (first) regaring higher levels as you seem to be assigning them arbitrarily.

          "...We're not better than the system. To suggest otherwise is a delightful showcase of your naivety."

          Non sequitur. Your assertions don't follow one another to support any particular point. In a previous post, you state, "To suggest that we are anything more than what millions of years has constantly bred us to succeed at is, by its very nature, a superior concept, as it suggests that we are more than the sum of our parts." Perhaps the naivety should invoked with that statement, because it appears you are at the same time saying we are mere products of evolution while also stating we're by default of evolution, "superior."

          Make up your mind. When you do, please then understand that your own attitude and everything you project onto others is very revealing.

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  • Why do you think animals are more important than us? What IS importance?

    Should something with only a dim awareness of it's own reality take precedent over something capable of great art and thought? (aka mankind).

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    • Miss_Anthrope

      Oh, here it is again: the support of an even standard of all immediately invokes cries of "loss of rights" for those who are in a position of privilege!

      Why is it that any time any humans points out that humans claim for themselves certain rights and standards but then commit hypocrisy by refusing to apply a right or standard logically and consistently, it's automatically a dichotomous choice of "it's either us or them!" Why can't you understand that it's a matter of fairness and justice? Your response is a throwback to the days when men were screaming at Susan B. Anthony hysterically that if women had merely the same rights as men enjoyed and demanded, that would constituted "special rights" and the world would end for all men. Or shall I also include the same position as it is applied to homosexuals? See the point now?

      "Dim awareness" is *your* perception and derived from eons of cultural assumptions that modern scientists are proving incorrect, biased assumptions mostly derived from religious doctrines (and do we even need to go into discussion as to just how harmful THOSE have been to the planet?).

      I find it ironic that those who would claim rights and justice for themselves would systematically deprive and deny it to any others. Your response really demonstrates this, unfortunately.

      What's the matter, can't stand the thought that existence really isn't all about "us?"

      Want to be treated with dignity? Fine. But you'd better be prepared to apply a standard and a concept with consistency and logic, and stop cherrypicking exceptions that benefit you personally in some way (that's what humans like to do, after all).

      If you want to live and let live, that should also apply to other creatures, too, automatically in that case. Stop trying to base said standard upon something as arbitrary as species. This is analogous to saying that slavery is wrong, but only if you're male.

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  • Darkoil

    Not everyone, just keep the people who contribute to society

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  • XxMrWoottonxX

    SHUT UP. You are emo. Congratulations.
    I hate the human race and my black eye liner proves this. SHUT UP.

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  • pambambam

    you probadly just dont fit in.

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    • Miss_Anthrope

      Seriously? That's the best you could come up with??

      Let's have a quick review system to see who "doesn't fit in," shall we?

      Is it normal to want all humans deported off the planet?
      74% Normal 59 Comments

      Please, puhleeeeze don't hit the retort key for the last word, it just makes you look desperate to fling ad hominem attacks by calling me a "bad name." Save your reputation while you can.

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      • chewy

        Yeah i am the attention seeker..... wow you should look at yourself first

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        • Miss_Anthrope

          Why? That comment in the chat wasn't intended for you anyway. But, that makes sense only if you don't think the world revolves around you and what you are saying, now duddin' it?

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          • chewy

            Oh sorry i misunderstood

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  • flutterhigh

    Ah, I remember discovering my first thesaurus... you should call yourself the ERSATZ THEORETICIAN.

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    • disthing

      I chuckled.

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    • ToddStellar

      No shit, right! Haha

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    • Miss_Anthrope

      No thanks. Neither ersatz nor theoretician here!

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  • disthing

    Well I want to continue to exist regardless of the impact my life has on the environment.

    If I was dead, I wouldn't get to enjoy the knowledge that my death meant some trees and animals and other stuff wouldn't be dead instead. Somehow, I think if it came down to it, you wouldn't be able to commit genocide and suicide because you'd never get to see the results, and you have an ego just like the rest of us.

    Even if you could muster the courage to end it all, fuck you, the moment you work out how to teleport people I'll have worked out how to block your powers and melt you... bitch.

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    • Miss_Anthrope

      "Well I want to continue to exist regardless of the impact my life has on the environment."

      And therein lies the reason why humans will selfishly destroy everything else to make bloody sure they always get their way.

      Thanks for illustrating my point for me!

      P.S. Keep the vulgarities to yourself...temper, temper :P

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      • disthing

        Dear Miss Anthrope,

        Yes, I'm selfish, as are you. It's human nature. I don't share your hatred of humanity but I understand it.


        P.S. And I was only joking... Sometimes I employ "vulgarities" in my humour. I'm not really expecting someone who wills the extinction of the human race to be a sensitive type :D

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        • Miss_Anthrope

          I'm ready to make the trip with everyone else I send, and oh, THAT constitutes selfishness? Rilly??


          But, OK.

          Sidebar: women really *don't* like being casually called "bitch." Sorry, if there was a joke to catch there, it kinna got away!

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          • disthing

            Because you want to do what's 'right' for the planet, and that's essentially driven by a desire to please yourself regardless of others, which is selfish. Rilly. That's not inherently wrong, since right and wrong are abstract concepts within human society. Even suicide can be selfish.

            Extraneous Note scribbled in the margins of a 1st draft essay, I said I would melt you with my magic powers if you tried to teleport me off the planet. The context should've been enough for you to assume "bitch" wasn't meant seriously, but it was more a joke for me anyway :P

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            • Miss_Anthrope

              Abstractions are afoot.

              "Because you want to do what's 'right' for the planet, and that's essentially driven by a desire to please yourself regardless of others, which is selfish."

              Mmmm, no. The conclusion for the need to teleport the species off the planet isn't driven by a desire to please myself at all since I would also be making the ultimate, life-ending trip.

              It's actually a gesture of reparation to other species for the damage, pain and harm generations of humans have inflicted on the planet.


              PSSSSSSSSSSST! We should talk more about the magic powers, the melting, and the joke. Does the term "biaaaatch" apply here as well? Discuss!

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  • Pearsonz

    dom108 how very wrong you are. At least research ways of propulsion before making comments. Rocket fuel propulsion will be a thing of the past.. As will burning fossil fuels to create electricity.. which again will lead to a lesser amount of "torture" to the animals.

    As to the person who wrote this.. You are an idiot who clearly doesn't understand the universe or the world. Read books or watch documentaries which portray positives and negatives on humans as a race and you shall see what we're aiming for to be just.

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    • Angel_in_a_Glass_Dress

      and most alternative power sources really aren't as good as what they're trumped up to be.

      however many political parties will rally around them trying to convince everyone it's going to "save the earth".

      although iirc if you strip away the politics and go with pure science... it doesn't actually support the politics.

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    • Miss_Anthrope

      Oh, I understand. Thanks for the ad hominem attack, you merely underscore how nasty humans are when their foibles are held up to their collective faces. Enjoy.

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  • rainbowdrop

    So when you say you want all of human race deported to another planet, you are including yourself, right? I mean, because that wouldn't make sense. I think youre being hypocritical and need to gtfo your high horse. You're a human and do human things as well, ITS WHAT WE ARE. So deal with it, or teleport your own self away. Lol its funny cause I used to be all "I hate humans gtfo" too.

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    • Miss_Anthrope

      I'll cut to the chase since you didn't read through the thread and others, reading late at night, have pointed out it's long:

      I would be making the "trip" off the planet and end myself, too, since I am also a Homo sapien and therefore part of the ultimate problem.

      Sidebar: gtfo?

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      • rainbowdrop

        Wow...hmmm wow, then I just feel sad :( you hate the human race including yourself, enough to destroy us all? I just feel bad you think that way, its depressing. Humans have flaws, but we are amazing and don't deserve to be shipped off to death, including yourself. My advice to you is to not think about it too much, its not like its really going to happen, so instead of thinking so negatively, attempt a positive thought...if I get upset with humans, I think about kitties. They never do anything wrong. Oh gtfo= get the fuck out. I was mad okay? (I still think you need to get off your high horse though.)

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        • Miss_Anthrope

          No thank you, I don't need the non-existent horse you speak of; high, low or otherwise. I've never ridden a horse in my life and don't intend to start now.

          You assert that "humans are amazing," but this again isn't uncommon for any bully ingroup to have these delusional self-images. Homo sapiens are good tool makers, I did point this out. But all that we are not, continue not to be, and continue not to evolve, change or recognize is a fairly long and substantial list, unfortunately.

          Kittens are nice, I can certainly understand why you enjoy thinking about them :)

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          • rainbowdrop

            Well its like you have this expectation of what humans are supposed to be, and since we aren't to your liking, you just want to rid of us..its kind of weird, because I mean, I know we do horrible things...but there are also great things. Imo, the good outweighs the bad. Its not like we chose to live this way, (I mean in general..not crazy serial killers, etc) we work with what we have..we EXIST...we don't have any other choice. Don't blame us, blame however we got here.

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  • ToddStellar

    Well, after reading through all of the threads, I find it quite ineffective to argue with a child full of only contradictions.
    So, I am only going to point out one thing; you keep showing that it must be normal because a higher % of people agree, though, you don't understand that they are agreeing that it is normal to feel this way, they (for the most part) are not as uneducated as you are to actually take action.
    If you were to go through the threads and use simple addition, you will see that most people think you are wrong.
    You clearly have a thesaurus beside you, you might as well grab a math book as well.

    Ironically, I hope you enjoy living your whole life believing this.

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    • Miss_Anthrope

      Thesaurus not required, a thorough working knowledge of a language is what is required. The continuous mention of it leads me to suspect that most people find another's ability to communicate concisely to be rather intimidating. As that is your case, I bid you adieu.

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  • Shnaz

    Let's start with you.

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  • Crudhouse

    Mmmm. Before taking such a big step why don't you go and live in Costa Rica or someplace where the imprint on the environment is low (and more than sustainable). But then, it's easy to say shit...much harder to do anything about it

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  • chewy

    I feel like you sometimes

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  • lol totally understandable.

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  • Miss_Anthrope:

    Well that may be, but last night you told me you were a dung beetle.

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    • Miss_Anthrope

      That's interesting as I remember you pontificating as to whether or not you were full of what those beetles dine upon.

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  • Tehboss

    Actually i do agree
    Humans are moved by their mountainsized egos and we are infact destroying most ecosystems and not only with what we burn but the simple way we live is destructive we destroy forests and make concrete jungles we construct bigger and better things for us and we don't give a flying fuck about what we destroy in the process. Off course the world would be a better place without us but the thing is were would we be put? who deserves such punishment?

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    • Miss_Anthrope

      "Off course the world would be a better place without us but the thing is were would we be put?"

      I suggested the moon (with no protective gear), but am ope to alternative options :D

      "who deserves such punishment?"

      The species Homo sapien. Unfortunately, we're all complicit to a greater or lesser degree (though I do admit some interesting points have been made through the discussion thread).

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      • Tehboss

        but then we would clutter the moon. :S

        Yes we do deserve some sort of punishment the thing is, our own disapearence would bring new questionings because if we take homo sapiens away we has a resource would disapear (our meat is part of the planet) and make yet another distruction of the planet :S

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  • DubstepismyMJ

    thats an interesting point of view. amusing

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  • Gena45

    Yes. A lot of times I do. Although I wouldn't just ship them off to another planet, I would have them all killed. But I only feel that way when someone really pisses me off. I am kind of disgusted to be part of the human race. But, as impossible as it may seem, not EVERYONE is a disgrace to mankind.

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  • MissClaire

    lemme guess......everyone except you right

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    • Miss_Anthrope

      No, I'm human, I gotta go, too. Just because I had the epiphany doesn't mean I don't have to answer to the consequences.

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      • MissClaire

        I admire that. I agree with a lot of what you have said. I often feel embarassed for the poor decisons of the mass collective - it's too bad that we cant just come together and forget about our individual ego's for one moment. Perhaps when there is a common crisis amongst us, we will alter our perspectives.

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        • Miss_Anthrope

          I think you've actually summarized a recurring theme, especially (over)used in some recent movies: "...humanity can change and be better!"

          One of the best examples was in the recent remake of The Day the Earth Stood Still, wherein the "judging authority" alien granted "an additional chance" to humans because they whined "but we can change!" as a ploy to get out of being held accountable for collective actions.

          I agree with your statement, "'s too bad that we cant just come together and forget about our individual ego's for one moment" because that may well be at the root of the problem.

          But aggregate change isn't really happening. Overpopulation is, however, and it's producing more humans who are demanding more and destroying more.

          What to do, what to do...!

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  • dom180

    Quite apart from everything else, the manufacture and propulsion of the spacecraft required to do that would probably destroy the whole planet, and would require the entire of humanity to manufacture, which would require an international suicide pact, and if we wanted to do that, we could do it right here and now and save a lot of time and effort.

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    • Miss_Anthrope

      Well, I do see your point, however...

      I actually stated, "I cannot as yet manage mental teleportation, because if I could," so that does somewhat render moot the spaceship analysis (though I do find it interesting!).

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      • dom180

        Well, the whole thing was too long, so I only read the first little bit. So it was likely that I'd have misunderstood. But even then, where would you put them all? Because there is no way that you could tera-form the Moon or any nearby planet.

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        • Miss_Anthrope

          Who said anything about terraforming? I was going to use the moon because no one would survive the teleportation!

          [And "too long" is such a relative, subjective quantity, no?]

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          • dom180

            If you just want to kill us all, there has to be an easier way than to teleport us into space. And yes, at 11 at night, pretty much anything longer than a paragraph is too long for me XP

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            • Miss_Anthrope

              LOL, fair enough!

              OK, so suggestions for eliminating the species that doesn't involve teleportation?

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    • rainbowdrop

      Idk this cracked me up

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  • Miss_Anthrope:

    Prove it. But why should I take the word of a dung beetle? You're full of shit =)

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    • Miss_Anthrope

      Scroll up and read what you read, you proved your own point adequately!

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