Is it normal to want to be someones punching bag?
i dont know how to explain this. i admit i am pretty self-deprecating, loathing, and i do feel guilty and apologize for things that are not my fault. im aware of it but i cant help it. i feel guilt almost always.
so, yeah. id rather be so eones punching bag. someone to be beaten or just abused whenever th other person needs to let off some steam, this is not a kink thing, i get no sexual pleasure from this. i just feel better knowing id be of use to somebody, if even not in the best of ways.
just not any person though. i dont know. i know this isnt healthy but i cant help it. plus everyone i know is too kind and sweet and for whatever reason, they like me and would never hurt me physically.
i dont know what to do. i want to be someones punching bag. it would make me and the other person feel a lot better. i feel bad, and im sorry but i dint know what to do.