Is it normal to want my son out of the house!?
My wife and I had four kids. The oldest went to college and made something of herself, she works for a zoo and for wildlife preservation. My son learned a trade and became a building engineer and makes good money. My other daughter got her degree in Child Psychology and is a wonderful housewife and servant of the community and school, and her children are well-adjusted and grade levels ahead of their peers.
So that leaves my third son, 26, sitting in my god damn den right now playing some shoot 'em up game on his fucking ex-Box. He has never held down a job and refuses to go to school or learn a trade. I told him that I am not expecting him to be an over-achiever, I just want him to do something with his life other than sit around playing video games and getting drunk with his friends!
I just want him out of my god damn house and living his OWN life! I have tried setting him up with interview after interview, I told him that I would fund ANY ENDEAVOR that he wanted, from Peace Corps to being a fucking Hare Krishna cultist, anything other than sitting in my den, smoking pot and playing ex-Box and going to random parties. I even told him that I will make the first rent payment for him if he moved out! This bullshit is not right!
I have offered him therapy, his Mother has tried talking to him and trying to get him into some nice hobbies and activities and he refuses! He says he is a Jug a low clown and that it is against his religion to work for the man, I'm not buying that bullshit, I have never heard of a religion that tells its members to do anything other than work their asses off. Is this what is acceptable now? I just want his ass to grow up and get out of my HOUSE!