Is it normal to want to bring back swordsmanship?

Not many people have had a life like me. I was brought up, only knowing the ways of swordplay, that is, until I started school. School always came first, even though I still practiced with a sword every day. Now, mind you, everything I know is mainly self-taught. You could explain my "style" as only the necessities (parry, blocking, attack timing). I know that this is strange, but I want to meet people that also want to bring back the old tradition of swordsmanship. It doesn't matter what kind, so long as it has to do with a sword.

Voting Results
69% Normal
Based on 71 votes (49 yes)
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Comments ( 17 )
  • MangoTango

    I know of theatrical fencing. If anyone has heard of Bob Anderson, he's a legend for training actors in movies.

    Like, bring this back as a normal everyday skill, ha. Imagine dueling at 3 o'clock to take care of an earlier insult?

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  • flatusfairy

    Absolutely fine. If we had duelling- people would be far less social rectums and colons than today.
    When duelling was banned by sword or pistolplay- the Irish, French, and many others resorted to the walking stick- french is called "la cane" and Irish shillelagh (pronounced shill-lay-liah). The movements remained the same.
    Also working class men would clog fight- sometimes for duels, sometimes for lols and sometimes for the aristocracy betting on them- which was common all over England, France, Germany, Holland- as kicking someone with wooden shoes in the head is quite often lethal. The French have retained the fighting art and it is called "sabot" (sah-boe)

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  • pambambam

    Dumb but you can do what you want.

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  • disthing

    I sort of laughed at the start of your post... It sounds like the intro monologue to a 70s martial arts B movie.

    Kung Fu has plenty of styles dedicated to using a sword, as do a variety of other martial arts. There's Kendo as well. Why not explore clubs practicing these?

    As long as you're not out and about in the middle of the street wielding your favourite katana, dressed like a Samurai, ranting about "honour" and waiting for someone to challenge you to a duel...

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  • Troniik

    thats a really cool thing, i wanna bring martial arts myself but luckier than you since theres a lot going on nowdays, but yea i also really like swordmanship the best thing to do is to find a club, kendo is still popular i think u can find something from there

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  • spacemarine

    I have also practiced swordsmanship, Im not really into fencing tho. I practice with shortswords and shields. I agree that swordsmanship is an art, and very competitive, i dont know why people frown apon it.

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    • XHaol

      I'm not into fencing either. While I do have respect for it and gladly accept it, my profession lies in Japanese swordsmanship. But, like I said, I will gladly accept any comment from any swordsman. It does not matter to me.

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  • i used to practce every day. but when everybody got tired of losing, no one would play. i miss it so much.

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    I want to see swordsmanship brought back too. swords were (and still are) cool.

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  • macncheez

    Wow. I think this sounds really cool.

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  • timebobbu

    Those wobbly shlongs they call swords in fencing are retarded, people want to see some scimis and 2hs!

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    • XHaol

      Please do not criticize other people's views of swordsmanship. A sword is a sword, no matter how you look at it. No form of swordsmanship is better than other, as long as respect and discipline are put into the art.

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  • You should take up fencing

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  • You could become rich. Start ur own business, club, etc. Because I'm sure there's a lot of people who feel the same as you

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  • imgx64

    Everybody needs a hobby, and your hobby is much better than many others. I say go for it, find other people interested in it and join them. The Internet is a great place to start.

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  • deepthought33

    Start a group. One day you'll be organizing conventions and classes for it.

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    • XHaol

      Many thanks for your kind words.

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