Is it normal to want sex and im a girl?
i always thought guys were the oones to want swex. not girls.?
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i always thought guys were the oones to want swex. not girls.?
-Facepalm- I got a thumbs down? I guess that person that gave me a thumbs down thinks it's smart to think only men want sex? -Sigh- Moving on.
Ah..."Des Mannes Art ist Wille, des Weibes Art Willigkeit, — so ist es das Gesetz der Geschlechter, wahrlich!"
thats a Nietsche quote reinforcing the position ;)
In short, "The spirit of men is will, the womans willingness - that is the law of gender, truly".
Aside from that, i totally agree with you and gave you a thumbs up again, even if your wording is possibly offensive, but hey, trolls MAY be assumed to be stupid, ne?
No. Its not normal.
All reproduction is a biproduct of rape.
Don't listen to these clowns, your vagina must be kept as pure as humanly possibly for as long as humanly possible. Only then will the will of Xenu be done.
Mmmm, gimme dat sweet, sweet swex.
Let's make swexy time!
Also yes, women get horny, and I (just like ItDuz) find it extremely hard to believe you didn't know this. Sex is how we reproduce, it's vital to our existence, so the desire is in all of us.
Don't have sex until you can speak properly!
I always never understood why my dad had the talk with me when I was 16 like I'm a freaking idiot, but maybe some people really have no clue.
O boy. If you think girls don't have sexual desires... you've got a lot of maturing to do there...
It's normal for girls to want to have sex. I however suggest you first learn how to speak properly and then maybe ask this question again. I personally hope that will take a few years.
I never stop thinking about it and I'm a girl. (Hence the name "dudebrain") I've never had a boyfriend who could keep up with me. They want it less than I do. When I was pregnant I saw it as a pass to have sex every single day (sometimes more than once) without the interruption of a period... Totally normal if you ask me...
Hold on a second while I go and bash my head against a wall due to the total and utter idiocy of this question.
If only men wanted sex, they would all be gay 'cause they'd never get any due to their female partner's not reciprocating their sexual urges. Oh yeah, and the human race would also have gone extinct.
tru, but u forgot 2 mention the probable rise of beastiality and necrophiliacs. i feel smart now :)
idk... i dont have any comen sense... what you said kinda does make sese..haha
You're supposed to be over 18 to post on this site. To avoid posts like this one here. GTFO 15 year old kid.
yes its normal i crave for it alot and i was wonderin if its normal as well
From what I've observed women are just as horny as men, it's just that they do not make it obvious when they are.
Because if guys knew we wanted sex as much as them, we wouldn't be able to lord it over men as much. :D
Because society has been shaming women who have sex drives for ages, and trying to push the idea that women are naturally less lustful. Which is nonsense. But at any rate, most of us now grow up believing that it's not okay to have sexual desires, and even if we learn that it IS okay, that shame is still internalized.
I agree with you there! The worst part is that, in my observation, I find that women judge each other for being promiscuous far more than men judge them. I have no idea why this is but honestly, any maybe it's just the women I know, but I think women that do that are hurting their own cause.
I was told by a number of women that women are normally hornier than men
lol wow what a dumb ass leaving ur cell number im gonna go give it to 80000 people now
I hope youre hot because we should hook up sometime. My cell is (336) 817-3168. If i dont live close enough you can just send me nudes and we can have phone sex
Girls like sex too! They just don't have as much as a sex drive as much usually. I'm a guy and I just wanna be naked all the time! haha that how you are?
why r u only typing with ur left hand? what happened to your right? and yes...its normal. i know girls to talk a bout sex a lot. so they must have sex quite a bit. and they must want sex a lot (follow that logic)
Its normal to have them feelings just make sure your
ready and It's with a guy or girl who really loves you
my advice is never give your self to a guy or girl just
cause you need sexual releases from hormones hey you
can always masturbate or even set it straight with a
partner that's what you want to do but good luck and
I hope you have made or will make the decision to wait
best wishes
u know u can make yourself anonymous, why let others know which username posted this?
Yes. It's normal. Women want sex to.
Think of it this way, men and women have sex all the time, it can't be unconcensual rape every time, so of coarse the desire has to be there.
of course its normal. i want sex more often than my boyfriend. im constantly horny.. please dont reproduce till you are smart enough to realize that we all crave sex...
No not normal sex is so wrong and you will go to hell for doing it just kidding, what do you think? humans want sex every living breathing thing wants sex.
I love sex. I'm a woman. Of course I don't have desires or the ability to want to have a good hard fucking...
Well then what? I haven't had sex in 3 years or so now. Oh, you thought I was a whore!
Sorry to disappoint you but you can enjoy sex without being a whore and you know, they have invented birth control.
i didnt think you where a hoe. calm ya tits lol. i was sayin well then to th godd hard fuckin
I just saw you say guys don't think you're weird for wanting sex. I wonder why they think that...
I think you've got your answer and believe me, sex is fun. Just make sure it's with someone you love/care about and you use protection.
I'm going to ignore your obvious immaturity since you must be young, no?
You think you want sex now lol studies have provein that as a women ages they crave sex more then men.
Tell my ex g/f that she wanted sex more than I did. Im not complaining lol We used to sometimes do it 3 times a day haha