Is it normal to want to be possessed?
well i am penticostal if any of you know what that is, but the devils fightin for me hard. at oone minute i wil be scared of even the thought of being possessed. but then other times i will want to be. ildaydream about walkingin the church and being possessed and everyone looking at me like wow. shes into some dark stuff. iv witnessed some people being possessed. one time me my dad and my mom were at this church. my dad was preachin there that sunday. and this man came in, it was alter call then so he walked right to the front. and one of the other prechers puts his hand on his head and prays for him. the man started crying and then al of the sudden you see the preacher that was praying for him stand straight up. he turned pail and his eyes rolled back inhis head. then my dad went and prayed for the other preacher and then the preCHERS color comes back and then the back door slams shut. like the spirit left. but i need some advice on this.