Is it normal to want to be allowed to drink alcohol in your own house?

I'm tired of the rules against anything that has consequences, like smoking, and drinking. And I want to be allowed to drink alcohol in my own house, but they won't allow it. I don't care anymore, I'm rebelling from now on and I'll pour a glass of wine in front of the authorities and drink it. No rebel in history was without trouble with authorities or the law, so I'm thinking I will drink wine openly without having to hide it and I will die for it if it gets me in trouble for my right as an adult to drink alcohol, even in my own house. Is that normal?

Voting Results
73% Normal
Based on 30 votes (22 yes)
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Comments ( 17 )
  • JellyBeanBandit

    I read the entire post, and it was only when I started reading the comments that I realised it wasn't a joke post, and that 20 year old adults in America can't even drink alcohol in their own homes! That is fucked up. You could be married, have (planned) kids, own a house, own a business, be a pilot, be a pornstar, kill people in wars... but you can't drink a beer.

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  • Ho0ligan

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  • Doesnormalmatter


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  • angry

    Alcohol is haram, fuck u, lame drunkard!

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  • GaelicPotato

    Move out.

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  • megadriver

    So you're an adult, living in Australia... What's the problem? Buy alcohol and drink it.

    If you live somewhere where only overly devoted Christians (amish types) live, they might give you an angry look, but that's about it.
    And if it's in your own home, you can drink as much as you like. No cop, judge, lawyer, doctor (or anyone else) can stop you from drinking in your own home.
    Your home is your property and you can do as you please.

    If some idiot told me I can't drink in my own home, I'd flip them off and then offer them a drink out of spite.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I think this is a message from Hansberger.

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  • xxLucifer

    Fun fact: There is no actual minimum federal drinking age in America. The reason pretty much all states have it at 21 is because if they don't they won't receive some forms of federal funding.

    I live in Texas and it is legal for a parent or guardian to give their own child alcohol.

    Anyway to answer your question, I doubt any cop is going to really care if you are drinking on your own property as long as you aren't bothering people.

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    • Boojum

      Sensible response, but the OP doesn't say where he lives.

      It's possible he lives in one of those fucked-up countries where consuming alcohol can get you locked up with sadistic, fanatically religious guards, or at the very least whipped in public.

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      • Hansberger

        I live in Oldfield Street, Parafield Gardens, South Australia, where I live is run by Christians, and they think it's all about rules and regulations, I gave up religions because they're controlling powers and I don't like control, but I will sneak in a French brandy in my house thank you, I reinvented the rules in my house.

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      • xxLucifer

        There are very few countries where alcohol is illegal and in some of those countries it is legal to do as long as you are either non-Muslim or a foreigner. A couple countries do make it illegal to drink in only certain parts of the country.

        In total their are only 19 countries with significant restrictions. 4 of which allow non-Muslims to drink. The Maldives allows foreigners to drink. India and United Arab Emirates it's illegal to drink only in certain regions.

        The chances of the OP living in one of the few places where it is illegal is fairly small. Most countries have their minimum legal drinking age set to 18. The United States is the largest country where it is illegal to consume alcohol in most situations until some age over 18.

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        • Hansberger

          It's legal to drink in Australia from 18 onwards, but they threatened to dob me in to the police for drinking in my own house, that's the problem.

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          • xxLucifer

            If you aren't breaking any laws then I don't see the problem. You say you are an adult in the post so what exactly could the cops do? A crime has to be committed for cops to do anything.

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    • Hansberger

      Thanks for the advice Lucifer, I'll tell the carers the cops don't really care as long as I'm not bothering people.

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    • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

      my first visit to new orleans was when i was 19 and the state had just raised the drinkin age to 21 to keep federal fundin

      that law was strictly not enforced and it was a fuckin shitshow in the french quarter

      i was workin in tx the summera 2001 and they had just enacted an open container law but before that yall could just drive around sippin a beer long as yall wasnt over the limit

      theres still no open container law in mississippi

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