Is it normal to want to be unable to read or write?
i don't want to be able to read or write, is it normal?
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i don't want to be able to read or write, is it normal?
I'm guessing you feel this way because then you wouldn't have to read and write which is incredibly lazy.
Similar logic would be "I wish I didn't have legs so I wouldn't have to go up the stairs."
And because you think it sucks you don't want to read and write.
I have learning problems too and use spell check because my spelling sucks and I often have to read things a few times before I understand it.
I am thankful though that I can read and write because I know if I couldn't there would be much more I couldn't do.
As it is now I don't do well in school and probably wont ever graduate from a college which sucks because I have potential to do a lot more than I am. Not being able to read more than a couple pages while understanding can suck for learning new things.
The less skills you have the less options you have.
You are, just look at a language other than english (or whatever other language you speak). Preferrably one that doesn't use latin letters.
Poke your eyes out with a sharp stick and cut your hands off at the wrist; that should do it, don't you think?
This sounds like a troll... Your desire has no motivation or meaning behind it.
That makes no sense. AT ALL! Why give up something that is going to help you? That is like saying "I want no arms and legs". Why? So you can sit there and die? I bet when you have no arms and legs you are going to wish no one helped you or set things up so you could bath and eat. WTF? I call bull shit.
i want to stay blissfully ignorant, ignorant is bliss, what you don't know cant hurt you, illiterate people are blissfully ignorant, i believe what i don't know cant hurt me, i envy illiterate people at being able to be blissfully ignorant to everything, i bet they have better lifes than i do
You say you want to be blissfully ignorant so then you won't know how bad the world is etc. However if you're ignorant it still happens anyway but if you are intelligent you can at least do something about it in the best way you can.
there is so much in this world which requires being able to read and write. but if you really dont want to i recommend going to a country in which english is rare and learn how to speak the relevant language but dont bother to learn how to read or write it.
It's easier to be stupid than it is be smart. I studied that in philosophy class when I was 16, but I can't remembr who said it 0:-)
But hey, if you were in China (or somewhere where they speak very different and with weird characters) and didn't understand anything, wouldn't you feel lost.... You couldn't read the prices. You couldn't read the street names....
Read My Immortal (the fanfic). It'll kill a few brain cells. I almost forgot how to write properly after reading it.
I would consider all the people in the world who can't read or write and will never have the opportunity to learn, before making such statements.
If you weren't able to read, or write,
then you wouldn't of been able to post this question.
See, you need to write and read, I don't think you can live thorugh life without it, unless you become blind, and lose your hands. You could write with your feet through, so I guess you would have to lose those too, and maybe your mouth.
You know what? This is just crazy.
Why, do you want to be a wee tiny child again? Do you want to be helplessly ignorant and forced to trust and rely on other people for knowledge and information? Illiterate people are dependent on others. Is that what you want?
Knowledge is power.